Well I have several family members in healthcare. And three of them are working at hospitals that are reducing the size of the COVID-19 response areas. You realize metro Atlanta area includes several counties not inside I-285. Not just the counties that are good at stuffing the ballot boxes. All the way out to Putnam county in the East and Douglas county in the west. Pretty much 1/2 of GA. But please tell us how you’re an expert, Nancy. Also Emory midtown just wants that $76,975 per patient. They should be shipping them out to the suburbs if they are so overloaded.
yes $76,975
Provider Relief | HRSA
This is accurate. Covid-related hospitalizations and deaths are both spuriously increased/overreported. Someone can have end stage kidney disease and die of that kidney disease, as expected, but if he has covid, even asymptomatic just coincidentally, then he automatically died of covid, as the institution benefits from number of covid-related hospitalizations and deaths.