For anyone who's curious...

But the acting AG said it was immoral and perhaps illegal . Maybe she acts on personal preference ??
For anyone who's curious, just because Congress (or any legislature) passes a law, it doesn't make the law constitutional.
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The issue is that many are calling this racist and not an act of national security. The goalnis to just make it harder for citizens from countries that are known to have ties to terrorism to enter our country.

Seriously if they dont like it go to Canada.

This being the same media sources that have ignored anything right of center and started fake news. Obama....say anything negative and you're aracist
They do
Which is why there was a shooting at a mosque today in Canada.

Hate to put it this way, but better there than here. My opinion is Mexico, Canada and all the Americas will sit dowm and discuss whether they want to be a part of prevention or a part of bending over and getting it rough and dry. This has already started.
I think there is a lot of overreaction to his EO. That said I still think its dumb and brought the racists and the ultra left wingers to,frothing.
All the order does is delay entry right now so we can review/change our vetting procedures. For example, maybe we should allow those who are vetting possible immigrants to look at their social media accounts to see if they indicate any hostility toward America.
The San Bernardino shooter had a multitude of radical views that were evident on his Facebook acct, but the Obama admin would not allow us to look at social media accts bc it might invade their(immigrant) privacy. It is asinine crap like this that is part of the reason we need to take a pause and look at our vetting program. Anyone that argues it is not a matter of national security is an idiot. It has already cost American lives.
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Build a
The issue is that many are calling this racist and not an act of national security. The goalnis to just make it harder for citizens from countries that are known to have ties to terrorism to enter our country.

Seriously if they dont like it go to Canada.
Build a wall.... Make Canada pay for it.
I was under the impression the countries were actually derived from a bill that Obama did?
Also, half those countries on the list don't even have a functioning or established government so that's really not fair.
Even though, I do hear that Mogadishu has a phenomenal farmers market this time of year!
Just messing with ya bruh! ;-)
1 <3
What country did the Boston bomber visit again? Is that could try on the banned list? Hmmm...
Love how he only targeted Muslim countries that he doesn't have business ties to. What a guy...
Don't believe that is true; i.e. Indonesia and Egypt. By the way those 7 Muslim countries are the same ones the Obama Admin noted as suspect. Also, as an FYI, the Administration is now looking into those other countries. Just wanted to make sure you had the latest info.
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I was under the impression the countries were actually derived from a bill that Obama did?
Also, half those countries on the list don't even have a functioning or established government so that's really not fair.
Even though, I do hear that Mogadishu has a phenomenal farmers market this time of year!
Just messing with ya bruh! ;-)
1 <3

Don't believe that is true; i.e. Indonesia and Egypt. By the way those 7 Muslim countries are the same ones the Obama Admin noted as suspect. Also, as an FYI, the Administration is now looking into those other countries. Just wanted to make sure you had the latest info.

Negative...recommend fact checking next time
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Someone on TI says it's legal? Well, go with it!

Honestly, I don't think the actual Trump workflow is much more complex than that.

That website is misleading. They are saying the quote that is similar to what Obama did in 2011 is false.

The truth of the matter is those 7 countries were targeted by the Obama administration.


Also, I'm out. Can't stand ignorant political arguing on a football pay site. Just had to clear the air on the misinformation provided by rladams.
The issue is that many are calling this racist and not an act of national security. The goalnis to just make it harder for citizens from countries that are known to have ties to terrorism to enter our country.

Seriously if they dont like it go to Canada.
Then why isn't Saudi Arabia on the list? Saudis have killed more Americans than all of the 7 "banned" countries together.

Oh wait this explains it.

"They buy apartments from me," Trump said during the Alabama rally. "They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”
Take it or leave it, but the other side of that argument is because S.A. has traditionally provided and shared intelligence to a greater degree than the countries in the list; some of which don't even have a functioning government. And, President Trump only needed to utilize our time focusing on those countries to establish a baseline. Whatever it's worth...

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