Georgia Voting Laws and NCAA

Georgia is a purple state so both sides are now concerned about that small group of people who are poor.
Whether they are young, old, or in the middle they are normally people who rely on others, therefore don't necessarily have an ID. They don't drive, have utilities in their name, fly on a plane, etc.

Democrats want them to vote because 90% will vote for the party that gives them more stuff and Republican's don't want them to vote for the same reason.
Democrats say they want to count every vote and Republicans want to ensure only legal votes count.

Both don't care until it is a purple state.
So a couple of dozen idiots is now an entire party? If that's true, then please call Nancy, Chuck and AOC and tell them to have their Democrats stop rioting and burning down businesses in their Democrat controlled cities.
Just remember not every Republican is racist but every racist is a Republican dude QAnon is the Republican Party now. I have never seen a party so scared to allow people to vote. However when you have no platform to run on what else can you do. All they can do is oppose they can’t govern they hate Obamacare but have yet to come up with a plan to replace it. They are fine adding to the deficit to give tax breaks to the wealthy one percent but you add to the deficit to cut child poverty in half every Republican voted against it. Tells you all you need to know.
How many think the NCAA gets involved in boycotts of Georgia? Does SEC move the Championship game from Georgia Dome?

To answer your question, yes the NCAA will get involved and the first salvo will be that no Georgia schools, and if they pass it Texas schools, will be allowed to host baseball regionals or supers.

Ultimately the NCAA will always stand up on social justice issues and try to hold the line on finances. Every. Single. Time.
You can't get a utility account in your name without a government issued photo ID. You can't get anything put in your name without one. So did they just throw away their photo ID after they got the proof documents to register to vote?

Yes you can....
The reality of the situation is that all corporations and organizations know that the left will absolutely boycott them and beat them into the ground with the control they have with the media. More conservative people have no such power and they tend to just look the other way and deal with it. Kind of like people still having Disney plus and doing business with a vast array of companies they can't stand them. Do you think if it were reversed a leftist would continue to have Disney Plus? No they wouldn't.

The most committed wins and that is why they always win. That and the fact that they're allowed to parrot something that is not true for their own gain. It is distressing how little the truth matters but that's just the world we live in. Until we become as committed and start fighting this at every level it's going to continue this way. I do not believe the majority of people feel this way but the majority is very rarely represented these days.

With respect to this bill the only reason you would object to it is because it makes it harder for you to cheat. It's not racist and it's not discriminatory. It's going to legitimize elections in this state for all sides. Remember the Democrats were certain that the gubernatorial election was stolen from them and that Stacey Abrams is the rightful governor of Georgia. We have to get to where we're not fighting over elections. This is a step in that direction.
Just remember not every Republican is racist but every racist is a Republican dude QAnon is the Republican Party now. I have never seen a party so scared to allow people to vote. However when you have no platform to run on what else can you do. All they can do is oppose they can’t govern they hate Obamacare but have yet to come up with a plan to replace it. They are fine adding to the deficit to give tax breaks to the wealthy one percent but you add to the deficit to cut child poverty in half every Republican voted against it. Tells you all you need to know.
LOL What a dumb ass. Every Racist is a Republican. BLM and Antifa is the Face of the Democratic Party.
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Can't wait to go a brewery tonight where a legal photo ID is required to purchase alcohol.

I shall drive there in my truck that requires a legal drivers license and insurance that also requires photo ID.

My friends will be joining but I will call them on my cell phone that verizon required a photo id to purchase their data plan to shore up plans for the evening.

But before I go I will take a shower using city of Columbia water that requires:
Social Security Number
Place of employment
Date service is to begin
Contact telephone numbers for home and work
Driver’s License, Permit or State issued I.D.
Copy of Closing statement or Lease agreement (also requires photo ID)

I will be sure to turn off my Dominion Energy lights before leaving the house that also requires:
Social Security number (you and spouse)*
Driver's license number (proof of ID may be required)
*If you don't have a drivers license number or further proof of ID is required you must fill out a form of identification and appear in person before a notary to validate you are who you say you are to have it sealed and returned.
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LOL What a dumb ass. Every Racist is a Republican. BLM and Antifa is the Face of the Democratic Party.
Who was marching in the capital on January 6th holding Trump and confederate flags. You know why they put the no food and water in lines because people of color wait in voting lines 4-5 times longer than white people. Sounds racist to me don’t you think f**king moron.
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Rather have fair elections than football in my state. The right has to stand up for values! lets face it, rampant cheating is going on in elections.
Just remember not every Republican is racist but every racist is a Republican dude QAnon is the Republican Party now. I have never seen a party so scared to allow people to vote. However when you have no platform to run on what else can you do. All they can do is oppose they can’t govern they hate Obamacare but have yet to come up with a plan to replace it. They are fine adding to the deficit to give tax breaks to the wealthy one percent but you add to the deficit to cut child poverty in half every Republican voted against it. Tells you all you need to know.

"Every racist is a Republican"? Come on, there's no way you can even believe what you just typed. Ignorant statements like this just drown out the rest of the points you were trying to make. Surely you can do better.
Who was marching in the capital on January 6th holding Trump and confederate flags. You know why they put the no food and water in lines because people of color wait in voting lines 4-5 times longer than white people. Sounds racist to me don’t you think f**king moron.

So you're stereotyping branding an entire group of people based on your impressions and little to no factual evidence that supports your theory. That sounds like bigotry to me. You are a hateful and pathetic person. I will pray for you to see the light. You're becoming what you think you behold. It is a sad display.
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Just remember not every Republican is racist but every racist is a Republican dude QAnon is the Republican Party now. I have never seen a party so scared to allow people to vote. However when you have no platform to run on what else can you do. All they can do is oppose they can’t govern they hate Obamacare but have yet to come up with a plan to replace it. They are fine adding to the deficit to give tax breaks to the wealthy one percent but you add to the deficit to cut child poverty in half every Republican voted against it. Tells you all you need to know.

If republicans are QAnon are you willing to accept Antifa as all democrats? I don't because I am smart enough to know there are lunatics at both fringes that don't represent 99% of this country.

I don't think republicans are scared to allow people to vote. In GA specifically they are actually expanding voting access that was set to go away when emergency measures related to covid expired. Can you name one aspect of the law that is actually restrictive?
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Who was marching in the capital on January 6th holding Trump and confederate flags. You know why they put the no food and water in lines because people of color wait in voting lines 4-5 times longer than white people. Sounds racist to me don’t you think f**king moron.

In Georgia, the county election office runs the voting precincts . Longest lines for voting are in democratic controlled counties. Seems like the dems have no concern with fixing the long lines.
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The everyday wingnuts on the left and the right are largely missing the point. None of these politicians are really all that concerned about voting rights or potential fraud. Yes, GA Republicans (and Kemp in particular) have a long history of taking actions designed to maximize political advantage by excluding voters they deem "unfit," and that reasoning can be debated. But given the current growth trajectory of metro Atlanta and surrounding suburbs, the Democratic Party has a clear path to majority in GA. These culture war-type battles serve a larger need for both parties: For the far left, it's about stoking division for the purpose of raising money (outrage) on a national scale. For the far right, it's consolidating money and influence in response to the internal schism threatening base unity within the Republican Party. They're playing their game, and if you entertain either, they're just taking you to the bank.

The bottom line is that it's easy to vote in GA. If you go get a driver's license, you are automatiucally registered to vote unless you opt out. And conversely, there is no real evidence that there is any systemic fraud, or risk of fraud, in the current administration of GA elections - Matt Gaetz banged more 17-year olds for money down in Florida than dead people voted in GA during the last election.
Just remember not every Republican is racist but every racist is a Republican dude QAnon is the Republican Party now. I have never seen a party so scared to allow people to vote. However when you have no platform to run on what else can you do. All they can do is oppose they can’t govern they hate Obamacare but have yet to come up with a plan to replace it. They are fine adding to the deficit to give tax breaks to the wealthy one percent but you add to the deficit to cut child poverty in half every Republican voted against it. Tells you all you need to know.
I see you are well versed in all things left. I'm a racist who doesn't want people to vote. You've just recited the entire Dem playbook! Congrats. I'm not racist, but that won't hold water to you. I also want every living, breathing American citizen over the age of 18 to vote. Voter ID will largely prevent fraud and ensure we have legitimate elections. But then again, you know that. Like you say...tells you all you need to know.
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Who was marching in the capital on January 6th holding Trump and confederate flags. You know why they put the no food and water in lines because people of color wait in voting lines 4-5 times longer than white people. Sounds racist to me don’t you think f**king moron.
That is not true. The GA law does not say that. It prevents, water, gifts, cinnamon rolls, money, and every other form of bribery to occur more than a certain distance from the polls. Polling stations are free to provide water. But those are facts, something the White House and CNN won't tell you. Don't believe me? Go read the law.
You know why they put the no food and water in lines because people of color wait in voting lines 4-5 times longer than white people.
No. It's illegal to give free stuff to potential voters to try and influence them in the polling area. The same reason you can't have election signs within so many feet of a polling place. The same reason candidates and they proponents can not campaign to people in line to vote. It part of voting laws.....I know that's something most dems haven't read.

Has nothing to do so with a person's color. To suggest so is bigoted.
I see you are well versed in all things left. I'm a racist who doesn't want people to vote. You've just recited the entire Dem playbook! Congrats. I'm not racist, but that won't hold water to you. I also want every living, breathing American citizen over the age of 18, who is eligible, to vote. Voter ID will largely prevent fraud and ensure we have legitimate elections. But then again, you know that. Like you say...tells you all you need to know.

Fixed it for you.
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First thing is reparations to make everybody happy.

I just want to agree to pay reparations for slave descendants and to pay reparations to ALL American taxpayers (all races) that have funded this country’s welfare state through their hard-earned money. Or we can just call it a wash and move on from the insanity and find some unity somewhere.
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i am past caring about pro sports and now college for failing to play sports

I am just one more protest or taking a knee from taking the position shut down all college sports and end scholarships and make colleges only academic facilities

the elected government of Georgia and Texas are Making laws based on election results

this bullying from the liberals has to stop
Triggered a bunch of people and got this thread moved to the round table. Goal achieved. Im not even worried about these racist voter suppression laws because it just gives the Democrats the cover to amend the filibuster to allow voting rights act legislation to pass with 51 votes. Manchin will pick Hr 1 apart some but some version will pass. Which will happen because Republicans pushed the big lie because if they didn’t push the big lie Warnock would have still won but Purdue would have won and Republicans would have kept the Senate majority. Kinda funny when you think about it ✌️
Triggered a bunch of people and got this thread moved to the round table. Goal achieved. Im not even worried about these racist voter suppression laws because it just gives the Democrats the cover to amend the filibuster to allow voting rights act legislation to pass with 51 votes. Manchin will pick Hr 1 apart some but some version will pass. Which will happen because Republicans pushed the big lie because if they didn’t push the big lie Warnock would have still won but Purdue would have won and Republicans would have kept the Senate majority. Kinda funny when you think about it ✌
Well this went South real quick.
Who was marching in the capital on January 6th holding Trump and confederate flags. You know why they put the no food and water in lines because people of color wait in voting lines 4-5 times longer than white people. Sounds racist to me don’t you think f**king moron.
Are you black enough to vote for Biden? That's Biden's words not mine. Would you like for me to post some more Biden's racist comments over the years?
I hear UGA plans to boycott the CFP in protest.
