It really blows my mind that:
The government can confiscate 30-50% of your income every year.
Use that money to create a bioweapon [like COVID].
Lock down the entire country causing widespread job loss, learning loss for children, increases in depression, suicide and domestic violence, missed cancer screenings and medical treatments, missed funerals for loved ones and far more.
Print $7 TRILLION out of thin air, which destroyed 40% of our net worth as the cost of living skyrocketed for the average American and we lined the pockets of billionaires.
Force people to take experimental shots that were never able to make it through traditional safety trials until an “emergency” [by demonizing perfectly safe alternative medications and censoring every medical professional who dared to suggest their efficacy and question the mainstream narrative] allowed them to scrap the safety trials and earn FDA approval [after multiple board members on the approval committee quit in protest].
Then we find out that nearly every mainstream medical professional and corporate media puppet lied to the American public about every aspect of the plandemic.
Vaccine companies were given blanket immunity for the side effects of their experimental jabs while myocarditis, blood clots and many other complications continue to materialize and increase in frequency.
This calamity was further used by corrupt political operatives to justify the use of mail-in ballots for the 2020 election that were, without a doubt, used to steal the election for Joe Biden, whose administration further destroyed the fabric of our society, not the least of which was by opening the border and flooding the country with over 10M illegal immigrants [among a litany of other disastrous policies].
And despite all of the above, NOT A SINGLE PERSON who was responsible for this catastrophic abuse of human rights has spent a single day in jail for this.
It’s beyond preposterous.
Until we get true accountability for these crimes, I have no faith in the Rule of Law or future of this country.
The evidence is there. Prosecute it and pass laws so that this is never allowed to happen again.