Now why would I think you had a sane take after you've liked a thousand low IQ propaganda twats from the 2-3 relentless spam-bots on this board? 😅 And I'm sure it's those same yokels that you talk to in your DMs, so besides the hilarious picture I'm getting of you having roundtables with those stooges, I'm totally flattered that y'all give me so much attention - it makes me feel special. 😅Wow. So after trying to wade through that wall of estrogen injected screeching, I think this ignorant little child is saying that...
when I posted, "And yet, a month from now we'll hear "why hasn't trump fixed egg prices yet"", what I apparently really meant was that I "agreed with the post that the other guy posted and believe he (the other poster?, Biden?) did it (posted?, killed chickens?) intentionally so you (me?) couldn't proclaim Trump gave us cheaper eggs a month from now".
Now, can someone who can speak "dumbass", either interpret what this waste of Atlanta area air is talking about? If it helps, the meaning of my comment is, a month from now, this stupid 2 digit IQ twatwaffle will be asking "Why hasn't Trump fixed egg prices yet" . I wasn't making any statement about Biden. I was making a statement about the douche nozzle who is yapping incoherently.
All of you who are sharing this dickpics account really need to get this little mentally ill moron back on his lithium. His interpretations of posts are monumentally stupid, imagined, over-the-top delusions from an off his meds, manic depressive. This is why most people just trade dm comments laughing at the damn fool. There's no point in debating someone who is always confused about practically everything.
I can feel the heat in Pickens from your ears all the way here in Atlanta LOL