Have you ever attended a political rally?


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Nov 3, 2007
I haven’t and I can’t think of any of my closest friends going to one either.

I'm 30 FWIW
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why do people continue to start threads like this on the West Zone?
I’m sorry, is there a problem? I’m just watching Ken Burns’ Vietnam documentary and witnessing all these different protests and rallies for candidates throughout history and wondering wtf actually attends these things, and wanted to poll the board. You can scroll right on past the thread chief. It’s not that hard
I’m sorry, is there a problem? I’m just watching Ken Burns’ Vietnam documentary and witnessing all these different protests and rallies for candidates throughout history and wondering wtf actually attends these things, and wanted to poll the board. You can scroll right on past the thread chief. It’s not that hard
there's so many threads started on here that have nothing to do with clemson, or football, and I just don't understand it. Didn't mean to take it out on you personally
there's so many threads started on here that have nothing to do with clemson, or football, and I just don't understand it. Didn't mean to take it out on you personally
Well these are the good ole days of Clemson football right now so I don’t think there’s much football to talk unless its firing Caldwell or Elliot lol.

Plus I don’t know if you saw @Joe Cobb thread the other day but the majority of this board doesn’t have any social media (myself included) and almost treats this board as such.

Like I said, I’m just curious while watching a doc and wanted to poll fellow tiger fans. But I understand your concern as well
there's so many threads started on here that have nothing to do with clemson, or football, and I just don't understand it. Didn't mean to take it out on you personally

maybe you should take it up with this guy...

My dad took me to the upstate county fair and I saw Carrol Campbell speak I think when he first ran for governor...does that count?
Well these are the good ole days of Clemson football right now so I don’t think there’s much football to talk unless its firing Caldwell or Elliot lol.

Plus I don’t know if you saw @Joe Cobb thread the other day but the majority of this board doesn’t have any social media (myself included) and almost treats this board as such.

Like I said, I’m just curious while watching a doc and wanted to poll fellow tiger fans. But I understand your concern as well
Sorry to inform you but, TI is absolutely social media.
Nope - I’m just saving up to attend all of AOCs future rallies

Still think Chris should split the board into 'Topics' or "Areas'.
Better names would be easy to come up with.

Charge the most for Clemson Football and people that only wanted that can go directly there. BB and other sports would still be some premium, but unable to go to the top Football Tier. Have 'whatever' at this same current ridiculously low price starting point.
Articles/info could be sprinkled as 'seeds' for upgrade incentive.

The randomness of topics on here excite some and almost infuriate others.

Choices are good.
Especially since they make you more money.

If I wanted sunshine pumped I just log onto Tiger Illustrated.

In all seriousness, I left an outdoor event in Iowa because it was so damn cold. Politicians were running late as always. It was 2004? might have been a John Edwards or Kerry event. Attended an event with John Huntsman back in the day. Attended an event where L. Graham was the keynote. Been to a couple of primary debates. I prefer small meet and greets/ town halls to rally.

I donated money to one candidate in my time. They dropped out a day or two later with no warning.

Lessons Learned.
1. Political campaigns will most certainly give(sell) your name/info to someone else.
2. The never stop chasing money. Most of the time these campaigns are running in the red.
3. Money invested in politics would be better spent elsewhere. (unless you're trying to get an Ambassador Post or a Pardon. Not party specific)
I went to CPAC back in 2012. I’ve also interned at an immigration reform agency to learn more about the broken immigration system back in 2012 (before the wall really became a hot button issue). I’ve “volunteered” on some local political fundraising events but tbh, I think they (the running candidate’s chief of staff or consultants or whoever) saw me more as a Korean-American minority who lived in Costa Rica who served. So in other words, they thought I could help their candidate. It felt like I met a quota for them haha I quickly learned I was just a face to have in their room ... and I wasn’t into the door knocking or phone canvassing or phone-athon events.

But, I’ve met some cool people along the way. Got to shake hands with Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, and Mitt Romney. Locally, I’ve met Karen Handel, David Perdue (who just filed paperwork for a senate run btw), BJ Pak, and Stacy Abrams. And a lot of those who have a passion at the very local level are good folks - they live and breathe jt and that’s just not me. I’d rather read TI and football news than read The American Conservative or watch FOXNEWS/MSNBC to see how they spin x,y,a.

Since the lead up to this past election, I’m completely turned off by politics, however. The vitriol and attacking is far too much.

I will add, however, if you ever go to an election night HQ watch party, they’re extremely boring unless you plan on drinking. Then they’re fun (much like anything else in life). But the food is whatever (at least local watch party ones). You shake hands with a few people and you meet some good folks but unless you really know people, it’s like an awkward networking event. The worst was the Handle/Ossoff one where I got invited to Karen’s event at a random Marriott in Roswell. It wasn’t fancy at all, I had work the next day, and the results took forever to come in. Waste of time. I saw the camera men there take turns trying to take a quick nap in the back it was so boring. Just my $0.02
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I haven’t and I can’t think of any of my closest friends going to one either.

I'm 30 FWIW
Saw Obama in Clemson and in Greenville in 2007 or maybe early 2008. Before the primaries. At the Clemson rally the security made me surrender my pocket knife, which was so small and dull it couldn’t have hurt anyone if I stabbed them with it 1,000 times. Mostly used it for opening DVDs (ha remember those?) and other little odd things here and there. I’m still very upset about losing it.

Went to a Mike Huckabee rally in Clemson in 2007 but really just because chuck norris and ric flair were going to be there (this was the event where I took the famous Willy Korn photo)

went to a Hillary thing in Greenville in 2007. Was hoping Bill would be there but he wasn’t.

Also attended the Republican debate in Columbia in 2007. Tickets were from the McCain campaign so I had to attend a McCain event in order to get tickets. Met Sean Hannity at the debate.

Haven’t been to any since graduating college and probably wouldn’t. But they were neat at the time and I took a different poli sci girl with me to each event.
I don't like attending rallies/events when I'm not working, so the number I've voluntarily gone to is probably close to 10 or so. But I've had to work, in some role or another, hundreds probably. Like maybe 200+ in 12 years. Obviously widely varying sizes and setups etc.
I don't like attending rallies/events when I'm not working, so the number I've voluntarily gone to is probably close to 10 or so. But I've had to work, in some role or another, hundreds probably. Like maybe 200+ in 12 years. Obviously widely varying sizes and setups etc.
How many were republican? 😅
Saw two I guess. 1984 at a big rally for Ronald Reagan in Charlotte near South Park.
The other was just a drop-in for Harvey Gantt when he ran for mayor.
National candidates: Went to a Paul Tsongas rally in high school, a Bill Clinton rally in college and an Al Gore rally in 2000.

Local/State rallies are more fun. Went to several Fritz Hollings and Jim Hodges rallies in...'98 I think. Also went to their election night parties and had a blast. Definitely good times.
Closest I've ever come to attending a political rally is when I saw Pearl Jam perform in Asheville as part of the "Vote for Change" tour in 2004. Great show.

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