Pelosi Repeatedly Refuses To Answer CNN About Why She Rejected Bigger Stimulus Bill Before Election
Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly refused to answer a question from a CNN reporter on Sunday about why she decided to accept a smaller stimulus package now, which she claimed was not nearly enough, after she refused to accept a much larger deal from the Trump administration prior to...www.dailywire.com
I can understand why you’d want to change the subject, but what’s your point? That Pelosi may have misplayed this strategically? Maybe, but McConnell said at the time that he would block any deal, so I’m not sure that’s true.
regardless, the point is that Dems have been fighting for aid to families, businesses and workers for months and Republicans while McConnell and Rs put the Senate on “pause.” And what did Rs fight for in the end, Tax breaks for three Martini lunches
"Pelosi misplayed this strategically" ......I rest my case. You had $1.8T on the table and she refused it because it might have given Trump good press before the election. So don't sit there and cry about a tax credit meant to encourage spending in a decimated hospitality sector and then try to argue the Dems are all about the people.
Also, tax breaks encourage longer term spending which typically fix longer term economic problems. Handing people checks is a short term answer so I don't mind seeing some incentives to put money back into the economy.
So no, it wasn't a change in subject it was another example of hypocrisy.
Bc corporate meal expenses are the only way to help the hospitality sector...smh...
McConnell wasn't ever going to take up the 1.8T bill--the republicans at the time said it was bloated and full of pork and too much spending. They are saying that now too. They wouldn't allow more money for regular folks--Republicans stopped the 1200 dollar checks. (of course, the charlie kirk's of the world are too stupid to realize that when they are saying the amount should be more--it was their party that kept it at 600 bucks or they wouldn't pass anything).
The real reason for the inability to pass the 1.8T was bc Dems wanted more money for states and cities to balance their budgets (which repubs weirdly turned into paying for riots in some staggeringly bad trumpian logic) and repubs wanted more blank check PPP loans for corporate buddies and donors (remember when the big sticking point for Senate repubs and Trump was that they didn't want any oversight or transparency about who was getting those loans and then wanted it delayed until after the election?? Now we find out those loans were a bunch of wasteful spending to Joel Osteen and the Trump family--what a racket of swamp creatures...but Repubs could care less about that kind of wasteful spending...)
My own work related T&E spend last year on entertainment, travel etc was north of $110k. Corps are massive contributors of revenue to the hospitality and travel industry regardless of how awful that tax credit seems. My T&E this year.......$9k and that's only because I went to London twice before the lockdown.
You don't think that they would have taken any good press they could get their hands on leading into the election to help boost perception? With the polls showing Biden landslide? I don't agree with that, I think they would have signed it but like all politicians would have inserted party specific asks in return for the money. The left isn't any better than the right and the right isn't any better than the left. They both botched it.
The challenge with funding states is they control their own budgets and taxation. So in theory, you could argue why do they need federal funding in the first place? And it wasn't about paying for riots, he wanted to pay for the riots to stop.......when the states refused to intervene, he refused to fund them. States can't have it both ways, they can't make up their own rules and claim they will refuse federal direction and mandates only to come back with their hands out looking for money. That would be like my Dad telling me I had to mow the lawn, me saying no and then asking for $20 so I can put gas in my car.
Btw - I have plenty of buddies that took PPP loans as a pre-caution, most haven't spent a penny and will hand the money back once the economy opens back up but I agree there were plenty of examples that illustrate flaws in the process. I think the intentions were good to make the process quick but I don't doubt once they realized some of the firms taking them, they didn't want to country to see (like French Laundry for example or Harvard Univ). That we can agree on.
Just checking that ya'll are good with the budgetary allocation to Sudan, Nepal, Ukraine, Egypt etc while the American people need assistance? Govt = swamp
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zerowww.zerohedge.com
"Pelosi misplayed this strategically" ......I rest my case. You had $1.8T on the table and she refused it because it might have given Trump good press before the election.
"So don't sit there and cry about a tax credit meant to encourage spending in a decimated hospitality sector and then try to argue the Dems are all about the people.
Also, tax breaks encourage longer term spending which typically fix longer term economic problems. Handing people checks is a short term answer so I don't mind seeing some incentives to put money back into the economy.
So no, it wasn't a change in subject it was another example of hypocrisy.
Except, this is not true. $1.8 T was never on the table because McConnell always said he would kill it. Pelosi did not turn it down. In fact, the House passed a $3 trillion bill back in the summer that would have been a HUGE boost to Trump - because Democrats put the good of the country before politics, something McConnell never has.
I actually give the WH some credit on this - for once, they actually wanted the right thing. But Trump couldn't get his own party in line to support it (or wouldn't try).
McConnell shoots down $1.8 trillion coronavirus deal, breaking with Trump
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday shot down the prospect of a coronavirus deal totaling between $1.8 trillion and $2.2 trillion — the goalposts of the current talks between…thehill.com
If Republicans had actually wanted to help restaurants and the hospitality industry, they could have helped restaurants and the hospitality industry. The second HEROES Act that Dems passed in October has $120 billion in direct aid to restaurants and was supported by the trade associations of restaurants and hotels. McConnell never allowed it to come to a vote.
House passes revised $2.2 trillion HEROES Act that would include $120 billion in relief for independent restaurants
The trimmed-down bill won bipartisan support but is not expected to be taken up by the Senatewww.nrn.com
But this three-martini lunch tax break does very little for most restaurants that are hurting - though it will be helpful to maybe the 1% of properties like, say, the Trump Hotel DC, where corporate meals are a sizeable line item.
"Three-martini lunch" tax break draws outrage. It also may fall short for restaurants.
Tax break was derided as "corporate socialism" by critics. Restaurants have a bigger problem: A lack of business clients.www.cbsnews.com
Despite 'three martini' tax break, COVID-19 bill leaves struggling U.S. restaurants cold
The $900 billion coronavirus relief package passed by the U.S. Congress https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-congress/after-months-of-inaction-u-s-congress-approves-892-billion-covid-19-relief-package-idUSKBN28V176 on Monday contains a high-profile tax...www.reuters.com
In the spirit of my effort to step away from this board, I am going to just assume you were misinformed about all of this because of your reliance on biased right-wing news sources. I was going to let this pass, but it seemed like you (and others) needed to understand the truth here. I hope that you are honest and bring enough to admit that you were wrong, here.
Happy Holidays!
The hypocrisy ITT. Just unreal.
From the first time I found my way to this forum, it has been nothing but a cesspool of name-calling and insults, and was pretty one-sided I might add. I started referring to the usual suspects here as hyenas for good reason. The way you all were talking to Amy absolutely pissed me off so I decided to throw it back in your cowardly faces. So don’t start complaining about name-calling. Especially you Dpic
I'm not going away forever, just need to give myself a little bit of a mental health break - if I have the willpower to not respond to the next crfazy/stupid thing.
And I do apologize to @jakefest. I made the mistake of lumping you in with @TigerGrowls, @Elul77 and @HumasButthole simply because you were taking an opposition position, which is the kind of shitting thing that I hate conservatives for doing. I don't think someone is necessarily a bad person or a moron for holding Republican/conservative positions. There used to be lots of very smart and good Republicans who I respected a lot. Unfortunately, Trump has turned most of the party into a cult of personality that embraces ignorance and denies reality and there are far too few good Republicans left. But I should not have assumed you were not one of them. My sincere apologies.
No need to apologize, I posted my views on polarizing topics and in doing so have to be open to response whether critical or sharp. I also have thick skin so no worries.
I think the largest issue opposing sides face collectively doesn't stem from being misinformed, it stems from interpretation and how that shapes up against your own views, values or personal feelings. I try to see the world from all angles and in some cases, I can be convinced I saw it wrong but those views typically hover around social issues not fiscal ones. I also can find an issue with any political leader or candidate for the record. I don't love Trump and I'm certainly not in his cult but I loved Hilary and Biden a great deal less if that tells you how I got here.
Much like you, I think I need to try and step back also. Not because I find myself getting heated or distraught but just because this is such a massive distraction and time suck and I have the attention span of a 4 year old hopped up on Halloween candy.
On that note, Happy Holidays to everyone, hope you all get some downtime with your loved ones and Santa brings you an absolute dismantling of Ohio State and Bama.
The hypocrisy ITT. Just unreal.
From the first time I found my way to this forum, it has been nothing but a cesspool of name-calling and insults, and was pretty one-sided I might add. I started referring to the usual suspects here as hyenas for good reason. The way you all were talking to Amy absolutely pissed me off so I decided to throw it back in your cowardly faces. So don’t start complaining about name-calling. Especially you Dpic
The idea that liberals are the only ones doing the name-calling, when we are outnumbered like 500-1 on this board, is obviously ridiculous.
I wholeheartedly believe in civility with people who deserve it. For evidence, you can see that me and Jake are totally cool and even though we may disagree, we don't call each other names. I mostly reserve my ire for bullies. Ive watched you, SG Tiger, BigTimeTiger and a couple others continually mock, bully and attack anyone that thinks differently than you do. And lets not forget your moralizing where you get to decide whos most sinful. Bottom line, I may have been rough with you but I see it as bullying the bully. You deserved it, dude......You’re currently on the Round Table, chief.
You may have a point on TWZ, but that’s a whole different story. Lotta shít talking and name calling there, but nothing like what goes on here. It’s mostly tongue-in-cheek there, here it’s complete disregard of any respect or manners, and it’s fairly one-sided
The 2 or 3 guys here who will engage with you people are generally respectful, and try to keep the peace. As was Amy, before she was attacked relentlessly and (wisely) decided to just stop posting on this joke of a forum
Yet here we are with the hyenas waxing poetic about civility. It’a hypocrisy and lack of self awareness at its finest. Especially Dpic. That’s completely unbelievable to me
I wholeheartedly believe in civility with people who deserve it. For evidence, you can see that me and Jake are totally cool and even though we may disagree, we don't call each other names. I mostly reserve my ire for bullies. Ive watched you, SG Tiger, BigTimeTiger and a couple others continually mock, bully and attack anyone that thinks differently than you do. And lets not forget your moralizing where you get to decide whos most sinful. Bottom line, I may have been rough with you but I see it as bullying the bully. You deserved it, dude......
I act like a dick when people deserve it, and everyone of you deserve to be treated like the cocksvckers you are. I was dumbfounded when I found this forum and the way the likes of you and your Biden butt buddy’s act toward people who don’t believe the things you do.
Yeah I was forceful with my religious beliefs, after the fact of seeing the way conversations are had here. Don’t cry about that one
And don’t give me any bullshít about bullies. Talk to Amy and see how she feels about bullying and who the aggressors are here. I simply started standing up to you Neanderthals and now you’re twisting and turning and pointing fingers, like you always do
Your hypocrisy continues, and it seems like you’ll never see it
For the record, Amy pretty much sucks as a poster. She never brings anything of substance and she baits others and then cries foul when they call her on it.
I am pretty cool with everyone here and very open to debate and willing to admit when I'm wrong.
You guys also need to so some research into what a bully is. None of us can bully anyone on here becayse we do not have any power over each other. My wife is a school counselor and hates the term "bully" because people use it wrongly and all the time to describe anytime someone hurts their feelings. Sometimes your feelings get hurt because you're an asshole or wrong.
Ok, well I use the term bully to describe someone who unjustly picks on and degrades someone in an unjustifiable manner for no apparent reason. Which all of you did, repeatedly
Either way, I don’t really care if your wife’s definition of “bully” lines up with mine. I have a feeling though, if you showed your wife the conversations you, Dpic, and the rest of the gang had with Amy and a couple others, she would likely agree that it amounted to online bullying. Maybe not the worst cases ever, but uncalled for a ridiculous for certain.
If not, we’ll, hopefully she isn’t a counselor at Dacusville middle, because I would have serious concerns for my child
Her sucking as a poster doesn’t justify the personal attacks, which were repetitive and continuous. If she came hurling insults and accusations it may have been justified, but she didn’t. She disagreed and didn’t fall in line and was actually pretty reasonable and respectful, which most of the more conservative posters here seem to be
But y’all continue to justify yourselves to one another and pat each other on your collective backs for your superior morality and stand-up behavior. I’ll continue to call out your hypocrisy
You just perfectly made my point for me with this post. Don't you ever try to give me a lesson in civility again you recessive chicken fried fvck. I will address you the way you deserve to be treated and that means with contempt. That's what you've earned because that's who you are. No one will ever confuse you with being a decent guy but since that's the person you chose to be, you will reap what you sow. You will never make me ashamed or embarrassed about who I am no matter how many nasty slurs you sling. I am damn proud of the human being I am. In your heart you know you can't say the same you sad backwoods hayseed. GFYI act like a dick when people deserve it, and everyone of you deserve to be treated like the cocksvckers you are. I was dumbfounded when I found this forum and the way the likes of you and your Biden butt buddy’s act toward people who don’t believe the things you do.
Yeah I was forceful with my religious beliefs, after the fact of seeing the way conversations are had here. Don’t cry about that one
And don’t give me any bullshít about bullies. Talk to Amy and see how she feels about bullying and who the aggressors are here. I simply started standing up to you Neanderthals and now you’re twisting and turning and pointing fingers, like you always do
Your hypocrisy continues, and it seems like you’ll never see it
Again, your definition of bully is incorrect and wrong. There is history of Amy posting here that is ridiculous. You are factually incorrect so I can't really be hypocritical in this instance
You just perfectly made my point for me with this post. Don't you ever try to give me a lesson in civility again you recessive chicken fried fvck. I will address you the way you deserve to be treated and that means with contempt. That's what you've earned because that's who you are. No one will ever confuse you with being a decent guy but since that's the person you chose to be, you will reap what you sow. You will never make me ashamed or embarrassed about who I am no matter how many nasty slurs you sling. I am damn proud of the human being I am. In your heart you know you can't say the same you sad backwoods hayseed. GFY
You just perfectly made my point for me with this post. Don't you ever try to give me a lesson in civility again you recessive chicken fried fvck. I will address you the way you deserve to be treated and that means with contempt. That's what you've earned because that's who you are. No one will ever confuse you with being a decent guy but since that's the person you chose to be, you will reap what you sow. You will never make me ashamed or embarrassed about who I am no matter how many nasty slurs you sling. I am damn proud of the human being I am. In your heart you know you can't say the same you sad backwoods hayseed. GFY
Ouch, ice burn. You just owned this lib. Pat your self on your hunchback! 😂Hang on. This is actually remarkable. LOL
Gahtamighty you really are retarded. And by retarded, I mean, you’re literally retarded
Like, just stop posting because you’re too retarted to make fun of
ITT we find a poster who's name is @HumasButthole , calling people out for being uncivil.
Ouch, ice burn. You just owned this lib. Pat your self on your hunchback! 😂
Oh scary, you're gonna pile on even more? I shudder at the thought of more sassy takedowns from you, fo shizzle ma nizzle!!I wouldn’t be here piling on if you didn’t open yourself up to it. But you can’t help it. You’re a damaged person with an inherent vendetta, and you project to displace blame.
Got a feeling all of you are in the same boat. You’re all damaged people