The Biblical answer is clear that God is all knowing and all powerful. The problem of evil and such evil as described in the linked articles is an understandable objection to either the existence, sovereignty, or goodness of God. A Christian should not ignore that common objection but seek to address it.
The Bible is clear that God alone is Creator and upholds and sustains the universe. The best description of the Bible's teaching IMO is the Question #5 of the 17th century Westminster Shorter Catechism: To the question, "What is God", the answer given is "God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, goodness, justice, and truth"
All Christians are not Reformed Presbyterians/Baptists etc. , yet I would argue that my faith/views are indeed logical according to the teaching of Scripture. Since God is infinitely holy and we are finite human beings, it does seem logical that God can have reasons for allowing suffering/evil of which we will not understand (not my original idea). The death of Christ is an example of God ordaining suffering to accomplish the end of atoning for the sins of those united to Christ through faith. Yet for many of us and in many cases we do not immediately see or can imagine any possible good coming from such abuses as linked in these articles...and indeed it does seem terrible to even admit that "good" can come from such evil. Yet Scripture is clear that God hates evil and the evil doer. It is also clear that all of us have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Though all sin violates the holiness of God and deserves his just judgment, some sins are more heinous than others. But yes, God hates these sins and will judge the evildoer. At the same time He cares for the downcast and oppressed ones despite what they or you/I feel. As hard as it seems to them or us, they too are called to turn to Christ and though their worldly life has sucked, life more abundant offered to them, not always in this life but certainly in the life to this point many will stop listening...but that is the clear teaching of Scripture.
God has chosen to redeem some and left others to perish in their sins. Those who perish in their sins receive justice and those who trust in Christ are saved by grace and mercy. In all of this, we have free will and responsibility to turn from unbelief and receive Christ as Redeemer and Lord...How does such teaching as God's holiness, sovereignty, election/ Man's free will exactly work... as one pastors said, "I don't know and neither does anyone else". My point is that both seeming paradoxes are taught in Scripture and it is logical that finite minds would not understand the infinite mind of God.
Many will laugh and want no part of Christianity. Yet I must contend that it is no more illogical than thinking that our ability to write, reason, argue over the internet, love, hate, and all that makes us human...all of that originated from nothing and billion of years of chance, evolution...I see design and think Creator...others think other things...but there are consequences to what side of the fence we land on if the Bible is true.
And yes, earthly churches have provided too many examples of corrupt people who are not part of the true Church of Christ, but predators who have brought reproach on the name of Christ. Earthly churches must learn from this to purify themselves and protect against such evil, but don't throw out the whole institution with the bath water.