
100% agree. They may not have known the nitty gritty details, but they knew millions of people were leaving to never be seen again. Functioning towns existed near enough to the camps that rumor alone would have spread like wildfire.

Plus, many Germans risked their lives to hide Jews and other "undesirables," and they did it because they knew what was happening.
I’m a sucker for the classic musicals. Give me the Baroness and Shirley Jones in the Music Man.


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Again, going from memory, but Dachau, the first camp was in operation by mid 1930’s and while it started for political prisoners, etc., it wasn’t far from Munich. No effing way things didn’t leak out, especially when things changed.
True. Dachau was primarily a work camp though. It only saw like 30-40,000 deaths. Auschwitz and some of the other extermination camps saw over a million. Dachau was also the training facilities for the SS, so it was guarded closely and relatively secretive.
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I was stationed in Erlangen, Germany with the US Army from 1978-1981 and we were told that it is best not to discus this subject with the Germans. Now the time period that I was there was much closer to the time of WWII than today, and also at that time there was still an East Germany and West Germany.
I was on a Viking River Cruise in November a few years ago. A young lady wished our Cruise Director Happy Veterans Day. His reply, "Thank you. But we do not celebrate. We lost the wars." I had to chuckle a little.
The other thing he pointed out was the veteran cemeteries in Germany. They are not treated with the same reverence as here is America. Several I saw were over-grown and lacked few memorials.
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They knew people were disappearing in mass. It is unclear if they knew what was happening in camps, but i doubt they knew the extent.

But people were scared for sure. To this day, the German people are rules followers, they will not jaywalk and I asked why. I was told that when people would commit even the smallest infractions, a truck comes and takes them away and they were gone. It was governed with an iron fist
This is 100% accurate, they will follow pretty much any rule “just because”
The life story would make an incredible documentary. The details are phenomenal.

Wow…. There are 2 movies both made in 2016. Solid ratings.

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They knew people were disappearing in mass. It is unclear if they knew what was happening in camps, but i doubt they knew the extent.

But people were scared for sure. To this day, the German people are rules followers, they will not jaywalk and I asked why. I was told that when people would commit even the smallest infractions, a truck comes and takes them away and they were gone. It was governed with an iron fist
It was the same in East Germany, the Soviet Union, Poland & every other country behind the iron curtain. Everyone there knew what was going on with the Stasi, KGB, the Lubyanka, the gulags, the blatant corruption, etc, but they were so afraid they would be "disappeared" they kept their heads down & their mouths shut & hoped to not hear someone beat on their door in the middle of the night.
Man it seems like from this thread, Germany lost so much its a wonder D1 Baseball hasn't ranked them #1.

I'm a person from the South who is glad the South lost the Civil War, but almost every Southerner I know hates my opinions about such matters.
THIS. Growing up in the rural South, I'm not sure I ever saw a Southerner that was glad the South lost. Ask a Southerner if they are glad they lost the Civil War:

<iframe src="" width="480" height="262" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>
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Are modern Germans happy that they lost WWII? Is that their view on things? Is it similar to the way modern southern people are glad they lost the Civil War?

As Wise man Ricky Bobby would say


Polls out there have it very similar that the Germans loss in WWII is on the same level as the British losing to the 13 Colonies.

Britains wouldn’t have multiple direct flights from London to Orlando a day to showcase their pasty complexion across the Magic Kingdom. Kingdoms are very important to the British people. And, much like China invading America with Tik Tok, British Football is set to take over as the 3rd most popular sport within the decade. In many ways, they still won.

I heard that they did not lose , but got tired of the knats and mosquitoes
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THIS. Growing up in the rural South, I'm not sure I ever saw a Southerner that was glad the South lost. Ask a Southerner if they are glad they lost the Civil War:

<iframe src="" width="480" height="262" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href=" ">via GIPHY</a></p>
Not sure I’ve ever met one who cared. Certainly haven’t met one that was pissed the south lost. Born and raised in the southeast and came back/live here now.