Dominion machines about to be put to the test in GA & Michigan

I laugh at the notion that you are absolutely convinced that the democrats cheated. Why is it so damn hard for you to accept that Trump lost? Even @Cocks are Number 1 has said that he will accept the results of none of the court cases come to fruition.

Not going to lie, I believe the Dems cheated. But... if the pubs can’t produce real evidence to a judge... time to move on.
Also like I told you before... It’s ok to know your side cheated & still be happy they won

I want to say this without sounding like I think I'm special, because I'm not.
But I'm pretty high up the chain on the Dem team. if there was a nationwide effort to cheat, I'd know about it. We didn't. Other than the presidency, we had an awful night.

Can I also ask why you think we cheated to win the presidency but didn't bother to cheat at the state leg level (where we lost very critical races that will determine redistricting across the country) or the US house (where we didn't win a single pickup opportunity) or the US senate (where we were absolutely slaughtered in a few races we needed to win)?
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I want to say this without sounding like I think I'm special, because I'm not.
But I'm pretty high up the chain on the Dem team. if there was a nationwide effort to cheat, I'd know about it. We didn't. Other than the presidency, we had an awful night.

Can I also ask why you think we cheated to win the presidency but didn't bother to cheat at the state leg level (where we lost very critical races that will determine redistricting across the country) or the US house (where we didn't win a single pickup opportunity) or the US senate (where we were absolutely slaughtered in a few races we needed to win)?

Because Trump is the only one not like the rest... on both sides.

I could explain, but you understand the point.
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I want to say this without sounding like I think I'm special, because I'm not.
But I'm pretty high up the chain on the Dem team. if there was a nationwide effort to cheat, I'd know about it. We didn't. Other than the presidency, we had an awful night.

Can I also ask why you think we cheated to win the presidency but didn't bother to cheat at the state leg level (where we lost very critical races that will determine redistricting across the country) or the US house (where we didn't win a single pickup opportunity) or the US senate (where we were absolutely slaughtered in a few races we needed to win)?
I’ve probably shared atleast 10 of the hundreds of tweets & videos I’ve watched. Have you seen the graphs that show the votes coming in at specific times? Biden getting over 100,000 vote spikes at 4:00 in the morning & stuff like that. Mass amounts of sworn affidavits from what looks like credible people & even if only half of them are credible then that would be way more than enough. Went to bed with Trump up by over 700,000 votes in a state that relies on the oil industry (Biden flip flopping on fraking) & wake up next day he’s all the sudden winning? Lots of red flags on these Dominion machines.... I mean you want me to write a book or what? I PROMISE YOU IF IT WAS YOUR CANDIDATE YALL WOULD BE DOIN THE SAME THING & ROLLING IN SOME HOOKERS CLAIMING THEY WAS WITH TRUMP THE NIGHT OF THE ELECTION TO GO WITH THAT , L O L.... Anyways I’m not convinced of the cheating and for the 20th time I’m just following along what’s happening so if something does happen to break Trump’s way & the biggest voter fraud in world history get exposed I’ll know what’s happening & be able to tell my grand kids about it. And for some people who thinks we’re out our minds y’all sure do spend a lot of time on our posts. Wich is fine with me. Just if I thought somebody was out their minds I wouldn’t pay em too much attention unless they’re like really funny or something 🤣🤣🤣
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That’s weird I see more people on the left like that. I live in North Florida. I see people (lefties) on Twitter literally complaining about the Republican Governor not locking the state down. My sister is a hard core liberal (8 years of college) & thinks people that don’t think we should be all be locked down want everyone to die. Buddy you know dang well if the Democrats came out & down played the virus & said we ok to get back to normal now that’s exactly what all these lefties would get behind. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure there’s some people that wait for Trump to tell em what to think but that junk is way worse on the left

No, just no... There's a BIG DIFFERENCE when the foremost expert in infectious diseases in the US tells you (along with damn near every health expert in the country) that it's time to do something. There's TONS of evidence that these guys know what they are doing and they are actually following science. So yeah, people listen to them. Trump is saying something with NO EVIDENCE AT ALL. Talk about apples and oranges....
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Not trying to be an asshole at all, but do you really not understand the vote counts over night in pennsylvania? That has been explained ad nauseum and was fully anticipated before election day due to the delay in counting mail in ballots. It was being talked about on every channel leading up to the election and during the night. That was why Ohio looked to be for Biden early because mail in was counted prior to election day.

If that is what makes you feel that there was fraud, honestly you should rest easy.

Your explanation is incorrect and sucks phallus. This was a pre inserted dem strategy that they fed to their minions(ie - you)to explain the cheating that they called the red mirage and it was mentioned ad nauseum well before the election. The dems even wargamed this whole scenario including what is happening now.. We are not that stupid. Everyone involved in the cheating across the nation including down to rank and file employees in the big city voting precincts should do hard time behind bars for this. It will be shown to be true. I would also support sending all you blind followers to re education camps too...LOL!!
I want to say this without sounding like I think I'm special, because I'm not.
But I'm pretty high up the chain on the Dem team. if there was a nationwide effort to cheat, I'd know about it. We didn't. Other than the presidency, we had an awful night.

Can I also ask why you think we cheated to win the presidency but didn't bother to cheat at the state leg level (where we lost very critical races that will determine redistricting across the country) or the US house (where we didn't win a single pickup opportunity) or the US senate (where we were absolutely slaughtered in a few races we needed to win)?

Hundreds of thousands of fake ballots where Biden was the only selection in the crucial swing states for one. Explain that. They were so hurried filling out ballots because Trump was so far ahead that they couldnt take time to fully fill those ballots out. This explains why the dems got beat handily everywhere else but somehow beat Trump.

It was a multi pronged attack anyway and the main cheating occurred in the battleground states. Most states had a normal election and the results reflected that. Some of the components are,

- Changing voting laws related to mail in ballots by governor and court edict.(unconstitutional)
- In Georgia, a consent decree was reached between Kemp and Abrams related to a lawsuit that resulted in them doing no signature checking at all.
-Dominion software issues including manual theft of the usb's in Philly a week or so before the election and those are crucial to the system used by Dominion and created a huge fraud opportunity.
-Blatant obstruction by dem officials in the big cities.
-5 states stopped counting at the same time on election night. Never happened.

I can go on and on. This is not over with and a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen.

They need to bring the military in to run a new election secured where everyone has to vote in person.
Your explanation is incorrect and sucks phallus. This was a pre inserted dem strategy that they fed to their minions(ie - you)to explain the cheating that they called the red mirage and it was mentioned ad nauseum well before the election. The dems even wargamed this whole scenario including what is happening now.. We are not that stupid. Everyone involved in the cheating across the nation including down to rank and file employees in the big city voting precincts should do hard time behind bars for this. It will be shown to be true. I would also support sending all you blind followers to re education camps too...LOL!!

Hundreds of thousands of fake ballots where Biden was the only selection in the crucial swing states for one. Explain that. They were so hurried filling out ballots because Trump was so far ahead that they couldnt take time to fully fill those ballots out. This explains why the dems got beat handily everywhere else but somehow beat Trump.

It was a multi pronged attack anyway and the main cheating occurred in the battleground states. Most states had a normal election and the results reflected that. Some of the components are,

- Changing voting laws related to mail in ballots by governor and court edict.(unconstitutional)
- In Georgia, a consent decree was reached between Kemp and Abrams related to a lawsuit that resulted in them doing no signature checking at all.
-Dominion software issues including manual theft of the usb's in Philly a week or so before the election and those are crucial to the system used by Dominion and created a huge fraud opportunity.
-Blatant obstruction by dem officials in the big cities.
-5 states stopped counting at the same time on election night. Never happened.

I can go on and on. This is not over with and a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen.

They need to bring the military in to run a new election secured where everyone has to vote in person.

But all of this has been proven multiple times to be untrue. You have truly lost your ability to see reality. Seriously, get some help. This isn't normal or ok. I'm worried about you.
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But all of this has been proven multiple times to be untrue. You have truly lost your ability to see reality. Seriously, get some help. This isn't normal or ok. I'm worried about you.

You are consistently incorrect.
No, just no... There's a BIG DIFFERENCE when the foremost expert in infectious diseases in the US tells you (along with damn near every health expert in the country) that it's time to do something. There's TONS of evidence that these guys know what they are doing and they are actually following science. So yeah, people listen to them. Trump is saying something with NO EVIDENCE AT ALL. Talk about apples and oranges....
How about 99% survival rate? Boom there’s my evidence for people not to lose their businesses & homes & everything else they worked their whole lives for. If you’re Democrat over lords told you to look at it this way you would totally embrace & love this perspective & say anyone who doesn’t is evil.
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Hundreds of thousands of fake ballots where Biden was the only selection in the crucial swing states for one. Explain that. They were so hurried filling out ballots because Trump was so far ahead that they couldnt take time to fully fill those ballots out. This explains why the dems got beat handily everywhere else but somehow beat Trump.

It was a multi pronged attack anyway and the main cheating occurred in the battleground states. Most states had a normal election and the results reflected that. Some of the components are,

- Changing voting laws related to mail in ballots by governor and court edict.(unconstitutional)
- In Georgia, a consent decree was reached between Kemp and Abrams related to a lawsuit that resulted in them doing no signature checking at all.
-Dominion software issues including manual theft of the usb's in Philly a week or so before the election and those are crucial to the system used by Dominion and created a huge fraud opportunity.
-Blatant obstruction by dem officials in the big cities.
-5 states stopped counting at the same time on election night. Never happened.

I can go on and on. This is not over with and a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen.

They need to bring the military in to run a new election secured where everyone has to vote in person.

This might be the most bat-shit crazy post you've made yet and it clearly demonstrates why Trump and his sheeple are too dangerous to hold power.

"a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen" <----- a majority? You've lost your fvcking mind dude. I envision you wearing a straight jacket and bouncing off rubber walls in the not too distant future...
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This might be the most bat-shit crazy post you've made yet and it clearly demonstrates why Trump and his sheeple are too dangerous to hold power.

"a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen" <----- a majority? You've lost your fvcking mind dude. I envision you wearing a straight jacket and bouncing off rubber walls in the not to distant future...
A majority of Trump voters definitely do. Democrats on the other hand still believe in Santa Clause
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This might be the most bat-shit crazy post you've made yet and it clearly demonstrates why Trump and his sheeple are too dangerous to hold power.

"a majority of the American people agree that the election was stolen" <----- a majority? You've lost your fvcking mind dude. I envision you wearing a straight jacket and bouncing off rubber walls in the not too distant future...

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