You're a liberal. Wait no, you're not a liberal. You're not full of shit? Yes you're full of shit.
Changing my mind doesn't make me full of shit. I've been a liberal most of my life, and I still believe most of what I believed about basic liberal philosophy. But the democratic party, and a lot of liberals, have completely lost touch with those values, to the point I have had to question if my ideals still align. They do not. Anyone who believes in the yesteryear version of either party needs to be questioning what has happened with "their" team.
So go fvck yourself. Don't tell me what I am.
Changed your mind? You decided you were not a liberal when people were accusing you as such? But now, you've changed your mind and decided you are a liberal? I had no idea being a liberal was a decision. Before you said you were non partisan, (let me know if I need to tell you what non partisan means), but now you say you're a lifelong Democrat. Lifelong? Why don't you address your flip flopping statements by saying you're a typical full of shit liberal. (or you could just go with gfy)