I want to say this without sounding like I think I'm special, because I'm not.
But I'm pretty high up the chain on the Dem team. if there was a nationwide effort to cheat, I'd know about it. We didn't. Other than the presidency, we had an awful night.
Can I also ask why you think we cheated to win the presidency but didn't bother to cheat at the state leg level (where we lost very critical races that will determine redistricting across the country) or the US house (where we didn't win a single pickup opportunity) or the US senate (where we were absolutely slaughtered in a few races we needed to win)?
Hundreds of thousands of fake ballots where Biden was the only selection in the crucial swing states for one. Explain that. They were so hurried filling out ballots because Trump was so far ahead that they couldnt take time to fully fill those ballots out. This explains why the dems got beat handily everywhere else but somehow beat Trump.
It was a multi pronged attack anyway and the main cheating occurred in the battleground states. Most states had a normal election and the results reflected that. Some of the components are,
- Changing voting laws related to mail in ballots by governor and court edict.(unconstitutional)
- In Georgia, a consent decree was reached between Kemp and Abrams related to a lawsuit that resulted in them doing no signature checking at all.
-Dominion software issues including manual theft of the usb's in Philly a week or so before the election and those are crucial to the system used by Dominion and created a huge fraud opportunity.
-Blatant obstruction by dem officials in the big cities.
-5 states stopped counting at the same time on election night. Never happened.
I can go on and on. This is not over with and a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen.
They need to bring the military in to run a new election secured where everyone has to vote in person.