As folks like you tend to say, follow the science. At one time, most people through slavery was OK. It's amazing to me how people will use consensus as some kind of moral truth or acceptable answer. It's just not and most people don't even want to dig in and understand the realities of abortion. I'm talking about reality and science, not opinion and the ostrich-like manner in which we conduct most things these days.
I'm not police of any kind. When you end a life against its with and without its consent, it's murder. We say that about animals and people these days. So you can decide you want to hide behind some really flimsy notions if you like but murder is murder. And as I previously said, we're not debating conception here. That's what I believe based on science and all available evidence. In the world we live in, I would go for 15-weeks in a heartbeat. I know society isn't ready for something more than that. But even 15-weeks would create a massive riot on the left.
Again, as I stated many times, people who are for the cause of life need to win the argument first. There's literally years of work to be done in that regard. Government bans on everything aren't the way to do that. As you said, we can't legislate morality. The horrors of abortion must be revealed and people have to be willing to look before we can see a change.
Lastly, it's not about you being open to debate. It's about how you do it. You do not debate in good faith. As is the case in this thread many times over, you constantly try to delegitimize things said because you don't have another answer. You've taken me out of context multiple times. You know how you should see you're out there in fantasyland? Look at who is liking your posts? He's just reading along and loving this and he is a completely unhinged partisan.
(And yes, I know
@TigerGrowls likes some of my posts and while I like him, he is also an unhinged Trumpy. He knows I have an issue with him on that stuff. I just keep waiting for him to awaken from that! )