Dominion machines about to be put to the test in GA & Michigan

And if the audit reveals that everything was on the up and up? What then?
It’ll suck to watch gas prices go through the roof. I have a landscaping business with 8 trucks & equipment to keep fueled up. My Corperate Tax will go up on top of of that. There’s several other policies I don’t agree with the Dem Party on but those are a couple financial headliners I’m really dreading (especially the fuel). Anyways I would feel a lot better to know hey this is what these people want, hope y’all enjoy it. I’ll deal with what I got to deal with. But man it’s a lot of pretty crazy irregularities like 100,000+ vote spikes in the wee hours of the morning. I mean I went to bed late with Trump winning Pennsylvania by over 700,000 votes & wake up to Biden winning? Come on now. I could go on & on & on but people on the left have just taken the position we’re crazy conspiracy theorists & I’m not 1 to waste hours trying to convince somebody of something they simply don’t want to believe. Again, if these tech geeks (not associated with Dominion) do their thing & determine everything was on the up & up I’ll atleast know that people would rather pay $5 a gallon for gas than listen to Trump for 4 more years & it is what it is
It’ll suck to watch gas prices go through the roof. I have a landscaping business with 8 trucks & equipment to keep fueled up. My Corperate Tax will go up on top of of that. There’s several other policies I don’t agree with the Dem Party on but those are a couple financial headliners I’m really dreading (especially the fuel). Anyways I would feel a lot better to know hey this is what these people want, hope y’all enjoy it. I’ll deal with what I got to deal with. But man it’s a lot of pretty crazy irregularities like 100,000+ vote spikes in the wee hours of the morning. I mean I went to bed late with Trump winning Pennsylvania by over 700,000 votes & wake up to Biden winning? Come on now. I could go on & on & on but people on the left have just taken the position we’re crazy conspiracy theorists & I’m not 1 to waste hours trying to convince somebody of something they simply don’t want to believe. Again, if these tech geeks (not associated with Dominion) do their thing & determine everything was on the up & up I’ll atleast know that people would rather pay $5 a gallon for gas than listen to Trump for 4 more years & it is what it is

Not trying to be an asshole at all, but do you really not understand the vote counts over night in pennsylvania? That has been explained ad nauseum and was fully anticipated before election day due to the delay in counting mail in ballots. It was being talked about on every channel leading up to the election and during the night. That was why Ohio looked to be for Biden early because mail in was counted prior to election day.

If that is what makes you feel that there was fraud, honestly you should rest easy.
The thing is that WHEN the machines are tested and are fine. Nobody on here will believe it. NOTHING can be done to convince the Trumpians that the election was legit. Trump already told them what they think. Trump told them the election was rigged and NO AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE or lack thereof will have any effect.
The thing is that WHEN the machines are tested and are fine. Nobody on here will believe it. NOTHING can be done to convince the Trumpians that the election was legit. Trump already told them what they think. Trump told them the election was rigged and NO AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE or lack thereof will have any effect.
That’s weird I see more people on the left like that. I live in North Florida. I see people (lefties) on Twitter literally complaining about the Republican Governor not locking the state down. My sister is a hard core liberal (8 years of college) & thinks people that don’t think we should be all be locked down want everyone to die. Buddy you know dang well if the Democrats came out & down played the virus & said we ok to get back to normal now that’s exactly what all these lefties would get behind. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure there’s some people that wait for Trump to tell em what to think but that junk is way worse on the left
That’s weird I see more people on the left like that. I live in North Florida. I see people (lefties) on Twitter literally complaining about the Republican Governor not locking the state down. My sister is a hard core liberal (8 years of college) & thinks people that don’t think we should be all be locked down want everyone to die. Buddy you know dang well if the Democrats came out & down played the virus & said we ok to get back to normal now that’s exactly what all these lefties would get behind. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure there’s some people that wait for Trump to tell em what to think but that junk is way worse on the left

Wait, you're comparing intelligent people who listen to experts to gullible Stepford people who listen to the biggest liar/idiot in the history of American politics? And I'm not talking about shutting everything down. You people literally follow the brain-less grunts of a remedial sociopath but you mock people who think it's a good idea to wear masks and social distance in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years. GTFOOH
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Wait, you're comparing intelligent people who listen to experts to gullible Stepford people who listen to the biggest liar/idiot in the history of American politics? And I'm not talking about shutting everything down. You people literally follow the brain-less grunts of a remedial sociopath but you mock people who think it's a good idea to wear masks and social distance in the middle of the worst pandemic in 100 years. GTFOOH
No I’m not taking about masks. I’m talking about people literally ticked off at our Republican Governor for not totally locking the state down like California. I’m not simple minded enough to say it’s all Democrat voters but I see a bunch of em with these takes. I promise you they wouldn’t think like that if the Democrat leaders didn’t want that. Point being a lot of y’all think exactly what they tell you to think
No I’m not taking about masks. I’m talking about people literally ticked off at our Republican Governor for not totally locking the state down like California. I’m not simple minded enough to say it’s all Democrat voters but I see a bunch of em with these takes. I promise you they wouldn’t think like that if the Democrat leaders didn’t want that. Point being a lot of y’all think exactly what they tell you to think

That's where you're wrong, unlike Trump supporters we are able to use our own brains and understand right from wrong, no matter who says what. And don't even pretend like DeSatan is a good governor. The virus is literally raging through that state because of his ridiculous actions. And he literally had a huge meet and great today with a crowd of maskless attendees because he wants Trump to shine favor on him.
That's where you're wrong, unlike Trump supporters we are able to use our own brains and understand right from wrong, no matter who says what. And don't even pretend like DeSatan is a good governor. The virus is literally raging through that state because of his ridiculous actions. And he literally had a huge meet and great today with a crowd of maskless attendees because he wants Trump to shine favor on him.
Business is booming fam come on down. Traffic is off the chain again & all that. But hey on the other hand if you feel safer at the house you’re welcome to stay there. It’s your choice. I thought y’all liked choice. Or no it’s just what they tell you to like choice about
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Business is booming fam come on down. Traffic is off the chain again & all that. But hey on the other hand if you feel safer at the house you’re welcome to stay there. It’s your choice. I thought y’all liked choice. Or no it’s just what they tell you to like choice about

You're proving my point. You are literally mocking me for saying it's a good idea to wear a mask and social distance. Trump and his lemmings have made this upside down world. If Trump said shoving a turtle up your ass would cure cancer, every pond in Dixie would be drained by tomorrow - and you'd make fun of people who didn't go along. I've traveled quite a bit during the pandemic....but I do it smartly and safely. So you can take your snarky 'stay at home' comment and put it where you shove your turtle :cool:
You're proving my point. You are literally mocking me for saying it's a good idea to wear a mask and social distance. Trump and his lemmings have made this upside down world. If Trump said shoving a turtle up your ass would cure cancer, every pond in Dixie would be drained by tomorrow - and you'd make fun of people who didn't go along. I've traveled quite a bit during the pandemic....but I do it smartly and safely. So you can take your snarky 'stay at home' comment and put it where you shove your turtle :cool:
Ok I pointed out lefties being mad at the Governor for not totally locking down the state. I never said anything about masks or distancing
Ok I pointed out lefties being mad at the Governor for not totally locking down the state. I never said anything about masks or distancing

My bad but it's still about being COVID smart. Are you telling me he shouldn't do or say anything right now, while it's raging out of control down there? It's his fault it is the way it is there. Don't you think he should show some leadership and do something/anything that would help? And no, I'm not advocating shutting everything down. Just because your sister feels that everything should be shut down doesn't mean I feel that way or that she speaks for me. The lefties are right that he should take some type of action, though shutting everything down would be a step too far IMO.
My bad but it's still about being COVID smart. Are you telling me he shouldn't do or say anything right now, while it's raging out of control down there? It's his fault it is the way it is there. Don't you think he should show some leadership and do something/anything that would help? And no, I'm not advocating shutting everything down. Just because your sister feels that everything should be shut down doesn't mean I feel that way or that she speaks for me. The lefties are right that he should take some type of action, though shutting everything down would be a step too far IMO.
That junk ain’t raging out of control. It’s about like the flu that mysteriously nobody gets anymore. There’s limited capacity on some places & ya gotta wear masks most places but it’s up to the business if they want to enforce that as far as I know. If masks work then wear 1 & you should be alright. And I specifically said I’m not referring to all lefties & both sides have their fair share of brain washed people (basically)
That junk ain’t raging out of control. It’s about like the flu that mysteriously nobody gets anymore. There’s limited capacity on some places & ya gotta wear masks most places but it’s up to the business if they want to enforce that as far as I know. If masks work then wear 1 & you should be alright. And I specifically said I’m not referring to all lefties & both sides have their fair share of brain washed people (basically)

SMH, I.JUST.CAN'T. Enjoy upside down world man. I'm out.

Good luck with that. I sure hope they are brave enough to show their faces afterwards

"It is unclear "what the court has in mind with this order," said Jake Rollow, a spokesman for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

"However, what we know, and has been previously explained on numerous occasions, is that a human error by the Antrim County Clerk prompted results to be reported incorrectly," said Rollow. "Reporting errors are common, have no impact on tabulation, and are always caught and corrected in the county canvass if not before, as was the case in Antrim County."
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Tough folks live in reality, libs live in theoretical uptopia.

That's rich considering every theory you've had this year has been straight shit in the end. Need to stay in your safe parallel universe where there's always hope that something you say comes true.
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That's rich considering every theory you've had this year has been straight shit in the end. Need to stay in your safe parallel universe where there' always hope that something you say comes true.

Under your bed is safe for you.

Don’t be a sissy. Gotta be tough!

Just hit the weights for a squat session, and about to go outside and enjoy the day. Hope I don’t get Covid again...
Have a great Sunday. Again, headed outside to enjoy the day. If I come down with the China flu one more, I’ll teach you how to laugh it off.. again.

Get out from under that bed.

There's internet tough and then there's reality. How many pastures away are you from a Wachovia?
If it gets overturned that means is was fraudulent
So when it doesn't get overturned, and that means Biden won. Are you going to be ok? Or are you going to mourn watch Trump on OAN and float conspiracies' for 4 years?
So when it doesn't get overturned, and that means Biden won. Are you going to be ok? Or are you going to mourn watch Trump on OAN and float conspiracies' for 4 years?
Y’all floated conspiracies for 3.5 years after Trump won. Seems to me like y’all want us to do this so y’all don’t look so bad or something. With that being said in the small chance these machines are found to not be corrupted I’ll still be convinced the Democrats cheated but it’s Trump’s fault for not cheating better. I’ll be glad it’s over because I usually don’t pay attention to politics even half as much as I have the last month. It’s pretty entertaining at the moment tho I ain’t gonna lie , lol
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So when it doesn't get overturned, and that means Biden won. Are you going to be ok? Or are you going to mourn watch Trump on OAN and float conspiracies' for 4 years?
Also like I told you before... It’s ok to know your side cheated & still be happy they won
Y’all floated conspiracies for 3.5 years after Trump won. Seems to me like y’all want us to do this so y’all don’t look so bad or something. With that being said in the small chance these machines are found to not be corrupted I’ll still be convinced the Democrats cheated but it’s Trump’s fault for not cheating better. I’ll be glad it’s over because I usually don’t pay attention to politics even half as much as I have the last month. It’s pretty entertaining at the moment tho I ain’t gonna lie , lol

I laugh at the notion that you are absolutely convinced that the democrats cheated. Why is it so damn hard for you to accept that Trump lost? Even @Cocks are Number 1 has said that he will accept the results of none of the court cases come to fruition.
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