First: Casa_del_Tigre you have to then already believe that this Supreme Court Justice nominee is tried and convicted of "rape" before he even has a say or there is even a trial. That is absolutely pathetic! I don't to often wish bad things on people but obviously you need an 'shoe on the other foot' type of event to knocks some kind of sense of reality into your hard head.
Second: nytigerfan I never insinuated that the Republicans are faultless. I believe that Washington in general is dirty and this path of extreme partisan politics is leading this country into a disastrous outcome. What I am saying (regardless of what side you are on) is if this is the direction that we need to go? As they say, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. The Democrats are going to have to face the same kind of scrutiny, but obviously they have the media on their side which will minimize or hide the "rape" comment that Casa_del_Tigre so stupidly made in order to protect, and virtually limit (at least the exposure aspect) of any "possible" underhanded tactics to derail the democrats agenda.
These two comments certainly show the vile and vehement knee jerk responses when their side is being questioned, and the outright prejudice that some will go to defend or attack someone who either falls in line with their beliefs or does not.
And to see that you are so certain that convicting this man over what she claims happened 36 years ago and destroying his career and family shows absolutely what you are made of.