Do you believe in "too big to fail?"

Common business sense logic does not include a government forced shutdown. Boeing does not have to go bankrupt, they are advocating on behalf of their suppliers. Boeing could very easily look out for themselves and cut production and expenses to preserve capital, but it would mean hundreds of thousands of jobs in the supply chain would be lost. In any other circumstance I am for business not being bailed out but this is a unique circumstance that is out of the hand of businesses. Should we let all the local restaurants also go bankrupt over the next 2-3 months?
It has nothing to do with suppliers except added cost. Cost they can’t afford. Don’t act like Boeing is a good company in this lol. They fired their CEO prior to them chasing bankruptcy.

Businesses change. Everyday I try and take business away from competitors. Same with them. It’s no different. If you reinforce shitty business management practices you’ll only get more shitty businesses.

I’m fine with you being a socialist. People can’t plan for a health emergency. Your same logic applies to why Medicare for all is a right.... the world is nothing but unforeseen events... that’s called life dude.
And another angle to the discussion would be....if there's a "just let them die" approach across the exceptions --- then who exactly is likely to sweep in and buy so much infrastructure and critical supply chain pieces? Much less buy them for steep discount when multiple companies are left rotting on their own perhaps is desperation and/or backbreaking debts from being shutdown for too long? How about China? They don't have any money just sitting around do they? No danger at all in certain segments of this nation being cornered by such a country, right?

Just a thought. One can't bail everyone out or even most everyone. It's why so many are going to eventually stop caring what the government says when they're told they can't conduct certain industry/business and going bankrupt is on them. Same with folks who lose their jobs. The longer and longer shutdowns lead to unemployment, bankruptcy, and lost hope --- the less IMO folks will care about the infection risks. They'll lean towards feeling they need to take care of themselves b/c nobody else will. It's the corner a lot of folks will get backed into the longer this pandemic goes on.

Wouldn't China just fall over themselves to buy some targeted businesses in the United States when restrictions are going to be the most pliable and questioned? Oil? Pharmaceuticals? Building materials? Food/grocery perhaps? How about maybe a media company? Movie studio? Communications/cell phone company? Doesn't have to be the biggest in an industry or even with some obvious Chinese name to it....just enough to get a sound foot into a door of interest. You "help", right? Not some mom and pop sandwich shop, but something strategic a think tank perhaps had come up with in some wargame scenario. It's no coincidence China stops exporting face masks during times like this. What if they owned a tighter grip on other natural resources, medicines, computer parts, network gear, etc?

Just some additional perspectives. Too big to fail is an oversimplification IMHO. Who cares if you fail is as well IMHO.
China needs to be diminished in every way possible.

US citizens prop up that regime at the idea of "cost of product" and have no concept of the damage buying from China is doing.
Nor do most care.

Z, we got our own little deck of cards here in the US.

And, they are shaking a bit.

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