Whatever man... the Republican side used to be climate change is a hoax (Remember your lord and savior telling you that it was the Chinese fooling us to hurt America?)... then they changed to "We aren't scientists and don't know", then its "Yes the climate is changing but humans aren't doing it. Now it's we don't have enough data to make that conclusion. EVEN though the consensus among climatologists is that this is the case.
I'm guessing that all the Climatologists are Deep State or corrupt or whatever Donald Trump is telling you now and the oil companies' scientists/politicians are given you the real truth.
scientists launched a space craft a year ago and were able to make it crash into a 530 foot big asteroid 7 million miles away.
scientists are overwhelmingly convinced that climate change is man made and we are approaching a point of no return in the next ten years.
but I will not listen to them. I will do my own research on YouTube.