George Floyd Revisited

I am absolutely comfortable with it... Let's take your example and change it just a little. A 55 year old man with stage 4 cancer and cirrhosis of the walks into a bank. The bank is being robbed and the robber shoots him in the chest. Two days later the man dies in the ICU. Does the bank robber NOT get charged with murder? Does the man's death certificate say he died of cancer or cirrhosis? Of course not, because the bullet to the chest killed him.

Same thing here.

We cannot talk at both sides of our mouths. If we’re gonna play this cause orientation game where the primary cause lies. Being shot with a weapon or taking too much fentanyl, it’s pretty clear about that medical intervention. All of us live through a life of bacterial and viral infections with the vast majority of us who are healthy always pull through. It’s rare, a healthy person dies. But it’s very common that an unhealthy person with an infection does succumb.

It’s no surprise more Americans died of Covid then of other nations who have more healthy people.

This country is effing pathetic about taking ownership of reality. Always wanting to cast blame elsewhere, than looking dead in the face and recognizing that half your tank is already dead and with any additional added, straw will kill your camels fat ass.

It was abundantly clear in the Covid reporting game that over 95% of people who died were in poor health.
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We cannot talk at both sides of our mouths. If we’re gonna play this cause orientation game where the primary cause lies. Being shot with a weapon or taking too much fentanyl, it’s pretty clear about that medical intervention. All of us live through a life of bacterial and viral infections with the vast majority of us who are healthy always pull through. It’s rare, a healthy person dies. But it’s very common that an unhealthy person with an infection does succumb.

It’s no surprise more Americans died of Covid then of other nations who have more healthy people.

This country is effing pathetic about taking ownership of reality. Always wanting to cast blame elsewhere, than looking dead in the face and recognizing that half your tank is already dead and with any additional added, straw will kill your camels fat ass.

It was abundantly clear in the Covid reporting game that over 95% of people who died were in poor health.
I agree with the fact that COVID killed the unhealthy at a far higher rate that the unhealthy. There's no question about that, or that if folks were healthier they'd be safer and would have been FAR less likely to die if they did get COVID. My problem was with the folks that were dumping on the cause of death, saying people that died of COVID didn't REALLY die of COVID b/c they were unhealthy. That's just not true.
I agree with the fact that COVID killed the unhealthy at a far higher rate that the unhealthy. There's no question about that, or that if folks were healthier they'd be safer and would have been FAR less likely to die if they did get COVID. My problem was with the folks that were dumping on the cause of death, saying people that died of COVID didn't REALLY die of COVID b/c they were unhealthy. That's just not true.
There’s reason why we learn logic, probability, statistics, Venn diagrams.
To actually use them!!!

It’s true that unhealthy people in their current state + COLD/FLU/COVID will die.

It’s true that healthy people in their current state + COLD/FLU/COVID will die.

It’s true that OLDER people will die at a much higher rate which is a direct correlation of aging cells and weakened immune system.

It’s also true those with comorbidities will die at a higher rate than those who do not.

The biggest BULLSHIT about COVID was that it was never communicated in relation to how it affected as it would a bad flu outbreak affecting the population with an across the board mathematical increase that was small until to hit 65+. BUT EVEN on the low age realm, it was those that had comorbidities was the vast majority that suffered. Those popping off that no one died with COVID healthy otherwise? Wrong. Was it a very small number? Yes. No different than getting the flu for this age and health range.

Net net, healthy people under 55, COVID SHOULD HAVE BEEN business as usual.




Yea, no lack of objectivity or pressure to convict in that trial. Cop messed up and deserved punishment, but it also wasn't cold-blooded murder.

The lesson here is:
  • Don't do hard drugs
  • Don't commit crimes
Had Floyd avoided both of these he would be alive today.

Of course we focused on systemic racism instead of practicing good behavior to keep yourself out of these situations.
The cop messed up ... give me a fvcking break! Of course, people shouldn't do hard drugs or commit crimes, but that didn't give the cop the right to kill a human being. Cop deserved what he got.

The irony is that you will be voting for Trump ... a man who has no integrity and has committed numerous crimes but hey white collar crime is ok because, you know, they're rich.
The cop messed up ... give me a fvcking break! Of course, people shouldn't do hard drugs or commit crimes, but that didn't give the cop the right to kill a human being. Cop deserved what he got.

The irony is that you will be voting for Trump ... a man who has no integrity and has committed numerous crimes but hey white collar crime is ok because, you know, they're rich.
Did you not read what he wrote? He clearly said the cop messed up and deserved punishment. Just not for murder. Additionally he said we should encourage people not to be shitty humans and commit crime so they can avoid these situation all together. Are you in favor of people committing crimes?
Also - he has repeatedly said he was NOT voting for Trump. Any more conclusions you want to jump to?
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Did you not read what he wrote? He clearly said the cop messed up and deserved punishment. Just not for murder. Additionally he said we should encourage people not to be shitty humans and commit crime so they can avoid these situation all together. Are you in favor of people committing crimes?
Also - he has repeatedly said he was NOT voting for Trump. Any more conclusions you want to jump to?
Did you not read what I wrote about people not committing crimes? And I haven’t been keeping up with his previous posts about anything lately like you have apparently. And I'm glad to hear he won't be voting for Benedict Donald. My apologies to Scotch. I wish more people would look at the facts and stop kissing the ring of the narcissist criminal.
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But no one on MMA is kneeling on anyone's neck for 10 minutes.
Thats true but I am just stating the fact that the pressure has to be applied continuously in the exact right spot and pressure to make someone pass out and any little movement can change that pressure. MMA fighters that pass out due to a choke almost immediately wake up as soon as the choke is released. The fentanyl had a huge affect on the outcome while I would agree that the officer deserved some punishment well short of what he received.

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