Florida residents....Vote YES on Amendment 2 for Medical...

Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!

Who said anything about smoking it? That is only 1 way to ingest. Do u really think people with Cancer smoke their marijuana? No they ingest through oils, drinks, candy, foods you make it. It's literally the only way they can enjoy a somewhat quality life.

People from Florida with cancer, children that suffer grand mal ceasures multiple times a day will now stop moving to Colorado or Maine from Florida.

Smoking?!? Smh... If you are a medical professor you are ignorant towards cannibus and its positive effects.
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With the heroin epidemic, all stemming from the over prescription of opiate based narcotics, and marijuana being a far less addictive and equally as effective alternative ..... I don't think it will take long. If Obama wants to be a boss he'd sign a executive order legalizing marijuana nationwide.

There are only two reasons why it is illegal
1) cartel drug money is in the pockets of our politicians
2) alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbyist money is in the pockets of our politicians

sounds like you are not fond of the bush or clinton cartels?
My dad is currently on Marinol to counter chemo side effects, and I wish he could take the real thing. First it would be a hell of a lot cheaper. Secondly, from what I have read, there are some differences between how Marinol gets digested and broken down into usable components, versus the much easier pathway via the lungs of inhaled THC. Particularly if he was using a vaporizer and not smoking it.

It's not an option for him so glad to have the FDA approved and expensive as hell Marinol. But it's not as simple of an issue as your rant suggests.

its cheaper because its outside the control of the government.

once they get control with legalization, then you will see the price rise.

you will need a document or ID and that will cost you.

you will need to pay your taxes too and that will cost you.

id rather see them erase the laws on the books and "out of sight, out of mind policy" introduced.

nothing good comes from govt when allowing it into the markets.

look at education and healthcare markets-

any market with govt interference is very costly and out of control.
Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!

I completely disagree (imagine that!). While I don't smoke my blood pressure medicine or high cholesterol medicine, I do eat it in it's most basic plant form. It's called broccoli.
Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!

I am also a doctor and former faculty member and completely disagree. If it can help people (and it can) then we should be able to use it, the route of administration is meaningless...and as others have already pointed out, there are other ways to ingest besides swallowing a pill or smoking.

Dronabinol is not as effective nor as quick and can be a real problem for chronic pain patients or cancer patients with nausea issues who have problems swallowing pills. I have prescribed it before and while it does help to some extent, it is not the same. There are cost issues as well.

The federal government already grows marijuana for medical use because they recognize it can help people and a small subset of patients get prescriptions for it. It is time that others can realize this benefit also.

It is not just people wanting to get high.
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You are mistaken. Read the actual wording on the ballot.

"This amendment establishes a right under Florida's constitution for consumers to own or lease solar equipment installed on their property to generate electricity for their own use. State and local governments shall retain their abilities to protect consumer rights and public health, safety and welfare, and to ensure that consumers who do not choose to install solar are not required to subsidize the costs of backup power and electric grid access to those who do."

I voted yes because I don't want to be responsible for paying for a backup system for those that chose alternative energy. This bill allows you to use alternative energy and protects the rest of us choosing not to...
Jesus. This is the type fool at which all that advertising was aimed.
You are mistaken. Read the actual wording on the ballot.

"This amendment establishes a right under Florida's constitution for consumers to own or lease solar equipment installed on their property to generate electricity for their own use. State and local governments shall retain their abilities to protect consumer rights and public health, safety and welfare, and to ensure that consumers who do not choose to install solar are not required to subsidize the costs of backup power and electric grid access to those who do."

I voted yes because I don't want to be responsible for paying for a backup system for those that chose alternative energy. This bill allows you to use alternative energy and protects the rest of us choosing not to...

He is not mistaken. The amendment is cleverly worded to fool stupid people such as yourself. The energy companies didn't dump $25 million into this amendment for the reasons stated. They want control.
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Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!
With the heroin epidemic, all stemming from the over prescription of opiate based narcotics, and marijuana being a far less addictive and equally as effective alternative ..... I don't think it will take long. If Obama wants to be a boss he'd sign a executive order legalizing marijuana nationwide.

There are only two reasons why it is illegal
1) cartel drug money is in the pockets of our politicians
2) alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbyist money is in the pockets of our politicians
don't forget about Big Tobacco.
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Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!
Marijuana can be consumed a variety of ways that do not include smoking. It can be vaporized, ingested, even applied as a topical solution. I trust in the natural plant far more than I trust in your big-pharma manufactured synthetic marijuana pills (marinol or dronabinal) that don't work as well and end up costing the patient a significant amount more financially. Just because the actual plant can be smoked does not make it any less of a medicine than anything produced by your big-pharma cronies. You and other doctors/researchers that share your misinformed perspective on marijuana are a big reason that no one trusts the government or those involved with the healthcare profession these days. I haven't been to a doctor in over 5 years because I frankly trust nothing about the healthcare industry. And while we are on the healthcare topic, screw Obamacare...biggest unaffordable and unsustainable nonsense ever passed into law.
My personal favorite is this marijuana soda called Legal Tonic. That shit is awesome. $12 a bottle at the dispensary a few miles from my house.
Kinda like the REAL classic Coke? Funny how this stuff is coming back. Soda Jerks lives matter....
Kinda like the REAL classic Coke? Funny how this stuff is coming back. Soda Jerks lives matter....

Yep. Super old-school classic Coke. I like the lemon personally. It tastes just loke San Pellegegrino and just completely mellows you out
Yep. Super old-school classic Coke. I like the lemon personally. It tastes just loke San Pellegegrino and just completely mellows you out
Shoot, I can drink those - regular - lemon sodas all day! Now, make an Orangina with a mellowing factor and I'd buy a case.
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Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!

Lol. Nice1. As a proponent of legalization, I tend to agree - skip the medical BS and just make it recreational.
Lol. Nice1. As a proponent of legalization, I tend to agree - skip the medical BS and just make it recreational.
Completely agree. Medical should be a no-brainer, avail to anyone, anywhere who will benefit.

But we don't talk enough IMO that it should be recreationally legal as a much safer alternative to alcohol for those who so choose.
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Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!
Smoking medicine? Yeah, I'm not aware of any. But there are plenty of medicines that are inhaled.
Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!
Oh, and another thing...medical marijuana is called marijuana. I don't know what that stuff that you called it is, but you're mistaken. That stuff is a synthetic/chemical alternative to marijuana because pharmaceutical companies cannot patent natural substances.
It's an AWFUL idea. Legalize it and problems come pouring in. States that have the law have seen a 400% increase in baby's born addicted of THC.
Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!

But how much would the delivery system options expand were it not illegal? Most smoke because it's the only available option.
It's an AWFUL idea. Legalize it and problems come pouring in. States that have the law have seen a 400% increase in baby's born addicted of THC.
Lol says the guy with Cigars as his avi
Wish SC would pass it. My wife suffer from Epilepsy and she would much rather have a natural alternative rather than taking 7 pills a day to keep her from having seizures. But of course SC will be dead last in trying to pass that. Hell we are still trying to figure out if its ok to sell alcohol on Sundays, smh.
Medical marijuana is legal in all 50 states. It is fda approved and called marinol or dronabinal. I do research on marijuana. Who smokes real medicine? Anybody smoke their high blood pressure meds, their antidepressants etc. Smoked anything is recreational! There was medical whiskey during prohibition. Go to substance I know people like to get high and spreading this nonsense. If people want to label it recreational then fine but don't mislead people. As a teacher at a local medical school and doctor I can tell you we do not teach med students how to dose a blunt of loud to cure what ails ya!

That's because big pharma wouldn't make near the $$$

You can chew willow bark for a headache, does that make it "Not Medicine?"
You can eat marijuana

Does this look like medicine?

Because you can inhale Marijuana too.

The DEA decided to not loosen restrictions on research of Marijuana and maintain it as a schedule 1 narcotic. That's the same level of Heroin and means..."perceived by the federal government to have high potential for abuse and no medical value."

Now I'm not saying you're dumb, I don't know you. I do know that being a doctor is NOT mutually exclusive to also being dumb. I know several doctors that have ZERO common sense and you'd never believe they were doctors if you me them at the golf course.

But if you truly believe that THC and marijuana is illegal because it has no medical value (and is similarly addictive to Heroin)...and not because of HEAVY lobbying by big pharma...I seriously hope they review your license.

Unless the class you teach is "Getting the most ($) out of your relationship with GlaxoSmithKline plc"


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