Harvard & MIT - Gay Is Gone - D.E.I. is Dying A Slow Death - CNN Confirms Kamala a Plagiarizer. Christopher Rufo Investigates

It's pretty crazy what Harvard did today, that woman said some pretty f'd things. My dream used to be to graduate from a Ivy League (yes I was a nerd), Clemson was a much better option though
I don’t see how you can hate from outside the club. You can’t even get in
I don’t see how you can hate from outside the club. You can’t even get in
Oh I didn't even get in to Clemson lol #BridgeProgramGang but it was the best thing that happened to me academically. Plus it's cold af where Harvard is I couldn't make it. Good to hear from the board it's been a while!
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Back in 1970 I was accepted to Princeton , Clemson and SC

Thought Princeton was a dream school but being a country bumpkin I decided to do Clemson

Best mistake I ever made
Should have gone with the other Tigers ;) But anyway, very happy you made the right decision for yourself, and it could very well be the case for others.

On the other hand, I get tired of people who've never even sniffed these places, let alone spent several years of their lives there, acting as if they know what the "campus climate" is like, and so on. If people who went there or go there have an opinion, I'm inclined to listen.
Should have gone with the other Tigers ;) But anyway, very happy you made the right decision for yourself, and it could very well be the case for others.

On the other hand, I get tired of people who've never even sniffed these places, let alone spent several years of their lives there, acting as if they know what the "campus climate" is like, and so on. If people who went there or go there have an opinion, I'm inclined to listen.

They tell you what the campus climate is like, all you have to do is listen.

"It depends on context to determine if calling for the genocide of Jews is harassment."
"Calling for the genocide of Jews is only harassment once it turns into action"

All you have to do is listen to the University President.
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Should have gone with the other Tigers ;) But anyway, very happy you made the right decision for yourself, and it could very well be the case for others.

On the other hand, I get tired of people who've never even sniffed these places, let alone spent several years of their lives there, acting as if they know what the "campus climate" is like, and so on. If people who went there or go there have an opinion, I'm inclined to listen.

I to this day wonder the path I would have taken in life if I had gone there. The funny part was I applied based on reading a football magazine about the team and the name Princeton Tigers and loved the uniforms. I was accepted due to a diversity program seeking Southern students and I was definitely Southern. At that time I was on the radar to be recruited by Clemson which ended with a knee issue and falloff of 40 speed which I can tell the story of equity with future Clemson star Marion Reeves burning my ass in a 100 yard dash which convinced me in my walk on attempt that I would best be in class as my parents were paying the bill along with my part time jobs.

I will agree that there is a significant difference in cultures between colleges. To use a very local example the Citadel graduates are almost in cult status back in the day.

Those guys were like watch the back types. But saying someone understands the culture of other colleges and what it brings to you for life is difficult to define. I so only minimal tribalism with a Clemson degree.

Wofford is another one that has the cult type atmosphere as far as snobbery goes or so I think.

So in a nutshell until someone has walked the walk you just don't understand TOTALLY.

That however does not mean the viewer looking in is TOTALLY clueless. Just not as informed.
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I to this day wonder the path I would have taken in life if I had gone there. The funny part was I applied based on reading a football magazine about the team and the name Princeton Tigers and loved the uniforms. I was accepted due to a diversity program seeking Southern students and I was definitely Southern. At that time I was on the radar to be recruited by Clemson which ended with a knee issue and falloff of 40 speed which I can tell the story of equity with future Clemson star Marion Reeves burning my ass in a 100 yard dash which convinced me in my walk on attempt that I would best be in class as my parents were paying the bill along with my part time jobs.

I will agree that there is a significant difference in cultures between colleges. To use a very local example the Citadel graduates are almost in cult status back in the day.

Those guys were like watch the back types. But saying someone understands the culture of other colleges and what it brings to you for life is difficult to define. I so only minimal tribalism with a Clemson degree.

Wofford is another one that has the cult type atmosphere as far as snobbery goes or so I think.

So in a nutshell until someone has walked the walk you just don't understand TOTALLY.

That however does not mean the viewer looking in is TOTALLY clueless. Just not as informed.
Great story. In my case I'm sure being from SC helped me in admissions for largely the same reason. I wanted to get away from home, and I'm thankful to have met all the different sorts of people that I did. "Diversity" is a poisoned word nowadays. It's good to be around people who don't look or think like you.

Perhaps these Ivy League schools and others have satisfied themselves too much with the former at the expense of the latter. It doesn't mean your average student there is a communist that wears rainbow clothes and identifies with 10 genders and 3 species. In my experience (based on the not too distant past), the typical student was from a well-to-do family and largely apolitical outside of what I would call token support for weed and women. Most faculty were liberal/left-oriented. There were plenty of faculty who weren't. No one was trying to lynch you for supporting tax cuts or being pro-gun. Now they may have called you an idiot, but that goes both ways.

As far as it concerns the current Israel-Palestine issue and anti-Semitism, Jewish people were much more of a prominent presence on campus than Arabs/Muslims. They have their own Hillel center on campus. I (and plenty of other people) would go to get free food and wine. I can't speak to how Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or New Haven are.

If people want to bash these places grade inflation, I'm right there with them. On the other hand, acting as if these places are worthless as far as it concerns education is laughable. You'd be doing away with several dozen Nobel Prizes in the science, the equivalent prizes in mathematics, and God knows how much wealth in the financial sector. If you don't like their politics, fine, but if you're going to call them dumb, it should be for concrete reasons. None of these conservatives hated Princeton people when Alito wrote the majority opinion overturning Roe.
i mean free speech is free speech. say whatever you want to say within the boundaries of law.

the problem isn't what some people are chanting, as abhorrent as it might be. the problem is these people have absolutely no spine and stand for nothing. they consider something like accidentally misgendering someone hate speech and representative of violence. they consider any challenge to virtually any opinion they happen to hold hate speech and violence.

but when there's an obscenely evident occurrence of hate speech that literally calls for violence, they stand on their soap box waxing poetic about free speech.

you can't have it both ways. their lack of any principles is what's being exposed here. people that stand for nothing will fall for anything, and it goes a long way towards explaining the world today. the leaders of some of the most prestigious academic institutions in the world being exposed this visibly as spineless morons really says a lot about the state of academia.
Great story. In my case I'm sure being from SC helped me in admissions for largely the same reason. I wanted to get away from home, and I'm thankful to have met all the different sorts of people that I did. "Diversity" is a poisoned word nowadays. It's good to be around people who don't look or think like you.

Perhaps these Ivy League schools and others have satisfied themselves too much with the former at the expense of the latter. It doesn't mean your average student there is a communist that wears rainbow clothes and identifies with 10 genders and 3 species. In my experience (based on the not too distant past), the typical student was from a well-to-do family and largely apolitical outside of what I would call token support for weed and women. Most faculty were liberal/left-oriented. There were plenty of faculty who weren't. No one was trying to lynch you for supporting tax cuts or being pro-gun. Now they may have called you an idiot, but that goes both ways.

As far as it concerns the current Israel-Palestine issue and anti-Semitism, Jewish people were much more of a prominent presence on campus than Arabs/Muslims. They have their own Hillel center on campus. I (and plenty of other people) would go to get free food and wine. I can't speak to how Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or New Haven are.

If people want to bash these places grade inflation, I'm right there with them. On the other hand, acting as if these places are worthless as far as it concerns education is laughable. You'd be doing away with several dozen Nobel Prizes in the science, the equivalent prizes in mathematics, and God knows how much wealth in the financial sector. If you don't like their politics, fine, but if you're going to call them dumb, it should be for concrete reasons. None of these conservatives hated Princeton people when Alito wrote the majority opinion overturning Roe.

If I ever appear in writing to be unreasonable there is purpose in that stance or I just did a poor job on writing

Just wanted to say that as based on seeing your threads I think you are probably in your 30’s as to age

Whether one believes it or not the nature and nuture determines a path in life

I was sitting next to my wife last night and us old foggies were talking about colleges for one of our grandchildren who had applied to Clemson which will announce acceptance tonight on line

I was telling my wife I wonder sometimes how my life would changed if I had taken up the Princeton offer and gone to college there

Maybe in my next life I will get that chance to find out

Point of this sans the opening is going to Clemson created a path in my life and Princeton would have created a different path

You don’t get to do multiple paths but only pick one branch on the trail in life

Have some family members that attended Yale and Harvard

One thing is grade inflation is like if you attend you get excellent grades no matter what

Clemson you can fail out

of course anyone attending an Ivy League school has a great brainto start that is usually

Over recent years the standards have been lowered some but still brains like cream rises to the top

The Harvard President clearly is a DEI pick and not qualified to be in her position

Of course that is common in many positions and companies with the best bullshitter moving up the business ladder in corporations for example

Thats just life Live it

Love the BB team this year BTW
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Ive talked to HONEST liberals one on one, none of them support this.

“Why don’t you or the community at large speak up? “

“You don’t have an answer? I’ll answer it for you. Aside from the money power leverage, nobody in a perceived historical sex race socioeconomic class doesn’t want to show they don’t support the other. It’s why you allow your peers run rampant and never telling them no. Only celebrating the “accomplishments” while completely ignoring the harm done to themselves, the community and actually destroying the fundamentals they say they stand for. For the real good change that could or should happen, you destroy it for the people that actually need it. The lack of integrity and a spine will have all of this come crashing down.”

I cannot believe what a juvenile pathetic mess that Harvard has or is becoming. Harvard. Fvckin Harvard acting worse than Trump at this point if that’s possible.
Ive talked to HONEST liberals one on one, none of them support this.

“Why don’t you or the community at large speak up? “

“You don’t have an answer? I’ll answer it for you. Aside from the money power leverage, nobody in a perceived historical sex race socioeconomic class doesn’t want to show they don’t support the other. It’s why you allow your peers run rampant and never telling them no. Only celebrating the “accomplishments” while completely ignoring the harm done to themselves, the community and actually destroying the fundamentals they say they stand for. For the real good change that could or should happen, you destroy it for the people that actually need it. The lack of integrity and a spine will have all of this come crashing down.”

I cannot believe what a juvenile pathetic mess that Harvard has or is becoming. Harvard. Fvckin Harvard acting worse than Trump at this point if that’s possible.

I agree with what you wrote and can share I see the same thing in my public service in government and some public service organization work I am doing in my retirement.

There is a huge effort to over compensate using DEI and affirmative action to create a level field using equity as a yardstick instead of opportunity through a comprehensive complete education focusing on literacy. There is a huge push to equitize society or in simple terms if someone is not qualified for a position they will simply be given a pass in the name of DEI.

I support education and providing equal opportunity ladders.

To give some more perspective to my post, I have a friend at a HBCU which required him to take a Black Studies series of courses to get an advanced degree.

The laughable part of that is he being white had almost a perfect grade , while the 50 plus black students were under him.

Does that mean he understands the black life experience. I would say absolutely not.

Many students in the classes with him complained about the lack of seriousness from some professors and many students.

He and I talked and this misuse of education is in out opinion due to affirmative action , no consequences of failure and particularly DEI on graduation.

Black students are counting on DEI and not being employed because of the quality of their education in this case

Gay at Harvard is am example of this

The white ladies at Penn and MIT need the axe too as not being able to define terrorism against Jews as bad conduct

Or worse the Supreme court appointee who can’t define woman

Being Christian makes me wonder at how people think the way they do

Loved my many trips to SD and Cali for work

You have a safe and great day

Go Tigers
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She is black and they are making special accommodations because of her skin color and sexuality. White men have been fired for far less (Lawrence Summers).

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I agree with what you wrote and can share I see the same thing in my public service in government and some public service organization work I am doing in my retirement.

There is a huge effort to over compensate using DEI and affirmative action to create a level field using equity as a yardstick instead of opportunity through a comprehensive complete education focusing on literacy. There is a huge push to equitize society or in simple terms if someone is not qualified for a position they will simply be given a pass in the name of DEI.

I support education and providing equal opportunity ladders.

To give some more perspective to my post, I have a friend at a HBCU which required him to take a Black Studies series of courses to get an advanced degree.

The laughable part of that is he being white had almost a perfect grade , while the 50 plus black students were under him.

Does that mean he understands the black life experience. I would say absolutely not.

Many students in the classes with him complained about the lack of seriousness from some professors and many students.

He and I talked and this misuse of education is in out opinion due to affirmative action , no consequences of failure and particularly DEI on graduation.

Black students are counting on DEI and not being employed because of the quality of their education in this case

Gay at Harvard is am example of this

The white ladies at Penn and MIT need the axe too as not being able to define terrorism against Jews as bad conduct

Or worse the Supreme court appointee who can’t define woman

Being Christian makes me wonder at how people think the way they do

Loved my many trips to SD and Cali for work

You have a safe and great day

Go Tigers
The Black Studies program must have been created through a white racial lense, 😂.

I’m actually fairly socially liberal. We do need everyone giving a shit about the population at large. I’d say we do a B job. Terrible at mental health but we do provide opportunity for EVERYONE if they JUST SHOW UP and GIVE A SHIT and TRY.

But the lack of effort from shitty rich white kids to cultural rejection of education of certain classes is a crime IMO. Then, we have places around this country rejecting those who do educate themselves in support of Divide Exclude Ideology. Knocking down standards, inflating grades, making decisions based on race. GO FVCK YOURSELF EVIL PEOPLE. That’s how you destroy a country from within.

We live in a country where almost everyone can become whatever they want. Now, we need to eliminate corporations buying single family homes. That’s probably the biggest crime out there right now.
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at least if this lady manages to actually destroy harvards standing in academia she'll finally have an impressive accomplishment on her resume.

she has a chance to destroy something that took nearly 400 of building to get to where they were in possibly less than a calendar year. that's something incredibly few, if any, other people might be capable of.