F'ing A - trolling at it finest


The Mariana Trench
Feb 18, 2006
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j9w5jt23_1j0w9jb_1ce8jsv.png's CFB Saturday night...get this shit off the board.

Believe it or not it's possible to watch football, use the internet and comply with a request from your wife to finger blast her in public.
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Of course he also said (again) that he doesn't believe that Russia was messing with the election (the direct opposite of what every US intelligence agency says) and thinks that Putin is 'offended' by the suggestion. It's really amazing that he can manage to speak at all about N. Korea with Putin's cock that far down his throat...

Never thought I'd see the day that the US President would slap our own intelligence down publicly while sucking up to the f'ing Russians. What's even sadder is that supposedly 'conservative republicans' are going to be in this thread defending Trump for sucking up to the Chinese and Russians by trashing the US.
Of course he also said (again) that he doesn't believe that Russia was messing with the election (the direct opposite of what every US intelligence agency says) and thinks that Putin is 'offended' by the suggestion. It's really amazing that he can manage to speak at all about N. Korea with Putin's cock that far down his throat...

Never thought I'd see the day that the US President would slap our own intelligence down publicly while sucking up to the f'ing Russians. What's even sadder is that supposedly 'conservative republicans' are going to be in this thread defending Trump for sucking up to the Chinese and Russians by trashing the US.

Dude move on. People are tired of hearing the Russia shlt. Saturday night and CNN has you in tied up in a conspiracy.
Dude move on. People are tired of hearing the Russia shlt

F no I'm not moving on. Our freaking President is in bed with the damn RUSSIANs and he's been lying about it from day 1. Do you not get that? This is a BAD thing. What the HELL has happened to the Republican party? The Russians are the BAD guys and want America off the map. I can understand libtards thinking this way, but at least the Republicans used to know who the enemy is.