Georgia Has 460,000 Absentee Ballots Still Missing Custody Documentation Required by Law – Will Georgia Move to Trump Column as a Result?


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Joe Hoft
Published December 29, 2020 at 3:00pm
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Georgia Has 460,000 Absentee Ballots Still Missing Chain of Custody Documentation Required by Law – Since most absentee ballots went to Biden, will Georgia move to the Trump column as a result?
We reported on Saturday that Tiffany Morgan at the Tennessee Star reported:
With eleven days until Georgia’s U.S. runoff election, a large majority of the state’s counties have failed to produce chain of custody documents for some 460,000 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes that were counted in the state’s November 3 general election as requested by The Georgia Star News
…In order to account for the secure whereabouts for absentee ballots left in drop boxes across the state, the Georgia Election Code Emergency Rule approved by State Election Board on July 1, 2020, required that every county is responsible for documenting the transfer of every batch of absentee ballots picked up at drop boxes and delivered to the county election offices with ballot transfer forms. The forms are required to be signed and dated, with time of pick up by the collection team upon pick up, and then signed, dated, with time of delivery by the registrar or designee upon receipt and accepted.
TRENDING: Tom Fitton Brilliantly Defends Rep. Gohmert in His Lawsuit Against VP Mike Pence to Resolve Election Results (VIDEO)

Will Georgia move to the Trump column as a result of nearly a half a million ballots not having the required documentation per the law? These ballots are of course ballots that Joe Biden received in the historically corrupt election of 2020.

Most of msm is just propaganda sites.....LOL.

Snopes, Which Will Be Fact-Checking For Facebook, Employs Leftists Almost Exclusively

citing the Daily Caller to call another source biased...

Yawn... and AGAIN we ask. Why wasn't this brought up in court, where these things get considered? Most probable answer, because they aren't true.

A quick question... Where is that "game changer" server that was seized in that Raid in Europe? You know, the one that PROVED that Dominion was putting ballots for Biden? You posted that quite some time ago with a link to the same site you are siting now? Asking for a friend...

And of course:

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
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OP will NEVER accept that Trump lost and if he had the power, he'd toss the constitution in the trash and make Trump the Dear Leader that he's always wanted to worship. No amount of evidence will convince him, nothing will keep him from worshiping his Lord and Savior.

How many full of crap theories has he brought up since the election? He's basically telling us that EVERY. SINGLE. INSTITUTION. in the US is corrupt and only Trump is telling the truth. And he really believes that. Loyal Trump supporters that have said differently are liars. Anyone who disagrees must be destroyed. It's sad to see, but really interesting at the same time that a person who was born and raised in America, and touts freedom and rule of law, simply toss all those beliefs in the trash for one man.

Think about that. OP has said all the courts in the US are bad. The SCOTUS is bad. There's a huge conspiracy of bad Americans plotting against Trump. The Trump loving Governor of Ga and Arizona are bad b/c they wouldn't break the law for Trump. He's advocated that Trump declare martial law to keep himself in power. All that for one man. Wow.
OP will NEVER accept that Trump lost and if he had the power, he'd toss the constitution in the trash and make Trump the Dear Leader that he's always wanted to worship. No amount of evidence will convince him, nothing will keep him from worshiping his Lord and Savior.

How many full of crap theories has he brought up since the election? He's basically telling us that EVERY. SINGLE. INSTITUTION. in the US is corrupt and only Trump is telling the truth. And he really believes that. Loyal Trump supporters that have said differently are liars. Anyone who disagrees must be destroyed. It's sad to see, but really interesting at the same time that a person who was born and raised in America, and touts freedom and rule of law, simply toss all those beliefs in the trash for one man.

Think about that. OP has said all the courts in the US are bad. The SCOTUS is bad. There's a huge conspiracy of bad Americans plotting against Trump. The Trump loving Governor of Ga and Arizona are bad b/c they wouldn't break the law for Trump. He's advocated that Trump declare martial law to keep himself in power. All that for one man. Wow.

This pic sums up how Trumpers - and Donald himself - see Trump. It's insane.

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OP will NEVER accept that Trump lost and if he had the power, he'd toss the constitution in the trash and make Trump the Dear Leader that he's always wanted to worship. No amount of evidence will convince him, nothing will keep him from worshiping his Lord and Savior.

How many full of crap theories has he brought up since the election? He's basically telling us that EVERY. SINGLE. INSTITUTION. in the US is corrupt and only Trump is telling the truth. And he really believes that. Loyal Trump supporters that have said differently are liars. Anyone who disagrees must be destroyed. It's sad to see, but really interesting at the same time that a person who was born and raised in America, and touts freedom and rule of law, simply toss all those beliefs in the trash for one man.

Think about that. OP has said all the courts in the US are bad. The SCOTUS is bad. There's a huge conspiracy of bad Americans plotting against Trump. The Trump loving Governor of Ga and Arizona are bad b/c they wouldn't break the law for Trump. He's advocated that Trump declare martial law to keep himself in power. All that for one man. Wow.

Humbly, I am bringing up a lot of facts and you guys are living in your MSM controlled sheeple world where basically your man parts have been removed. Youve been neutered...LOL.
Humbly, I am bringing up a lot of facts and you guys are living in your MSM controlled sheeple world where basically your man parts have been removed. Youve been neutered...LOL.

you wouldn’t know a fact if you walked in on one porking your wife while you were up all night reading qanon conspiracies and posting easily debunked Twitter troll trash on TI.
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Humbly, I am bringing up a lot of facts and you guys are living in your MSM controlled sheeple world where basically your man parts have been removed. Youve been neutered...LOL.

You bring up bullshit narratives in transparent troll attempts to "own the libs". We provide facts. And they prove the narrative to be false. Every. Single. Time.

But you do get consistent responses, so I guess you are achieving your goal. Congrats.
Humbly, I am bringing up a lot of facts and you guys are living in your MSM controlled sheeple world where basically your man parts have been removed. Youve been neutered...LOL.

Nope, you are not. You are bringing up made up stories that don't stand up in court. A LOT OF THEM. Again, if these are facts, why don't they stand up in court? I have NEVER referenced an MSN article to make an argument as they are an unreliable source. I've probably posted a link or two from tertiary sources debunking your BS articles as your sources are so bad that they aren't worth actually working to debunk them.

Where's that server that was seized in Europe? You presented that as a "fact". Here's your thread telling us that Trump won the election because of it:


And here's some more facts for you:

The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office announced Tuesday that it completed its audit of ballot signatures and found no fraud in the presidential election. The secretary of state’s office, in partnership with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, performed a signature match audit in Cobb County after credible allegations that the process was not followed during the June primaries.
The secretary of state’s office, in partnership with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, performed a signature match audit in Cobb County. The review found “no fraudulent ballots” and that the county had a “99.99%” accuracy rate in performing correct signature verification procedures during the presidential election, the secretary of state’s office said.

Now of course your Lord and Savior Trump doesn't believe them (I'm guessing that we can add the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to the Deep State, right? I mean what the hell, who ISN'T on it?). So with his usual "straight shooting style" his thumbs got right to work discrediting the audit.

“I love the Great State of Georgia, but the people who run it, from the Governor ... to the Secretary of State, are a complete disaster and don’t have a clue, or worse,” Trump tweeted. “Nobody can be this stupid. Just allow us to find the crime, and turn the state Republican....”

Trump then appeared to suggest Raffensperger rigged the election against Trump to help his brother, whom the president said “works for China.” Raffensperger does not have a brother.

BRILLIANT WORK MR. PRESIDENT!!! I'm sure he's REALLY done his homework here gathering the evidence before accusing someone (THAT DOESN'T EXIST).
If the Georgia election was fraudulent how did Perdue beat Ossof by tens of thousands of votes? If Democrats were going to steal Georgia for Biden why wouldn't they also steal the election from the two republican senate candidates? The truth is both republican senate candidates ran better than Trump because he is an incompetent clown which has been proven daily with the pandemic response and now the vaccine rollout. His intervention in the latest pandemic stimulus proves it further. He intervenes after the deal is made. He doesn't have enough sense to get involved while negotiations are ongoing. What a complete fool!