The libs are losing their minds.
ELECTION INTEGRITY: It’s truly something that Senator Raphael Warnock is more concerned about the accuracy of a hand count than the results churned out by Dominion Voting Machines. His fear? That a hand count could show Trump won Georgia, while the Dominion machines show Kamala Harris as the victor, leading to the state refusing to certify Harris's win. This isn’t just a hypothetical concern—Warnock is suggesting that hand counts could reveal discrepancies, and apparently, that’s a problem. But shouldn’t the goal be to ensure the candidate who gets the most votes actually wins, regardless of the method?
Let’s break this down. Each precinct in Georgia is responsible for hand-counting around 1,900 ballots within a five-hour window. That’s hardly an insurmountable task. It’s actually a highly manageable one that ensures the vote tallies reported by Dominion machines are accurate. If these machines are as flawless as their defenders claim, then what’s the harm in double-checking? A hand count would only serve to confirm the machines’ accuracy, wouldn’t it?
Warnock seems to believe that a hand count showing a different outcome would cause chaos. But here’s the solution: if discrepancies are found that could alter the election outcome, those ballots can—and should—be hand-counted again, as many times as needed, to ensure the most accurate results. That's how you ensure that the true will of the voters is reflected, not through blind trust in machines but through verification when needed.
So, why the resistance to hand counts? If the machines and hand counts match up, great—everyone wins. But if they don't, it’s democracy doing its job—catching errors and correcting course. The real question here is: why is Senator Warnock so worried about verifying the results? Could it be that some are afraid the hand count might not align with the narrative they’re pushing?