Flashback Afghanistan


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Just a reminder of the epic malfeasance perpetrated by china Joe Biden.

One of my brothers was Commander of Bagram Air Base [Afghanistan] for 2 years, so I know this as fact.

One of the important functions Bagram had was to heavily guard the massive arsenal of our weapons which were stored there.

When Biden & Milley pulled out fast, those $85 Billion of our assets were left behind for the Taliban, which included brand new:

▪️358,530 assault rifles
▪️126,395 pistols
▪️64,363 machine guns

Other equipment:

▪️$50M in ammunition
▪️Over $1M mortar rounds
▪️28,825 Humvees, including armored gun-trucks
▪️900 combat vehicles
▪️167 aircraft, including 33 Black Hawks, & 3 C-130 Hercules
▪️42,000 pieces of night vision, surveillance, biometric & positioning equipment

In turn, the Taliban shared their newfound collection of weapons with their militant terrorist friends. [1 image below shows them selling the weapons]

Biden continues to fund terrorists, not only with cash, but our weapons.

Spare me the Dems outrage in demanding gun control! They gifted an entire tyrannical regime with the very weapons they want to take away from US! NOT HAPPENING!
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These nutbags think we are stupid and cannot remember past a week in the past.

Wow... So that $85 Billion in equipment (which was the TOTAL amount over 20 years) was still just sitting there. Sounds legit since a random twitter claims they had a brother that was in charge and apparently sent the inventory to said twitter user. Solid source... sounds about as legit as most of your info.
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There is an excellent documentary on HBO MAX right now called Escape from Kabul.

It was made in 2022, and I think it’s a fair representation of what happened. Otherwise, it’s factual without the bluster of bias viewpoints.

*Warning* It’s a tough watch
Wow... So that $85 Billion in equipment (which was the TOTAL amount over 20 years) was still just sitting there. Sounds legit since a random twitter claims they had a brother that was in charge and apparently sent the inventory to said twitter user. Solid source... sounds about as legit as most of your info.
So you are saying they did not leave billions in military equipment over there for the Muslim militants to claim?
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Wow... So that $85 Billion in equipment (which was the TOTAL amount over 20 years) was still just sitting there. Sounds legit since a random twitter claims they had a brother that was in charge and apparently sent the inventory to said twitter user. Solid source... sounds about as legit as most of your info.
Pentagon has openly admitted leaving it behind the only debate has been what exactly as they didn't maintain clear records (which is why they fail audit after audit) . Hamas used some of the weapons on Oct 7th, all of that is easily searchable.
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Pentagon has openly admitted leaving it behind the only debate has been what exactly as they didn't maintain clear records (which is why they fail audit after audit) . Hamas used some of the weapons on Oct 7th, all of that is easily searchable.
There's no doubt that the US left equipment behind, and God knows the entire Afghan Army basically laid down arms. That's not my point. My point is that $85 Billion is the entire budget for the equipment over the 20 years we were there. I'd bet Billions in ammo alone was expended during that time. But folks quote that number to make things look worse than they are.

And my other point was that AS YOU JUST SAID they didn't maintain clear records. And yet:
▪️358,530 assault rifles
▪️126,395 pistols
▪️64,363 machine guns

Other equipment:

▪️$50M in ammunition
▪️Over $1M mortar rounds
▪️28,825 Humvees, including armored gun-trucks
▪️900 combat vehicles
▪️167 aircraft, including 33 Black Hawks, & 3 C-130 Hercules
▪️42,000 pieces of night vision, surveillance, biometric & positioning equipment

Here we have what looks like a pretty specific accounting of equipment from a freaking Twitter user that you guys are taking as accurate. 126,395 pistols. REALLY?
There's no doubt that the US left equipment behind, and God knows the entire Afghan Army basically laid down arms. That's not my point. My point is that $85 Billion is the entire budget for the equipment over the 20 years we were there. I'd bet Billions in ammo alone was expended during that time. But folks quote that number to make things look worse than they are.

And my other point was that AS YOU JUST SAID they didn't maintain clear records. And yet:
▪️358,530 assault rifles
▪️126,395 pistols
▪️64,363 machine guns

Other equipment:

▪️$50M in ammunition
▪️Over $1M mortar rounds
▪️28,825 Humvees, including armored gun-trucks
▪️900 combat vehicles
▪️167 aircraft, including 33 Black Hawks, & 3 C-130 Hercules
▪️42,000 pieces of night vision, surveillance, biometric & positioning equipment

Here we have what looks like a pretty specific accounting of equipment from a freaking Twitter user that you guys are taking as accurate. 126,395 pistols. REALLY?
The reality is, no one knows how much was left behind but you can find pictures of container after container of M240's (light machine guns), ammo cans and other various weapons. Not sure it matters if it was $85b but it sure is enough to arm a few terrorist groups to inflict pretty heavy damage. That is the real issue
The reality is, no one knows how much was left behind but you can find pictures of container after container of M240's (light machine guns), ammo cans and other various weapons. Not sure it matters if it was $85b but it sure is enough to arm a few terrorist groups to inflict pretty heavy damage. That is the real issue
Your point is well taken for sure. No doubt that was a fiasco. The thing is that the the official number reported to congress is more like $7.1 Billion.

That's a LOT different that $85 billion. Which once again is the TOTAL equipment bill for the 20 years we were there.
Your point is well taken for sure. No doubt that was a fiasco. The thing is that the the official number reported to congress is more like $7.1 Billion.

That's a LOT different that $85 billion. Which once again is the TOTAL equipment bill for the 20 years we were there.
Don’t know for sure but a buddy told me they (Pentagon) use depreciation on aging assets, that’s not suggesting that the $85b number is accurate or justified but it’s higher than $7b and lower than $85b

The real point though is the US Military destroys weapons when they think they will be overrun or have to leave in a hurry, my real question is why didn’t they execute Geronimo protocol? That is really the basis for investigation. Possible deal with the Taliban? Maybe
Your point is well taken for sure. No doubt that was a fiasco. The thing is that the the official number reported to congress is more like $7.1 Billion.

That's a LOT different that $85 billion. Which once again is the TOTAL equipment bill for the 20 years we were there.
No matter what you say the value is they left billions of dollars worth of working equipment for militant muslim forces to take and use against us and the rest of the free world.
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No matter what you say the value is they left billions of dollars worth of working equipment for militant muslim forces to take and use against us and the rest of the free world.
Absolutely... No question about it. What a mess.

But once again. You throw that $85 billion number around (this time based on a random twitter user) which is not the correct value by over a factor of 10. I've pointed that out to you several time, but you continue to use the inflated number b/c it suits your world view, proving once again, that you have NO INTEREST in being truthful if lying makes your view better. A skill learned from your Lord and Savior Trump, no doubt.
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Absolutely... No question about it. What a mess.

But once again. You throw that $85 billion number around (this time based on a random twitter user) which is not the correct value by over a factor of 10. I've pointed that out to you several time, but you continue to use the inflated number b/c it suits your world view, proving once again, that you have NO INTEREST in being truthful if lying makes your view better. A skill learned from your Lord and Savior Trump, no doubt.
Leave it to you to try and take the focus off from where it should be.
Leave it to you to try and take the focus off from where it should be.
Leave it to you to post bullshit each and every day. Just pointing it out, like when you REPEATEDLY give out numbers like this that are over a factor of 10 inflated even though you've been told. And leave it to you to deflect when someone calls you out on your bullshit.
Leave it to you to post bullshit each and every day. Just pointing it out, like when you REPEATEDLY give out numbers like this that are over a factor of 10 inflated even though you've been told. And leave it to you to deflect when someone calls you out on your bullshit.
Get your priorities straight dude. China Joe is a traitor and a f#*kup on top of it.
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Here is the firsthand testimony from a man on the ground.

Here is U.S. Marine Corps sniper, Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews,

Murderer, Joe Biden belongs in prison,
Murderer, Mark Woke Milley belongs in prison,
Murderer, Lloyd Woke Austin belongs in prison,

Testifies to the good for nothing U.S. Congress,

was denied permission to obliterate the suicide bomber in Afghanistan that murdered 13 U.S. service members and + 170 civilians:

"Plain and simple, we were ignored. Our expertise was disregarded. No one was held accountable for our safety... The withdrawal was a catastrophe. There was an inexcusable lack of accountability."
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The gift that keeps giving.

CIA Agent Says It’s Impossible For Joe Biden To Have Vetted All 120,000 Afghanistan Evacuees Before Bringing Them Into America

🚨 CIA Agent “About 70% of the people that Mr. Biden evacuated were not eligible to get any of the visas”

“The Biden Admin claims it evacuated about 120,000 individuals. Were any of those people vetted?”

“You're a professional, you work in the CIA. You tell me, is it possible to vet people, that many people, in two weeks while you're surrounded by Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, there's a suicide bombing, and all that chaos?

You saw the stuff on TV. You tell me, is it possible to vet all of those individuals?

No. Now, Mr. Biden can claim whatever he wants. And you, this is a free country. You can believe him or you can just say, no, give me the evidence. What I can tell you is this about the veterans, most veterans involved in this, they're all in agreement in this, that about 70% of the people that Mr. Biden evacuated were not eligible to get any of the visas.

They were not vetted. They don't know who they brought out. They're figuring it out right now. They're learning who they brought out now while they're already here. Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with those individuals that we brought.

I am, if you said what I'm saying right now, they would call you racist, Islamophobe. They can't say the same thing to me. So there is a process. America is a very generous country. It gave me a home. It took me in. And this is going to continue. America has always been a generous country. It will continue to accept refugees legally, vetted correctly.

But that is not what is happening right now. That is not what happened. Unvetted individuals.

They were not the so-called allies, quote unquote. They don't know who they were. They were just people. And so if you, this category of individuals that they brought, the whole of Afghanistan falls under that category. It's all your ally. Are you going to evacuate all 40 million of the Afghan people and bring them here? You tell me, is the evacuation the solution here? Or is it just a band-aid?”
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Whistleblower stating that jihadi Joe sends 40M per week to the taliban. Treason!!

Interview With A CIA Agent On Afghanistan, EXPOSES Joe Biden Is Sending The Taliban “$40 million cash every week”

He Explains Exactly How They Get It:

CIA Agent “The simplest way I could say it right here, right now, American taxpayer money, your tax dollars, are funding the Taliban right now”

“This has been going on since September 2021

On a weekly basis, the United States, the current administration, Mr. Joe Biden, has been sending $40 million, not from his own check-in account. It’s the US payers, Americans tax dollars.

He's sending them $40 million cash every week that ends up in Afghanistan. And it's a very complex system. The money goes to the Afghanistan International Bank that lacks any authority to convert this dollar to Afghani, to auction it.

Right? And so this money, AIB gives it to the Taliban-controlled central bank of Afghanistan. When I say central bank, think federal reserves. So the money goes there. Now, who is in charge of Afghanistan's central bank right now? Noor Ahmad Agha, sanctioned terrorists, sanctioned by the United States for financing IED attacks against our soldiers that killed American soldiers.

He runs the central bank. He gets $40 million every week.

Now once the money reaches the central bank, they hold what is called a bidding and auctioning session where they invite individuals that are involved with the Hawala system, licensed money dealers.

They invite them and they're they're bidding everyone bids on who wants to buy”
Kamala acknowledges she was one of the last people in the room with Joe to discuss the plans for what ended up being a disastrous pullout from Afghanistan

Whistleblower stating that jihadi Joe sends 40M per week to the taliban. Treason!!

Interview With A CIA Agent On Afghanistan, EXPOSES Joe Biden Is Sending The Taliban “$40 million cash every week”

He Explains Exactly How They Get It:

CIA Agent “The simplest way I could say it right here, right now, American taxpayer money, your tax dollars, are funding the Taliban right now”

“This has been going on since September 2021

On a weekly basis, the United States, the current administration, Mr. Joe Biden, has been sending $40 million, not from his own check-in account. It’s the US payers, Americans tax dollars.

He's sending them $40 million cash every week that ends up in Afghanistan. And it's a very complex system. The money goes to the Afghanistan International Bank that lacks any authority to convert this dollar to Afghani, to auction it.

Right? And so this money, AIB gives it to the Taliban-controlled central bank of Afghanistan. When I say central bank, think federal reserves. So the money goes there. Now, who is in charge of Afghanistan's central bank right now? Noor Ahmad Agha, sanctioned terrorists, sanctioned by the United States for financing IED attacks against our soldiers that killed American soldiers.

He runs the central bank. He gets $40 million every week.

Now once the money reaches the central bank, they hold what is called a bidding and auctioning session where they invite individuals that are involved with the Hawala system, licensed money dealers.

They invite them and they're they're bidding everyone bids on who wants to buy”
you think there's a chance we sent them singles?