This is all insanely misleading. here's the true data. Also important to note that level of benefits are drastically different. Someone receiving $20 a month (occurs frequently) is included.
Whom Does SNAP Reach?
In fiscal year 2021, it helped:
- 608,100 South Carolina residents, or 12% of the state population (1 in 9)
- 41,500,000 participants in the United States, or 13% of the total population (1 in 8)
more than75%of SNAP participants are in families with children
more than33%are in families with members who are older adults or are disabled
almost41%are in working families
more than66%of SNAP participants are in families with children
almost36%are in families with members who are older adults or are disabled
almost42%are in working families
Source: CBPP analysis of data from USDA Food and Nutrition Service, FY 2019a