Clemson professors plan walkout tomorrow over lack of COVID precautions

I’m a professor. Albeit not at Clemson. That said, that’s a ridiculous move by a bunch who don’t appreciate the gravity of what it is they’re supposed to be doing.

They’re not walking out over policy. They’re walking out on a bunch of kids who for 18 months have deserved better than what they’ve gotten virtually.

They just had 3-4 months off after hardly working the last 18. Get your ass in class and help somebody.

*steps off soapbox
I’m a professor. Albeit not at Clemson. That said, that’s a ridiculous move by a bunch who don’t appreciate the gravity of what it is they’re supposed to be doing.

They’re not walking out over policy. They’re walking out on a bunch of kids who for 18 months have deserved better than what they’ve gotten virtually.

They just had 3-4 months off after hardly working the last 18. Get your ass in class and help somebody.

*steps off soapbox
Uh, might want to read the article. They are NOT walking out now that the SC Supreme Court said it was ok for colleges to mandate masking.

But let them walk out. We found out last year just how vital college professors are to education. Folks that didn't set foot in a classroom for a year still got the same diploma as the rest of us who listened to some droning professor who was just trying to get that hour over with so they could go back and hide out in their lab.
It’s on the State’s website if you need
I’m a professor. Albeit not at Clemson. That said, that’s a ridiculous move by a bunch who don’t appreciate the gravity of what it is they’re supposed to be doing.

They’re not walking out over policy. They’re walking out on a bunch of kids who for 18 months have deserved better than what they’ve gotten virtually.

They just had 3-4 months off after hardly working the last 18. Get your ass in class and help somebody.

*steps off soapbox
Spot on!
I’m a professor. Albeit not at Clemson. That said, that’s a ridiculous move by a bunch who don’t appreciate the gravity of what it is they’re supposed to be doing.

They’re not walking out over policy. They’re walking out on a bunch of kids who for 18 months have deserved better than what they’ve gotten virtually.

They just had 3-4 months off after hardly working the last 18. Get your ass in class and help somebody.

*steps off soapbox
Do you teach Parapsychology at Columbia University?
Do you teach Parapsychology at Columbia University?
Do they not know how to measure 6 ft to be able to stand a safe distance away? Only half joking.
I know this is not happening now, but how stupid are they? If they buy the mask mandate making them safe why not just use social distancing? What do you think the chances are of getting the virus is if you have the vaccine and wear an n95 mask? Obviously most of them were not in the math department, lol.
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I have 2 kids at Clemson now and I am working my butt off ( as is my wife) so that they can get an education. I don’t know where these professors get off thinking they are any better than the millions of people that still get up and work everyday. If they don’t want to do their job, then they can just settle in on the government teat and let’s find someone who cares about what professors are supposed to care about- teaching kids!!!

The only issue now is maxed out ICUs.
What does a maxed out ICU have to do with a college professor teaching a few unvaccinated kids without masks?

Like, do these professors think that the ICU will not be as full because the kids aren't gathering for 50 minutes in a classroom? But these same students are doing other activities together.

But then how many of these kids are going to the ICU? And the professors are vaccinated, so they're not going to the ICU.

So what's the link?
What does a maxed out ICU have to do with a college professor teaching a few unvaccinated kids without masks?

Like, do these professors think that the ICU will not be as full because the kids aren't gathering for 50 minutes in a classroom? But these same students are doing other activities together.

But then how many of these kids are going to the ICU? And the professors are vaccinated, so they're not going to the ICU.

So what's the link?
The ICU is still needed for non covid issues