Corona COVID China virus

And I bet you wouldn't quarantine either. Nothing like selfish people who feel that their needs outweigh the risk of exposing others.

Assume all you’d like. You could not be more wrong. I would absolutely quarantine myself 100% for the amount of time I needed to. Getting a test telling me I’m positive though changes nothing.
A disposable medical mask easily bought, work better than cotton clothe mask. That’s what I wear. It has more filters.

I think we should have done what Sweden/ Hungary did. Regardless of the fake stats, the main stream media gives, those country’s did far better than anyone else in Europe. It’s just embarrassing for most countries and media to admit it.
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A disposable medical mask easily bought, work better than cotton clothe mask. That’s what I wear. It has more filters.

I think we should have done what Sweden/ Hungary did. Regardless of the fake stats, the main stream media gives, those country’s did far better than anyone else in Europe. It’s just embarrassing for most countries and media to admit it.
Their death rates were way higher than their adjacent countries. Pretty much everyone has finally realized that Sweden approach didn't work.
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The lack of social awareness and insensitivity is striking. You’re entitled to your opinion, but OP just shared about having a SECOND family member die due the virus. Your best post would be to just not share your opinion in response to his lament.

Statistics don't matter if that is your personal narrative. even if the statistics are true, there is a time and place to share it. This is not it.

maybe try “ I’m sorry for your loss, OP”

I'm sorry for your loss too OP, just had a Grandparent admitted to the hospital this week with it.

I never thought it would hit my family, but it did. Prayers needed, and thanks for posting. This thing is real, believe it or not, people are getting very sick from it.
Im sorry for your loss OP.

Im really torn on the mask piece. I wear one whenever I go to a public place, but I have a bar I go to once a week. Pretty much no one wears one once seated in the bar. I have been doing this since the original phase opened up the place for business.

My mom recently contracted the virus. No not from me as she lives at the beach and we hadnt been down to visit in over a 6 weeks. She follows the guidance and wears a mask in public as well. So, very hard to say where or how she contracted the virus. Step dad in same doesnt seem to have contracted, but not fully out of the 14 day quarantine yet.

There really is very little rhyme or reason to the virus.
Got a better chance of getting struck by lightning in Costco than getting COVID while shopping in any store. Continue wearing your bacteria trap that was laying in your car seat or in your pocket all day though.
I swear I think their are some Russian or Chinese hacks running around this forum
I can read, and the longer the post goes the more accurate his word choice appears.

People often have to progress through stages of anger during grief. Mine in a cooler and calmer moment he will regret his word choice. But at this moment I imagine he is feeling validated.

a Clemson man would just let the post go rather than feel like they have to provide a counter point. This isn’t a “last word wins” contest.
yes A Clemson man always takes the high road!
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This is simply not true... You have very little chance of being struck by lighting in Costco. You have a decent chance of catching COVID if you are around it. So that part of your statement is just silly (which I assume you meant it to be). Every infectious disease expert in the country says that wearing a mask and socially distancing is a good idea. So please tell us Dr. where are your credentials or if you aren't an infectious disease expert, name your sources that say wearing a mask doesn't work.

Now if you catch COVID, you have a really good chance to survive it. You have a really good chance to not have any long term effects b/c of it. But we are working toward a quarter of a million of your fellow Americans dying from it... That's NOT a "bad flu" season.

Real People.
Real Scientists.
Real, solid opinions.
I just had a second family member pass from this awful virus. It doesn’t matter where it came from or who caused it .... just please wear a mask when in public. It’s not a political thing ... it doesn’t cost you anything. But it could save your grands. This is my second time begging y’all please just wear one and stop being an asshole.
So sorry for your loss and agree with everything you said!
Im sorry for your loss OP.

Im really torn on the mask piece. I wear one whenever I go to a public place, but I have a bar I go to once a week. Pretty much no one wears one once seated in the bar. I have been doing this since the original phase opened up the place for business.

My mom recently contracted the virus. No not from me as she lives at the beach and we hadnt been down to visit in over a 6 weeks. She follows the guidance and wears a mask in public as well. So, very hard to say where or how she contracted the virus. Step dad in same doesnt seem to have contracted, but not fully out of the 14 day quarantine yet.

There really is very little rhyme or reason to the virus.

I agree on the mask question, I'm not sure it does anything but the virus is very real. Thats my only point
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Confusing to me how grown adults still miss what function you wearing a mask serves. It really has zero to do with you protecting yourself in public. Has everything to do with you passing your germs to others. In the same way that you cover your nose when you sneeze or cough into your hands or elbow. Never heard anyone refuse to do those very basic things but wearing a mask is in the same thinking. For me, it really becomes an act of kindness or respect for my fellow man.
I figure 7 months is long enough to be a prisoner in my country. My body my choice. Wear a mask if you don’t want to catch it.
LMAO...didn't realize that a mask makes one a prisoner. Should save a lot of money on jails and handcuffs

Not prison in the literal sense, but businesses and schools closing, people initially rationing food and supplies. It’s 7 months later and for most parts of the county we are still no where near being back to normal after being told originally it was just going to be two weeks to slow the spread. I’m over it. Get on with life.

I’m sorry people have lost loved ones, I truly am, but it’s time to get back to normal. We have enough PPE, therapeutics and the mortality rate is basically 0. It’s beyond ridiculous at this point IMO.
China definitely lied about their numbers...WAY on the low side. But, India, Brazil, UK, Spain, France, Chile, etc., etc. are all suffering from this virus as bad as we are. Other than China, it doesn't appear that any other countries are sandbagging numbers.
Is Trump also responsible for the rising cases in France, UK, Italy, etc? After all, he has blood on his for 200k+ Americans right?
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I wear a mask if it helps others. However, i hope the politicians dont even think about shutting down the economy again. Imo, we have to learn to live with it. Wear a mask and the at risk can stay in the house.
Sorry for your loss.

I just got over having it. Luckily it wasn't bad. We had a family dinner while I was in SC a few weeks ago, where apparently we got it from my brother. He admitted that they'd had an outbreak in his office, 11 of 25 employees tested positive. And he's not much of a mask wearer. So seven of us became positive.

Luckily my 83 year old mother and 78 year old step father were only mildly ill like the rest of us. Wonder how he'd have felt if we weren't so lucky.

Thank God man. So glad your at risk folks dodged that bullet. Obviously we see in this thread that everyone doesn't...
Is Trump also responsible for the rising cases in France, UK, Italy, etc? After all, he has blood on his for 200k+ Americans right?

No, he's not. BUT he DOES have blood on his hands for the 200K+ Americans. Again, I'm not in the camp that says he did everything wrong. He definitely did some things right. The main thing was getting federal resources to hard hit areas first. We were REALLY close in some areas to getting snowed under by cases, but the fact of the matter is that we didn't.

If Trump had just followed the simple directions provided by his own task force, he'd be in autopilot for reelection. It's cynical, but true, that NOTHING gets a President reelected like weathering a crisis and simply looking Presidential. But NOPE. In typical Trump style, he takes white meat chicken and turns it into chicken shiit (for further reference, see how he takes 250 million dollars his dad left him and loses it all, not 1, not 2, but 3 times). Thank God the Russians were willing to lend him money, b/c no one else was.

But I digress. ALL the man had to do was stand in the briefings and keep his mouth shut. Then at the end, say something encouraging. Then do what the scientists said (in Public) and make encouraging noises. The economy is a big deal, but he would have gotten a pass on that... Hell, I hate the man and don't blame him for the economic crisis. But nope, he can't keep his mouth shut and he can't do what he needs to do if he doesn't agree with it. So he disagreed with his scientists publically, didn't follow the directives of his own task force, and belittled and minimized something that has killed more Americans than any war (WWII and the Civil War excepted).
Bubonic plague killed up to 200 million people in just 4 years in Europe and Asia. Covid has a survival rate of 99.9% if you are under the age of 75. Even knowing the vast differences and circumstances in these 2 examples, I’ll still wear the mask.
I wish knew about mask during the Flu Season. Would have saved so many pneumonia deaths annually. Its terribly sad and irresponsible to wait on something like this when we could have been saving lives all this time. One of the few good things about 2020 is nobody dies of old age anymore.

I wonder why they've never told us that mask work?
Why would I? What does it change as long as I quarantine myself and don’t get around anyone?

1. you should get tested to make sure you dont still have it. I had a friend who had it, it took 35 days to finally get a negative test.
2. My mother in law thought she had it - sick, really hard time breathing - she got two negative tests and then went to the doc, found out she had bronchitis not covid. Saved herself some quarantine time by getting tested.
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Why would I? What does it change as long as I quarantine myself and don’t get around anyone?
Because you don't treat a broken arm with an anal suppository? Why would you willfully be ignorant about your own health? It's because of politics?
Because you don't treat a broken arm with an anal suppository? Why would you willfully be ignorant about your own health? It's because of politics?

This. It is amazing to me that so many people on this board who complain about democrats making the coronavirus political don't understand the scale to which to they themselves are making it political.

A friend of mine's parents went to early vote in CA and were accosted in line by a dude in a truck with trump flags who pulled up and started revving his engine over and over, honking and yelling at them to "take off their damn masks sheep".
This. It is amazing to me that so many people on this board who complain about democrats making the coronavirus political don't understand the scale to which to they themselves are making it political.

A friend of mine's parents went to early vote in CA and were accosted in line by a dude in a truck with trump flags who pulled up and started revving his engine over and over, honking and yelling at them to "take off their damn masks sheep".

Yawn... you and your dramatic tabloid stories.
I don't often wish suffering and death upon people, but some of these responses have made me reconsider.
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Interesting article on the WHO's negotiation with China on investigating the virus origin........