So what is your time frame? Is there a point where you look around and say," huh, 5 years and nothing has happened,guess I was wrong"?
According to areeves I should be slowly drowning in a lake of fire right now, literally.
So what is your time frame? Is there a point where you look around and say," huh, 5 years and nothing has happened,guess I was wrong"?
Wake up, prophecy is being fulfilled daily. Did you think you’d see a time where a male can “identify” as a female & walk into a female bathroom. Did you think you’d see a time where the education system & NWO government are teaching kids to consider changing their sex. Or a drag Queen having story hour @ the library. Or China purchasing 200 thousand acres of farm land in the USA. Or China floating a spy balloon over our country for 4 days. Or record temperatures after record temperatures. Or Biden hiring 87,000 more IRS agents to harass small businesses & the American people. Wait till China invades Taiwan, you’ll see hyper-inflation @ its pinnacle. The NWO is buying farmland globally, No farms, No Food. I can go on & on!So what is your time frame? Is there a point where you look around and say," huh, 5 years and nothing has happened,guess I was wrong"?
Wake up, prophecy is being fulfilled daily. Did you think you’d see a time where a male can “identify” as a female & walk into a female bathroom. Did you think you’d see a time where the education system & NWO government are teaching kids to consider changing their sex. Or a drag Queen having story hour @ the library. Or China purchasing 200 thousand acres of farm land in the USA. Or China floating a spy balloon over our country for 4 days. Or record temperatures after record temperatures. Or Biden hiring 87,000 more IRS agents to harass small businesses & the American people. Wait till China invades Taiwan, you’ll see hyper-inflation @ its pinnacle. The NWO is buying farmland globally, No farms, No Food. I can go on & on!
Israel had not become a nation 100 years ago. Israel becoming a nation in 1948 started the prophetic clock ticking when JESUS said, “This Generation Will NOT pass away until all these things have taken place, including Israel becoming a nation & JESUS’s Return.And 100 years ago they had simar changes that they were shocked by, Women could vote, African Americans could buy land and go to school with whites. We suddenly had all sorts of medical advances.
What you recognize as signs of the apocalypse I see as typical human advancement. Every generation sees the younger generation as more corrupt and are scared by the advancements.
Israel had not become a nation 100 years ago. Israel becoming a nation in 1948 started the prophetic clock ticking when JESUS said, “This Generation Will NOT pass away until all these things have taken place, including Israel becoming a nation & JESUS’s Return.
Saint Malachi’s Prophecy had not been fulfilled until the 112th Pope became Pope in 2013. In 1139, GOD told ST Malachi there would be 112 more Popes & the last Pope would be A Destroyer, Would be the Only Pope To Not Take a Symbol & Would Be Called, Peter The Roman. The Final Pope is here. Yet another sign we’re the terminal generation.
St Malachis prophecy is a hoax.
9 Things You Need to Know About the Prophecy of St. Malachy
Who was St. Malachy, what is the ‘prophecy,’ and what should we think of it?
I’m not going to argue with you! Everything I said will come to pass!St Malachis prophecy is a hoax.
9 Things You Need to Know About the Prophecy of St. Malachy
Who was St. Malachy, what is the ‘prophecy,’ and what should we think of it?
Fwiw, I've tried this. There are so many details that are just objectively wrong (and easily disproved) when you go through it. He, of course, isn't gonna hear it.
I’m not going to argue with you! Everything I said will come to pass!
That is Nonsense, it’s Absolutely Reliable & Saint Malachi’s Prophecy is NOT a hoax but Spot on. Let’s see where we are by 2026. By then, you’ll realize the information I’ve provided has been accurate.I just pointed out that the basis for you belief in the end times is not considered reliable, and the vast majority of scholars thinks it's a hoax
That is Nonsense, it’s Absolutely Reliable & Saint Malachi’s Prophecy is NOT a hoax but Spot on. Let’s see where we are by 2026. By then, you’ll realize the information I’ve provided has been accurate.
No, because @ some point that will happen if you believe the Bible. Revelation 13 says, “He (False Prophet) causes everyone, small & great, Rich & Poor, free & bond to receive a mark in their hand or forehead,So if by 2026 we aren't in FEMA camps, we haven't put RFID chips, etc you will admit that you were wrong?
So if by 2026 we aren't in FEMA camps, we haven't put RFID chips, etc you will admit that you were wrong?
So if by 2026 we aren't in FEMA camps, we haven't put RFID chips, etc you will admit that you were wrong?
So if by 2026 we aren't in FEMA camps, we haven't put RFID chips, etc you will admit that you were wrong?
Revelation 13:16
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:”
I won’t say I was wrong about it happening. It’s in the Bible, it’s going to happen. I’ll say my timeline was wrong in regards to when it happens.
You’re a piece of work! It absolutely is! In fact, GOD promises a special blessing to those who read Revelation.Or, you have completely shoe-horned conspiracy theory into Revelations. Revelations is not meant to be either understood, or used literally.
You’re a piece of work! It absolutely is! In fact, GOD promises a special blessing to those who read Revelation.
No, it’s says you won’t know the Day or Hour, & I don’t claim to. JESUS did say, when you see all these things (What I shared with you today in Mathew 24) lift up your head because your redemption draws near.He also said you wouldn't know the time or place of his return... But, that doesn't seem to stop you.
No, it’s says you won’t know the Day or Hour, & I don’t claim to. JESUS did say, when you see all these things (What I shared with you today in Mathew 24) lift up your head because your redemption draws near.
It’s Absolutely NOT a fraudulent prophesy, to the contrary. I NEVER said JESUS was coming back in 2026. What I said was, I believe the Fourth Seal Will be opened up soon. I believe The US Navy Maps for 2020-2025, which depicts FL underwater, the east & west coasts underwater & the states along the Mississippi River underwater.You literally have said that you expect it anytime now until 2026, seems like you think you know the time...
You have based all of this off of a fraudulent "prophecy" that wasn't written by the purported writer.
Honest question, do you discuss your feelings with family and friends? Do they agree with you, or is this an issue with you and family?