Clemson professors plan walkout tomorrow over lack of COVID precautions

What does a maxed out ICU have to do with a college professor teaching a few unvaccinated kids without masks?

Like, do these professors think that the ICU will not be as full because the kids aren't gathering for 50 minutes in a classroom? But these same students are doing other activities together.

But then how many of these kids are going to the ICU? And the professors are vaccinated, so they're not going to the ICU.

So what's the link?
I can buy that unvaccinated college kids not wearing masks in class would contribute to ICUs filling up. Remember, even if the chance of a college kid having severe disease is relatively low, since Covid is infecting a lot of people it still means there will be a significant amount getting severe disease.

What I can’t buy is that professors are walking out because of concern for their students. These are people who are afraid that they’re in danger even if they’re vaccinated and wearing a mask, and even throw the older and more at risk people can get boosters. Also, if a particular professor is more concerned, couldn’t they specifically ask their class to wear masks?

*now I see that masks are being required inside. So what are they worried about?
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I can buy that unvaccinated college kids not wearing masks in class would contribute to ICUs filling up. Remember, even if the chance of a college kid having severe disease is relatively low, since Covid is infecting a lot of people it still means there will be a significant amount getting severe disease.

What I can’t buy is that professors are walking out because of concern for their students. These are people who are afraid that they’re in danger even if they’re vaccinated and wearing a mask, and even throw the older and more at risk people can get boosters. Also, if a particular professor is more concerned, couldn’t they specifically ask their class to wear masks?
If they are claiming it is over concern for students, then they honestly should not be teaching. The risk to college kids is negligible. Also, very little close contact with students. As an extreme precaution, the professors could wear an n95 mask. There would be almost no chance they could get the virus if they were wearing an appropriate n95 mask and had the vaccine.
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Do they not know how to measure 6 ft to be able to stand a safe distance away? Only half joking.
I know this is not happening now, but how stupid are they? If they buy the mask mandate making them safe why not just use social distancing? What do you think the chances are of getting the virus is if you have the vaccine and wear an n95 mask? Obviously most of them were not in the math department, lol.
Well hate to break it to you, but Ivy League Brown University studied multiple schools that mandated masks and those that didn’t mandate. The schools that mandated masks had significantly higher infection rates. Anything but a properly fitted and tested KN95 mask is just about useless. I’ve spoken with many doctors about this, off the record, in their homes.
think of the masks 99.9% of people are wearing as a soccer net. The water vapor leaving your body at multiple feet per second as a wet soccer ball. The water drops on the soccer ball are the virus. When the ball hits the net (ie a mask) the droplets fly off the ball and go right through the net.
Stanford’s Hoover Institute reviewed 17 clinical studies on masks last year and reached the same basic conclusion- they aren’t effective and actually harm people’s health in multiple ways
Well hate to break it to you, but Ivy League Brown University studied multiple schools that mandated masks and those that didn’t mandate. The schools that mandated masks had significantly higher infection rates. Anything but a properly fitted and tested KN95 mask is just about useless. I’ve spoken with many doctors about this, off the record, in their homes.
think of the masks 99.9% of people are wearing as a soccer net. The water vapor leaving your body at multiple feet per second as a wet soccer ball. The water drops on the soccer ball are the virus. When the ball hits the net (ie a mask) the droplets fly off the ball and go right through the net.
Stanford’s Hoover Institute reviewed 17 clinical studies on masks last year and reached the same basic conclusion- they aren’t effective and actually harm people’s health in multiple ways
Either you did not mean to reply to me or you did not understand my post. I am not in favor of masks for students. If the professors are scared, have them wear an n95 mask for protection. This combined with vaccine would make the risk of contracting the virus themselves practically zero.
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Sounds like you probably shouldn’t have gone to college

Relationships made in college have been way more valuable than anything taught to me in a classroom. Everything I apply in the real world was taught in the real world. Glad I got that third semester of French in my junior year. Its almost come in as handy as those calculus classes.
Relationships made in college have been way more valuable than anything taught to me in a classroom. Everything I apply in the real world was taught in the real world. Glad I got that third semester of French in my junior year. Its almost come in as handy as those calculus classes.
Happy for you, honestly. How you jump from there to the position that higher education is essentially useless and professors couldn't possibly do something else in life is interesting at best, idiotic at worst.
Well hate to break it to you, but Ivy League Brown University studied multiple schools that mandated masks and those that didn’t mandate. The schools that mandated masks had significantly higher infection rates. Anything but a properly fitted and tested KN95 mask is just about useless. I’ve spoken with many doctors about this, off the record, in their homes.
think of the masks 99.9% of people are wearing as a soccer net. The water vapor leaving your body at multiple feet per second as a wet soccer ball. The water drops on the soccer ball are the virus. When the ball hits the net (ie a mask) the droplets fly off the ball and go right through the net.
Stanford’s Hoover Institute reviewed 17 clinical studies on masks last year and reached the same basic conclusion- they aren’t effective and actually harm people’s health in multiple ways
This isn’t really true. I don’t understand your soccer ball analogy at all, but many studies have shown that in individual situations, masks work. What’s more questionable is if they work at a population level. There’s some evidence that they can lower the number of infections, but of course that depends on so many individual factors that the individual effectiveness of masks may not translate well to the population level.

Also, The Hoover Institution is just based out of Stanford. They’re a think tank with a particular point of view, so they’re quasi-academic. I like their work, but they’re not really known for expertise on medical matters. I would guess that their lit review is probably more about the effect of mass mask mandates rather than mask effectiveness, per se.
Happy for you, honestly. How you jump from there to the position that higher education is essentially useless and professors couldn't possibly do something else in life is interesting at best, idiotic at worst.
It’s just typical anti-intellectualism from people who don’t value education. As that poster said, nothing he learned in college has been important to him.
Need to fire every last one that walks out… good way to cull the liberals out of higher ed
Most professors in academia are more moderate to liberal leaning in their political ideology. A Trump University certificate is not adequate qualification to teach at any university, including Trump University. 🤔
And hire who?
Doesn’t really make things moot. Having a mask mandate makes this moot if that’s what the faculty was upset about.
They were walking out over what they perceived was a lack of university precaution as it concerned the virus. They got part of what they wanted due to the court ruling and the university imposing a mask mandate, so they aren't walking out anymore.
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Sounds like a great opportunity to fire them. The faster we get rid of all the wokesters on campus the better off the world will be. Can we fly them all to Afghanistan?
This isn’t really true. I don’t understand your soccer ball analogy at all, but many studies have shown that in individual situations, masks work. What’s more questionable is if they work at a population level. There’s some evidence that they can lower the number of infections, but of course that depends on so many individual factors that the individual effectiveness of masks may not translate well to the population level.

Also, The Hoover Institution is just based out of Stanford. They’re a think tank with a particular point of view, so they’re quasi-academic. I like their work, but they’re not really known for expertise on medical matters. I would guess that their lit review is probably more about the effect of mass mask mandates rather than mask effectiveness, per se.

Masks, as the average person wears them, do not work. All these studies that we talk about showing their effectiveness deal with people properly wearing n95 masks and changing them out regularly. That is not what goes on in the general public.

The masks that people wear now do not work. They never have, and of course, when you look at the data there is no evidence to suggest they have. Infection rates remain extremely high even in areas that mandate masks inside and outside. It's a ridiculous argument that has lived far longer than it ever should have. Worse yet is it gives people a false sense of security which has contributed to greater spread of covid in many cases.
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Yea they are
C'mon dude, there are college kids in ICU for a litany of issues. If you look hard enough you'll find some. We can't stop society over .0001%. And yes, I have a daug at CU. She's a soph and her college experience has SUCKED. Especially for the 25k yr it costs me. She signed up for Clemson, not the University of Phoenix online.
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Masks, as the average person wears them, do not work. All these studies that we talk about showing their effectiveness deal with people properly wearing n95 masks and changing them out regularly. That is not what goes on in the general public.

The masks that people wear now do not work. They never have, and of course, when you look at the data there is no evidence to suggest they have. Infection rates remain extremely high even in areas that mandate masks inside and outside. It's a ridiculous argument that has lived far longer than it ever should have. Worse yet is it gives people a false sense of security which has contributed to greater spread of covid in many cases.
No, they don't just deal with N95 masks. Yes, they do assume people wearing them correctly, for the most part.
And hire who?

Not even close to true. This is just anti-intellectual nonsen

Not even close to true. This is just anti-intellectual nonsense.

Those who can't do, teach.

99% of college professors are failed private sector citizens.
OK, this one needs to be called out. Please provide a link to stats on this. I don't mean to be inflammatory, but I'm assuming with a statement like that, you don't have a college degree--and that's fine (and I'm assuming you're doing quite well in your life), but don't spew crap like that.
Getting real close to recommending trade school for 11th grade son lol

surprising but ROI on most college degrees sucks when compared to state vocational degrees for many

electricians, plumbers, carpenters are making a bunch compared to for example the teachers in SC
C'mon dude, there are college kids in ICU for a litany of issues. If you look hard enough you'll find some. We can't stop society over .0001%. And yes, I have a daug at CU. She's a soph and her college experience has SUCKED. Especially for the 25k yr it costs me. She signed up for Clemson, not the University of Phoenix online.
I find your repeated use of "daug" to be humorous in some odd, difficult-to-explain way.
I 100% understand wearing masks in certain situations.

But I cannot understand why vaccinated college professors would care if college kids wore masks inside a classroom in which they have very limited interaction with them inside of 6 feet.
I can understand wearing mask in certain situations. I can’t understand wearing one to stop an airborne virus.
I’m with the professors. Issue is moot after the Supreme Court ruling today. Get vaccinated and wear a mask knuckleheads.
Get vaccinated and wear a mask; what a freakin joke. Neither apparently work very well but let's keep up the charade so it doesn't hurt our social credit scores.
Took thirty seconds and of course you wouldn’t do it yourself because you’re probably one of the brainwashed but that’s just a hunch…