Harris/Trump Debate

Oh a business went bankrupt? How dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen his name on the building in Chicago? It's hard to miss. Right there on the river. Its an excellent hotel if you are ever in the area.

Donald Trump was the Kim Kardashian of his day, but he actually started with $400 million from Daddy and failed more than her. He is rich due to infamy and daddy.
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Tax breaks for businesses are good for economic growth. We want there to be investment in the USA.

I would prefer a flat tax with a $10- $15,000 deduction for individuals (may $7k per child). The tax rate could be somewhere in the 17% range and take care of all government costs. That is a flat tax for all source of income (including stock market gains).

Already the top 1% of income earner pay 50% of the taxes.

The problem is that the government spends to much money and spends it on BS things like the Department of Education.

If you want big government, higher taxes, and Socialism, vote Harris.

If you want limited government, lower taxes, and capitalism, vote Trump.

It is really just that simple.
This is astoundingly stupid. I don't even know where to begin with it.
You leftists and Kamala supporters on here are funny AF.

Idk what your definition of winning a debate is, but that was a shit show overall and Kamala said absolutely nothing the entire debate. A bunch of fluff and attempt at putting together statements that tug at the soft, emotional hearts of democrats. There was nothing of substance. There were no facts. There were no past results. You guys on here all are vaginas, soft AF. Hope she gave you all the feels you weee looking for.

On the other hand, Trump just can’t avoid getting himself into situations where you wonder wtf did he say that.

All this comes down to several moments :

1). Are the American people better off now than they were 4 years ago? She could not say yes

2). Afghanistan withdrawal and her taking responsibility. Skirted the question entirely

3). “They've had three and a half years to fix the border, three and a half years to create jobs, and all the things we talked about. Why hasn't she done it?”

4). “go to the White House, wake Joe Biden up and sign a bill close the the border down tonight”

Heres the fact, even if you all don’t want to see it. Democrats have had the White House 12 out of the last 16 years and still talk about change and charting a new way forward. Pathetic.
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This is astoundingly stupid. I don't even know where to begin with it.

The really surprising part (even amongst a lot of insane unwarranted adulation that his adherents give to him) is that he's not close to a small government conservative. Like, not even a little.

He's as close to being a small government conservative as he is to being a Chinese man.
You leftists and Kamala supporters on here are funny AF.

Idk what your definition of winning a debate is, but that was a shit show overall and Kamala said absolutely nothing the entire debate. A bunch of fluff and attempt at putting together statements that tug at the soft, emotional hearts of democrats. There was nothing of substance. There were no facts. There were no past results. You guys on here all are vaginas, soft AF. Hope she gave you all the feels you weee looking for.

On the other hand, Trump just can’t avoid getting himself into situations where you wonder wtf did he say that.

All this comes down to several moments :

1). Are the American people better off now than they were 4 years ago? She could not say yes

2). Afghanistan withdrawal and her taking responsibility. Skirted the question entirely

3). “They've had three and a half years to fix the border, three and a half years to create jobs, and all the things we talked about. Why hasn't she done it?”

4). “go to the White House, wake Joe Biden up and sign a bill close the the border down tonight”

Heres the fact, even if you all don’t want to see it. Democrats have had the White House 12 out of the last 16 years and still talk about change and charting a new way forward. Pathetic.

He in the same breath said that they don't need a bill, and then said they need to sign a bill.

How in the world was he not better prepared to answer about his Health Plan given the disaster that his previous attempt to Repeal and Replace went? To admit that you don't have a plan, still, 9 years later is nuts.
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He in the same breath said that they don't need a bill, and then said they need to sign a bill.

How in the world was he not better prepared to answer about his Health Plan given the disaster that his previous attempt to Repeal and Replace went? To admit that you don't have a plan, still, 9 years later is nuts.
i don’t disagree with you about the Health plan thing. That was not good.

However, that still does not take away from what I posted.
i don’t disagree with you about the Health plan thing. That was not good.

However, that still does not take away from what I posted.

He has zero plans. He never has, he just has lists of gripes.

Outside of that, what about his ability to maintain his cool in pressure situations make you trust him? He can't handle her questioning his crowd size without going off the rails.

If Trump could show just a modicum of self control he would have won the last election, but the guy literally has no self control.
What are you hoping for an official scorecard release?

Do you really think the election will be decided by that debate? There are two whole months before election day. We aren't even to the second page of the deep states playbook. There will be more curveballs than you have ever seen thrown in the next two months.

Kamala is a horrible candidate. She was the first to drop out of the 2020 race despite having the most money. Democrats do not like her.

The deep state has to make it look close enough so that they can steal the election, so they will try to convince you that it's close, but it is not.
Don’t need a score card. Clearly saw him take the bait & get his ass handed to him by an incompetent idiot with my own eyes.
I however did not realize your were the supreme potentate on these issues. Thanks for setting me straight dad. You’re the best! 👍🏻
He has zero plans. He never has, he just has lists of gripes.

Outside of that, what about his ability to maintain his cool in pressure situations make you trust him? He can't handle her questioning his crowd size without going off the rails.

If Trump could show just a modicum of self control he would have won the last election, but the guy literally has no self control.
i have 4 years of history that tells us how he is in office.

I also have 3.5 years of history that tells me how Kamala is in office.
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When people bitch about the moderators they know their candidate got spanked.

I have said it for months. Let Trump be Trump and she wins.
the moderator said "I saw your comment & you weren't being sarcastic"

Hahahahhaha. How can you not take that comment by the moderator as anything but unprofessional and biased.

Since when do moderators give their personal opinion about matters?
i have 4 years of history that tells us how he is in office.

I also have 3.5 years of history that tells me how Kamala is in office.

I love that nobody is willing to acknowledge that we had a Global Pandemic with a world wide shutdown that had to be dealt with.

I have stated before that it's unfair to blame Trump for the economic shutdown, but it's also unfair to blame the current admin for Inflation without acknowledging the challenges.
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He has zero plans. He never has, he just has lists of gripes.

Outside of that, what about his ability to maintain his cool in pressure situations make you trust him? He can't handle her questioning his crowd size without going off the rails.

If Trump could show just a modicum of self control he would have won the last election, but the guy literally has no self control.
Do you believe for even one second, Trump’s frustration was simply created by last night’s debate? Imagine what he feels like, after all these years.

Reality is, the truth doesn’t work in this world. If you tell the truth, people hate you… because 90% of people on this earth are phonies. It’s all a facade. Sad, but true… and people hate the truth. Fortunately, I keep my cool daily while telling the truth. I don’t want fake around me.
You are really taking last night’s debate shellacking hard man. Sorry it was so rough for you. These attacks on him are lame.
I woke up smiling again. Life is grand, and will continue to be so. Hopefully, this country votes Trump in, but I can assure you… I’ll be thriving, regardless.

Just know this.. I’ll never run home crying.
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I woke up smiling again. Life is grand, and will continue to be so. Hopefully, this country votes Trump in, but I can assure you… I’ll be thriving, regardless.

Just know this.. I’ll never run home crying.

You don’t need to run anywhere. You do all your crying right here. Your victim mentality is your weakness.
You don’t need to run anywhere. You do all your crying right here. Your victim mentality is your weakness.
You do realize you actually did run home defeated, and crying? No kidding.. you did exactly that.

I’ve never once been a victim, and no one has ever owned me a thing. Self made.
Fire away and explain where he’s wrong. Give me real world experience you’ve seen, and not textbook theoretical speak.
Okay, sure I have some free time.
I would prefer a flat tax with a $10- $15,000 deduction for individuals (may $7k per child). The tax rate could be somewhere in the 17% range and take care of all government costs. That is a flat tax for all source of income (including stock market gains). Flat taxes disproportionately affect low income earners by taxing a higher percentage of their income than middle and upper class citizens. You're only going to make the gap wider between the poorest and most in need of support in our society and everyone else. Very Christian tax plan.

Already the top 1% of income earner pay 50% of the taxes. And? The top 1% of the country owns 31% of all wealth in the US. The bottom 50% of the country holds 2.6%. Furthermore, the top .1% owns 15% of all wealth in this country. They can afford to pay more for the betterment of society as a whole, and not be negatively impacted.

The problem is that the government spends to much money and spends it on BS things like the Department of Education. The DoE is not bullshit spending. What's bullshit is having schools tied to local property taxes because you end up with disproportionate resources allowing for rural and inner city schools being underfunded. Everywhere the voucher system has been implemented has been an abject failure.

If you want big government, higher taxes, and Socialism, vote Harris. Rahhhh Socialism boogeyman! What's one socialist policy she's proposing?

If you want limited government, lower taxes, and capitalism, vote Trump. Just no. Lower taxes, sure - only if you're in that top 1% bracket.
Okay, sure I have some free time.
I would prefer a flat tax with a $10- $15,000 deduction for individuals (may $7k per child). The tax rate could be somewhere in the 17% range and take care of all government costs. That is a flat tax for all source of income (including stock market gains). Flat taxes disproportionately affect low income earners by taxing a higher percentage of their income than middle and upper class citizens. You're only going to make the gap wider between the poorest and most in need of support in our society and everyone else. Very Christian tax plan.

Already the top 1% of income earner pay 50% of the taxes. And? The top 1% of the country owns 31% of all wealth in the US. The bottom 50% of the country holds 2.6%. Furthermore, the top .1% owns 15% of all wealth in this country. They can afford to pay more for the betterment of society as a whole, and not be negatively impacted.

The problem is that the government spends to much money and spends it on BS things like the Department of Education. The DoE is not bullshit spending. What's bullshit is having schools tied to local property taxes because you end up with disproportionate resources allowing for rural and inner city schools being underfunded. Everywhere the voucher system has been implemented has been an abject failure.

If you want big government, higher taxes, and Socialism, vote Harris. Rahhhh Socialism boogeyman! What's one socialist policy she's proposing?

If you want limited government, lower taxes, and capitalism, vote Trump. Just no. Lower taxes, sure - only if you're in that top 1% bracket.
I’ll address all later as time allows, but let me fill you in on your DOE statement.

I annually pay $25-30k in residential home property taxes, and don’t even send my kids to public school. My property taxes go to the southern end of the county in which i reside, to fund the lesser fortunate communities. I don’t mind this, because it (in theory) is helping kids who don’t have much.

That being said, if you don’t believe the gov overspends in a galaxy of ways, you’re just uniformed, or acting stubborn. Ukraine?
You do realize you actually did run home defeated, and crying? No kidding.. you did exactly that.

I’ve never once been a victim, and no one has ever owned me a thing. Self made.

Sure pal. Like your boy Trump, just keep repeating your lies until you yourself believe them.

Hope you make it through today. Remember, it was just the first debate.

Wait, hold on…. Never mind, I am hearing that Trump has already pussed out of any future debates. I don’t blame him.
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I’ll address all later as time allows, but let me fill you in on your DOE statement.

I annually pay $25-30k in residential home property taxes, and don’t even send my kids to public school. My property taxes go to the southern end of the county in which i reside, to fund the lesser fortunate communities. I don’t mind this, because it (in theory) is helping kids who don’t have much.

That being said, if you don’t believe the gov overspends in a galaxy of ways, you’re just uniformed, or acting stubborn. Ukraine?
I never said the government doesn't overspend. I took objection to his statement that the DoE was BS spending.

I don't consider Ukraine to be overspending, or even bad spending for that matter. We're getting rid of old munitions/equipment that is outdated and we're destroying what was once our chief rival without losing any American lives. As someone who touts themselves as a very successful business man, i find it strange you don't see the value in what the US is doing on a macro scale.
Sure pal. Like your boy Trump, just keep repeating your lies until you yourself believe them.

Hope you make it through today. Remember, it was just the first debate.

Wait, hold on…. Never mind, I am hearing that Trump has already pussed out of any future debates. I don’t blame him.
Where did I lie?
You don’t remember who your guy is? Did you forget during your crying fest?
Biden? Did he jump back in the race?

I said a year before the last debate that I did not want Biden to be the candidate.

The day after the debate I came on here and admitted that Biden got his ass kicked. I didn’t cry about moderators or questions.

victim mentality is a weakness.
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I never said the government doesn't overspend. I took objection to his statement that the DoE was BS spending.

I don't consider Ukraine to be overspending, or even bad spending for that matter. We're getting rid of old munitions/equipment that is outdated and we're destroying what was once our chief rival without losing any American lives. As someone who touts themselves as a very successful business man, i find it strange you don't see the value in what the US is doing on a macro scale.
I see value in the US taking care of their own. Support is one thing, but let’s try holding other countries accountable in their efforts to support, as well.