Would you consider a child that thinks he’s a power ranger a disorder? How about a white child that thinks he is really black, do they get a pass too? It’s just a ridiculous premise when talking about children. If you want to make that argument for adults I would say go for it. But young people are not in positions to even understand that kind of thing. There was a woman on X last week that had determined her newborn baby was transgender and wanted to have a procedure done. A newborn. Kids are confused and vulnerable, they need guidance and support not to be told they’re something they aren’t. I knew a ton of feminine boys growing up, those kids now would be considered “to have a disorder”? Is being a feminine man or a masculine woman a disorder? I have two children. Both thought they were soldiers or power rangers or dinosaurs or football players or whatever it’s just how that works. They also think if they lose at Xbox the world is over. They are children. They have imagination and wonder, we should be more careful with this stuff. There are thousands of kids that were transitioned as youth who say it was the absolute worst thing they’ve done by far. And the adults allowed that. Your point only stands valid if someone agrees that a child’s imagination is a disorder, for that I disagree with you.