Let's do this!!!
Rep Thomas Massie Officially Reintroduced bill ‘End The Fed’ TODAY ‼️
Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421
US History You Were NEVER Told:
The Federal Reserve passed when most of Congress was “Out on holiday”
American’s banded together to reject The Federal Reserve. Bankers & the media lied to the people & included clauses limiting congress powers after they passed central banking legislation. It was passed when most of congress was “out on holiday”
“People knew what central banks were and understood them very well.
Everywhere a central bank went, there'll be wealth inequality, wild swings between economic booms and busts, and after each bust, those at the top of society mysteriously came out richer while everyone else got poorer. Europe was the running example of this at the time. The Federal Reserve was originally drafted as the Aldridge Bill, but when it came into Congress they recognized Senator Aldridge's name and smelt a rat.
The bankers needed better cover. They decided to send two millionaire friends to carry the bill to quell the suspicions renamed at the Federal Reserve Act.
Next, in a textbook lesson of deceit, the bankers set out to fool the American people through disinformation. In the newspapers of the day, the bankers screened and protested against a new Federal Reserve bill. It would ruin the banks, they exclaimed. The average person read the protesting articles of the bankers and thought to themselves, if the bankers hate it, it must be good and then they ended up unknowingly supporting a Trojan horse.
The bankers also fooled Congress by putting clauses in the bill that limited their power once the bill was passed. A doublehead fake of the public and Congress was all it took.
The bill was passed on December 23rd 1913 while most of Congress was out on holiday and with that a small group had complete monopoly over the issuing and creation of American money.”
Rep Thomas Massie says “Americans would be better off if the Federal Reserve did not exist. The Fed devalues our currency by monetizing the debt, causing inflation.”
The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (H.R. 8421), led by Rep. Thomas Massie and 24 Republican cosponsors, is a bold move to dismantle the Federal Reserve System. By abolishing its Board of Governors and regional banks, and repealing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, this bill targets the Fed’s unchecked money-printing that fueled inflation and reckless spending.
Critics claim the Fed’s structure concentrates power among financial elites, worsening wealth inequality. While facing steep odds in Congress, this legislation reignites the push for market-driven monetary systems to curb bureaucratic overreach and restore fiscal accountability.
Rep Thomas Massie Officially Reintroduced bill ‘End The Fed’ TODAY ‼️
Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act, HR 8421
US History You Were NEVER Told:
The Federal Reserve passed when most of Congress was “Out on holiday”
American’s banded together to reject The Federal Reserve. Bankers & the media lied to the people & included clauses limiting congress powers after they passed central banking legislation. It was passed when most of congress was “out on holiday”
“People knew what central banks were and understood them very well.
Everywhere a central bank went, there'll be wealth inequality, wild swings between economic booms and busts, and after each bust, those at the top of society mysteriously came out richer while everyone else got poorer. Europe was the running example of this at the time. The Federal Reserve was originally drafted as the Aldridge Bill, but when it came into Congress they recognized Senator Aldridge's name and smelt a rat.
The bankers needed better cover. They decided to send two millionaire friends to carry the bill to quell the suspicions renamed at the Federal Reserve Act.
Next, in a textbook lesson of deceit, the bankers set out to fool the American people through disinformation. In the newspapers of the day, the bankers screened and protested against a new Federal Reserve bill. It would ruin the banks, they exclaimed. The average person read the protesting articles of the bankers and thought to themselves, if the bankers hate it, it must be good and then they ended up unknowingly supporting a Trojan horse.
The bankers also fooled Congress by putting clauses in the bill that limited their power once the bill was passed. A doublehead fake of the public and Congress was all it took.
The bill was passed on December 23rd 1913 while most of Congress was out on holiday and with that a small group had complete monopoly over the issuing and creation of American money.”
Rep Thomas Massie says “Americans would be better off if the Federal Reserve did not exist. The Fed devalues our currency by monetizing the debt, causing inflation.”
The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (H.R. 8421), led by Rep. Thomas Massie and 24 Republican cosponsors, is a bold move to dismantle the Federal Reserve System. By abolishing its Board of Governors and regional banks, and repealing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, this bill targets the Fed’s unchecked money-printing that fueled inflation and reckless spending.
Critics claim the Fed’s structure concentrates power among financial elites, worsening wealth inequality. While facing steep odds in Congress, this legislation reignites the push for market-driven monetary systems to curb bureaucratic overreach and restore fiscal accountability.