Did you see old, senile Joe Biden’s townhall?

Biden is in deep, and there’s no escaping. What is coming out about he and Hunter is unreal... and this time, it’s truth with proof.
the evidence has always been out there

its just he is part of that elitist group that

many call "systemic racism"

its just people with money can get away with alot more than a guy with couple of grams of marijuana
Biden is in deep, and there’s no escaping. What is coming out about he and Hunter is unreal... and this time, it’s truth with proof.

You keep forgetting that as a Trump supporter, you've made it loud and clear that you don't care about criminality, corruption, bad behavior and stupidity. In fact, you prefer it, so STFU.
"The New York Post is a conservative-leaning daily tabloid newspaper in New York City." Yeah.

Number one thing the folks on the left do is try to discredit the source of any report that is negative. But let's go a bit deeper. Did you read the statement in response to the story from Biden? It's a non-denial statement. Further, there are multiple sources that corroborate the legitimacy of the emails. So while you may think the NYP is a tabloid, consider that all evidence (and there is a fair amount) points to this being an entirely legit story. If true and if the media reports it, then Joe Biden's run for the presidency is over. He is compromised and was part of multiple layers of pay for play types of situations.

Having said all that, I can see why you just want to discredit the source. Carry on wayward one!
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Number one thing the folks on the left do is try to discredit the source of any report that is negative. But let's go a bit deeper. Did you read the statement in response to the story from Biden? It's a non-denial statement. Further, there are multiple sources that corroborate the legitimacy of the emails. So while you may thing the NYP is a tabloid, consider that all evidence (and there is a fair amount) points to this being an entirely legit story. If true and if the media reports it, then Joe Biden's run for the presidency is over. He is compromised and was part of multiple layers of pay for play types of situations.

Having said all that, I can see why you just want to discredit the source. Carry on wayward one!

After 3 1/2 years of accusatory lies, the tables have turned and the corruption and story is legit. Biden is finished.
After 3 1/2 years of accusatory lies, the tables have turned and the corruption and story is legit. Biden is finished.

Sure. Just like all of the times when Democrats claimed that Trump was finished because of (insert story here).

The sad reality is that our society is so split along partisan lines that stuff that should matter doesn't.

Neither of these guys should be in a position to be elected President. That's the real travesty.
Sure. Just like all of the times when Democrats claimed that Trump was finished because of (insert story here).

The sad reality is that our society is so split along partisan lines that stuff that should matter doesn't.

Neither of these guys should be in a position to be elected President. That's the real travesty.

so the dems made accusations against trump

do research

find nothing

the pubs make accusations against dems

do research

find pics, videos, emails, witness statements


when either side makes accusations you should take both seriously and do some self research

dont listen to cnn msnbc wapo fox or any of those

they are not being honest
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hey update on china virus package


nancy pelosi wants-

the language of the bill to state that the CDC and the federal govt MUST BE FOLLOWED

and that we need a NATIONAL PLAN NOW

the white house wants-

each state to decide on the recommendations from the CDC and the federal govt

the numbers are the same now

its down to "language"

do you want the states to control the funds and listen to the feds and cdc


do you want washington dc to tell the states how to spend the money and you have to follow CDC suggestions

which way you favor???
Biden is in deep, and there’s no escaping. What is coming out about he and Hunter is unreal... and this time, it’s truth with proof.

Yawn, I'm going to screenshot this for the caption under your crying Trumptard meme I'm creating on Nov 4th.
If Joe did something wrong, which I'm extremely skeptical about, it will pale in comparison to the laundry list of Trump's bad deeds. So we good...

Maybe you missed it... Trump was cleared of any wrong doing. In every witch-hunt event hoax libs have fabricated.
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Maybe you missed it... Trump was cleared of any wrong doing. In every witch-hunt event hoax libs have fabricated.

Dude, not even the republican senators that acquitted him believed he was innocent. They just didn't kick him out like they should have because they were afraid of being mean tweeted. The multi-million dollar fine he paid for running a fake university that scammed thousands out of their life savings didn't clear him. The jail time that his personal attorney had to serve because of his crimes didn't clear him. He hasn't been cleared of obstruction of's just being delayed until he gets out of office, when he'll be charged with it and other innumerable crimes.

What is a hypothetical personal shortcoming of Donald Trump that'd make you vote for Biden?

I'm just being honest about how I feel and I bet you feel the same way. You'd either vote for Trump if it was proven he'd murdered a prostitute or you'd come up with a justification for how it never happened.
Or maybe I don't vote for either idiot like I did in 2016.
He’s done. Just to have this accusation in the open is crazy. Dear lort.

Biden put a lid on everything until the next debate. Holy smokes.

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He’s done. Just to have this accusation in the open is crazy. Dear lort.

Biden put a lid on everything until the next debate. Holy smokes.

"Moreover, just like the president, Root is now a bombastic right-wing media personality obsessed with the Clintons, Obama, the physical appearance of liberals, and the batshit conspiracy theories that comport with his worldview.

Perhaps most infamously, when gunman Stephen Paddock opened fire and killed 58 people at a country-music festival on the Vegas strip last fall, Root proclaimed on Twitter, without a shred of evidence: “This is real thing. Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack. PRAY for our Vegas police. PRAY for victims. VERY bad. Awful.”

Dude, not even the republican senators that acquitted him believed he was innocent. They just didn't kick him out like they should have because they were afraid of being mean tweeted. The multi-million dollar fine he paid for running a fake university that scammed thousands out of their life savings didn't clear him. The jail time that his personal attorney had to serve because of his crimes didn't clear him. He hasn't been cleared of obstruction of's just being delayed until he gets out of office, when he'll be charged with it and other innumerable crimes.


the president asking a country to look into criminal behavior is not a crime.
"Moreover, just like the president, Root is now a bombastic right-wing media personality obsessed with the Clintons, Obama, the physical appearance of liberals, and the batshit conspiracy theories that comport with his worldview.

Perhaps most infamously, when gunman Stephen Paddock opened fire and killed 58 people at a country-music festival on the Vegas strip last fall, Root proclaimed on Twitter, without a shred of evidence: “This is real thing. Clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack. PRAY for our Vegas police. PRAY for victims. VERY bad. Awful.”

The Bidens are toast...

Care to reasonably explain Biden putting a lid on things until the debate? He knows.

Ex-NYPD Commissioner: I've Seen Hunter's Hard Drive; the Bidens 'Belong in Handcuffs'!!!!!
Kerick says he's seen the "images, emails, and other documents [that] were on Hunter’s computer" - most of which has yet to be made public - and is now calling on the DOJ to arrest "Hunter, James[Joe's brother], and Joe Biden."!!!!!
The Bidens are toast...

Care to reasonably explain Biden putting a lid on things until the debate? He knows.

Ex-NYPD Commissioner: I've Seen Hunter's Hard Drive; the Bidens 'Belong in Handcuffs'!!!!!
Kerick says he's seen the "images, emails, and other documents [that] were on Hunter’s computer" - most of which has yet to be made public - and is now calling on the DOJ to arrest "Hunter, James[Joe's brother], and Joe Biden."!!!!!

Now you're quoting another shady criminal, LOL. So desperate...


"Today, Katie Robertson at the New York Times reported that the New York Post article was so suspect that its lead author refused to put his name on it. The two main sources for the story were Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former advisor who is under federal indictment for fraud, and Giuliani. Giuliani said he took the story to the Post because “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.” One woman whose name finally appeared on the story is a former associate producer for Sean Hannity’s show and has been at the newspaper only since April. The other did not work on the story and only discovered her name was on it after it was published. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have all said they could not verify the story.
The startling new “revelations” about Hunter Biden mirror classic disinformation campaigns in Russia, and look a great deal like the last-minute “revelations” about Hillary Clinton’s emails “discovered” on a laptop in Fall 2016, all of which later came to nothing. Former CIA officer Evan McMullin tweeted: “For weeks, there’s been awareness in intel circles of Russian plans to return (with Trump) to their bogus Biden-Burisma narrative and, as I’ve warned, their plan to expand that to include bonkers pedophilia and human trafficking allegations against the Bidens. Don’t fall for it!”
And yet, certain Republican lawmakers are running with the story. Republican Representative Lee Zeldin of New York tweeted that “Joe Needs to answer some questions ASAP about this dirty $ setup.” Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) went onto the Fox News Channel to suggest that the computer at the center of this story, allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, had child pornography on it. This prompted intelligence specialist Malcolm Nance to tweet: “Whoa. The Republicans tried to tie Hunter Biden to child pornography. This is a 100% FSB [Russian Intelligence Agency] tactic. The FSB ALWAYS claims/plants Child porn on their opponents.”
Now you're quoting another shady criminal, LOL. So desperate...


"Today, Katie Robertson at the New York Times reported that the New York Post article was so suspect that its lead author refused to put his name on it. The two main sources for the story were Stephen Bannon, Trump’s former advisor who is under federal indictment for fraud, and Giuliani. Giuliani said he took the story to the Post because “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.” One woman whose name finally appeared on the story is a former associate producer for Sean Hannity’s show and has been at the newspaper only since April. The other did not work on the story and only discovered her name was on it after it was published. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal have all said they could not verify the story.
The startling new “revelations” about Hunter Biden mirror classic disinformation campaigns in Russia, and look a great deal like the last-minute “revelations” about Hillary Clinton’s emails “discovered” on a laptop in Fall 2016, all of which later came to nothing. Former CIA officer Evan McMullin tweeted: “For weeks, there’s been awareness in intel circles of Russian plans to return (with Trump) to their bogus Biden-Burisma narrative and, as I’ve warned, their plan to expand that to include bonkers pedophilia and human trafficking allegations against the Bidens. Don’t fall for it!”
And yet, certain Republican lawmakers are running with the story. Republican Representative Lee Zeldin of New York tweeted that “Joe Needs to answer some questions ASAP about this dirty $ setup.” Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) went onto the Fox News Channel to suggest that the computer at the center of this story, allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, had child pornography on it. This prompted intelligence specialist Malcolm Nance to tweet: “Whoa. The Republicans tried to tie Hunter Biden to child pornography. This is a 100% FSB [Russian Intelligence Agency] tactic. The FSB ALWAYS claims/plants Child porn on their opponents.”

These two folks are just two of many. It’s not originating from them, so they’re irrelevant. It’s not about them.. it’s about the Bidens. This news is much larger than any one person breaking info.

Again... why is Biden now hiding? Why the lid?

Your guy is in deep.
These two folks are just two of many. It’s not originating from them, so they’re irrelevant. It’s not about them.. it’s about the Bidens. This news is much larger than any one person breaking info.

Again... why is Biden now hiding? Why the lid?

Your guy is in deep.

Hey comrade, why does russia heart trump so much?
when do you think adam schiff is going to release that concrete hard evidence he has of russian collusion by trump?

he said he has it

where is it?

so you have the DNI named saying its not russian prop

then you have

schiff who says it is base on an "undisclosed source"

wake up dumb fukkers....
have you guys noticed how many tons of drugs have been seized last year and a half?


have you noticed how many children have been saved from child prostitution?

i wonder if the feds have been going after these pedos using hunters laptop?