Love how you just make up shit because someone else said it so it must be true for everyone on the left....but are you denying Trump is a Putin asset? LOLOLOLOLOLOLBecause you are always worried about stuff that never comes to fruition. You fall for the clickbait headline every time.
First you were worried about Russian Collusion and Trump was a Putin asset. Remember when YOU were ADAMANT about that and tried to sell us that for a couple of years?
Remember when you said that Trump was going to cut Social Security?
Remember when Trumps Tariffs were going to cause inflation to sky rocket?
You continually fail to parse information correctly. All of your main concerns never come to fruition. You really need to do some self-reflecting. You are just selling fear and there are no buyers left.
The other two claims have yet to play out so you are a fool to claim a premature victory.