Here's your voter fraud


Valles Marineris
Gold Member
Dec 14, 2014
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I want to say this is unbelievable but how crazy is it that it is totally believable for this President. Surely this is all you'd need to prosecute this ridiculous sub-human, right?
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Audio tapes of Trump trying to blackmail GA's SOS unless he "finds" more votes for Trump:

You Trumpers have yet to provide an iota of evidence of fraud in favor of Biden, but here's explicit evidence of Trump criminally trying to commit fraud himself.

I wonder who leaked that, the GA SOS?
“There’s no way I lost Georgia. There’s no way." - DJT

Oh yes there is. And maybe your quarrel should be with the 20k GOP voters who sat out the general election after voting in the primary.
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Absolutely wild. And 3/4ths of the republican party is just like, yup, he's just being "tough", we back him.

Can you imagine if Obama did this. Or Hillary?
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When did this call take place? At first it sounded like it would have been during the initial counting of the votes, but then Trump mentions something about an important election next Tuesday, which makes me think this just happened recently.
When did this call take place? At first it sounded like it would have been during the initial counting of the votes, but then Trump mentions something about an important election next Tuesday, which makes me think this just happened recently.

It did. It's from this week.
When did this call take place? At first it sounded like it would have been during the initial counting of the votes, but then Trump mentions something about an important election next Tuesday, which makes me think this just happened recently.

Took place yesterday
We know its real now, the left is back in attack mode on our rightful POTUS.

So no comment on Trump's law breaking? Is the left faking his own voice now? Can u not accept something so blatant, something you can hear yourself? And if not, ask yourself what would u accept as wrong by Trump--and if u can't think of a single thing--you sir, are the duped sheeple mindlessly supporting a wannabe authoritarian (at the expense of freedom).
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So no comment on Trump's law breaking? Is the left faking his own voice now? Can u not accept something so blatant, something you can hear yourself? And if not, ask yourself what would u accept as wrong by Trump--and if u can't think of a single thing--you sir, are the duped sheeple mindlessly supporting a wannabe authoritarian (at the expense of freedom).

You feeling ok? Our great POTUS does not break the law. He lays down the law!
You feeling ok? Our great POTUS does not break the law. He lays down the law!


He violated 52 USC 20511. President is subject to the law--he doesn't make it (per the constitution your ilk seem intent on stomping on).
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We know its real now, the left is back in attack mode on our rightful POTUS.
My favorite aspect of where we are as a nation right now is how a left leaning media outlet can portray this so vastly different from a right leaning media outlet. There are way too many assumptions that anyone and everyone republican are knee deep in conspiracy theories vs confused as to what to actually believe given how far apart media seems to be on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE. I can imagine people on the left suffer the same dilemma.

There were multiple people on the call, inclusive of attorneys from both plaintiff and defendant, WH chief of staff etc so if deemed illegal then I'm sure appropriate action will be taken against him and all of those people can and will be subpoenaed to testify.

That said, when you listen to the entire call it's mentioned that it's a "settlement" call which one would assume is regarding the litigation pending in GA court. There are multiple requests for information coming from Trump attorneys asking GA attorneys/state officials to release the investigation reports, there are questions regarding the fraud accusations and the real mention of course of action was around shredding ballots which is actually punishable by it seems like the call wasn't some off the cuff call where Trump threatened to take anyone to the Wachovia parking lot.

The idea that he is threatening him on a call with that many attorneys and the WHCOS participating seems a bit much but I guess it's subjective to how you interpret the call maybe when you listen to 4 minutes of a 60 minute call.

At this point, I'm ready for him to fade off into the sunset and reset. Clearly we won't ever fix the divide at this rate but in all honesty, I have very little faith 4 years of Biden is going to resolve that either. As a nation, we will continue to run down the path that one side is better than the other when in reality, they both suck.
My favorite aspect of where we are as a nation right now is how a left leaning media outlet can portray this so vastly different from a right leaning media outlet. There are way too many assumptions that anyone and everyone republican are knee deep in conspiracy theories vs confused as to what to actually believe given how far apart media seems to be on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE. I can imagine people on the left suffer the same dilemma.

There were multiple people on the call, inclusive of attorneys from both plaintiff and defendant, WH chief of staff etc so if deemed illegal then I'm sure appropriate action will be taken against him and all of those people can and will be subpoenaed to testify.

That said, when you listen to the entire call it's mentioned that it's a "settlement" call which one would assume is regarding the litigation pending in GA court. There are multiple requests for information coming from Trump attorneys asking GA attorneys/state officials to release the investigation reports, there are questions regarding the fraud accusations and the real mention of course of action was around shredding ballots which is actually punishable by it seems like the call wasn't some off the cuff call where Trump threatened to take anyone to the Wachovia parking lot.

The idea that he is threatening him on a call with that many attorneys and the WHCOS participating seems a bit much but I guess it's subjective to how you interpret the call maybe when you listen to 4 minutes of a 60 minute call.

At this point, I'm ready for him to fade off into the sunset and reset. Clearly we won't ever fix the divide at this rate but in all honesty, I have very little faith 4 years of Biden is going to resolve that either. As a nation, we will continue to run down the path that one side is better than the other when in reality, they both suck.

C'mon man, you're better than this. This is indefensible and you know it. Why do you feel the need to protect this egregious abuse of power? What would you say if Hillary did it??

C'mon man, you're better than this. This is indefensible and you know it. Why do you feel the need to protect this egregious abuse of power? What would you say if Hillary did it??

I'm not protecting him at all. If deemed illegal, then there are enough witnesses on the call for legal recourse. I'm ready for it all to be over. All kidding aside.
I'm not protecting him at all. If deemed illegal, then there are enough witnesses on the call for legal recourse. I'm ready for it all to be over. All kidding aside.

Then what's the point in pointing out how the media "portrayed" it? You can hear it with your own ears and if you can't determine he's a disgraceful POS and a criminal, I don't know what to tell you.
I'm not protecting him at all. If deemed illegal, then there are enough witnesses on the call for legal recourse. I'm ready for it all to be over. All kidding aside.

I don't care if it's legal or not. This is about basic right or wrong.

He literally asked a state election official to find him enough votes to overturn an election that has already been certified, and was the subject of multiple recounts. That's not up for debate.

That is not acceptable behavior. Bottom line.
Then what's the point in pointing out how the media "portrayed" it? You can hear it with your own ears and if you can't determine he's a disgraceful POS and a criminal, I don't know what to tell you.

Is my point wrong though? Go to CNN and then go to something like RedState or Breitbart........or even something like OAN. People will form their own opinions on the matter based on what they have in front of them. Not everyone is going to bother reading multiple segments to form an opinion.

Yep, he is not a wonderful person.....criminal might be too strong but he's not likable as a human arguments there and we agree on that but where we fundamentally don't align is that I don't think the left are any better than the right. Using Hilary as a reference in your post earlier isn't a great line of defense. :)
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Is my point wrong though? Go to CNN and then go to something like RedState or Breitbart........or even something like OAN. People will form their own opinions on the matter based on what they have in front of them. Not everyone is going to bother reading multiple segments to form an opinion.

Yep, he is not a wonderful person.....criminal might be too strong but he's not likable as a human arguments there and we agree on that but where we fundamentally don't align is that I don't think the left are any better than the right. Using Hilary as a reference in your post earlier isn't a great line of defense. :)

No matter how you view it, I guarantee you CNN has a much higher journalistic standard than the others you mentioned. The left media may report more on the bad aspects of his presidency, but if you report on him honestly, it will inherently be more negative. Most of the media on the right is in bed with him and couldn't care less about being accurate - they just want to protect their cash cow. Hillary would never do what Trump did, but if she did, all hell would reign down on her and she'd probably have to fear for her life, so it wasn't a defense - just an observation.
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Then what's the point in pointing out how the media "portrayed" it? You can hear it with your own ears and if you can't determine he's a disgraceful POS and a criminal, I don't know what to tell you.

What a puss you are!! A less than smart one at that. Trump will continue to live rent free between your ears as he leads our nation for the next 4 years.
No matter how you view it, I guarantee you CNN has a much higher journalistic standard than the others you mentioned. The left media may report more on the bad aspects of his presidency, but if you report on him honestly, it will inherently be more negative. Most of the media on the right is in bed with him and couldn't care less about being accurate - they just want to protect their cash cow. Hillary would never do what Trump did, but if she did, all hell would reign down on her and she'd probably have to fear for her life, so it wasn't a defense - just an observation.

That's your opinion though on the journalistic standard. It's very plausible that great journalists have left larger establishments for the freedom of unbiased influence or big corporate mandates driven by investors/board. I used to work for Thomson Reuters and many great journalists leave for other outlets for all sorts of reasons. They can't be great journalist at one place and terrible at another, just by way of affiliation, right?

You also can't say the conservative media is in bed with Trump but the liberal media isn't in bed with Biden for example. We all saw that play out with the softball questions leading up to and after the election.

Hillary would never do what Trump did? Dude......she used govt resources to lead a multi-year fake witch hunt. What's the material difference?
You feeling ok? Our great POTUS does not break the law. He lays down the law!

OP would say the same thing if Trump had sent the secret service down to beat the shit out of the Ga Sec of State until he "found" the votes. He's completely a Trump sycophant and long ago left rule of law by the wayside. He'd be having a cow if anyone else did something like this (and rightfully so) , but this is DONALD TRUMP. Above the law in every way. Again, OP, I'm thinking America just isn't the country for you. Definitely, a N Korea man! Where the Dear Leader can do whatever he wants and OP can make pee pee in his panties while he sings the Dear Leader's praises.
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That's your opinion though on the journalistic standard. It's very plausible that great journalists have left larger establishments for the freedom of unbiased influence or big corporate mandates driven by investors/board. I used to work for Thomson Reuters and many great journalists leave for other outlets for all sorts of reasons. They can't be great journalist at one place and terrible at another, just by way of affiliation, right?

You also can't say the conservative media is in bed with Trump but the liberal media isn't in bed with Biden for example. We all saw that play out with the softball questions leading up to and after the election.

Hillary would never do what Trump did? Dude......she used govt resources to lead a multi-year fake witch hunt. What's the material difference?

I'm not sure who these great journalists are of who you speak but I can guarantee you a great journalist would never migrate to OAN, lol.

I would agree that liberal media isn't as hard on Biden, but frankly it's because there isn't that much to be critical of unless you mean conspiracy theories conjured to make him look bad. I don't blame them for not going down that road. But to suggest the liberal media only serves soft balls would be inaccurate. Jake Tapper took Jon Ossoff to task yesterday for saying Kelly Loeffler campaigned with Klansmen.

WTH are you saying Hillary did with government resources? She wasn't in office so she couldn't use any govt. resources. Conspiracy much? Jeez
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I'm not sure who these great journalists are of who you speak but I can guarantee you a great journalist would never migrate to OAN, lol.

I would agree that liberal media isn't as hard on Biden, but frankly it's because there isn't that much to be critical of unless you mean conspiracy theories conjured to make him look bad. I don't blame them for not going down that road. But to suggest the liberal media only serves soft balls would be inaccurate. Jake Tapper took Jon Ossoff to task yesterday so for saying Kelly Loeffler campaigned with Klansmen.

WTH are you saying Hillary did with government resources? She wasn't in office so she couldn't use any govt. resources. Conspiracy much? Jeez

I can only shake my head on the Hillary thing.......feel like you need a virtual hug :)
My favorite aspect of where we are as a nation right now is how a left leaning media outlet can portray this so vastly different from a right leaning media outlet. There are way too many assumptions that anyone and everyone republican are knee deep in conspiracy theories vs confused as to what to actually believe given how far apart media seems to be on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE. I can imagine people on the left suffer the same dilemma.

There were multiple people on the call, inclusive of attorneys from both plaintiff and defendant, WH chief of staff etc so if deemed illegal then I'm sure appropriate action will be taken against him and all of those people can and will be subpoenaed to testify.

That said, when you listen to the entire call it's mentioned that it's a "settlement" call which one would assume is regarding the litigation pending in GA court. There are multiple requests for information coming from Trump attorneys asking GA attorneys/state officials to release the investigation reports, there are questions regarding the fraud accusations and the real mention of course of action was around shredding ballots which is actually punishable by it seems like the call wasn't some off the cuff call where Trump threatened to take anyone to the Wachovia parking lot.

The idea that he is threatening him on a call with that many attorneys and the WHCOS participating seems a bit much but I guess it's subjective to how you interpret the call maybe when you listen to 4 minutes of a 60 minute call.

At this point, I'm ready for him to fade off into the sunset and reset. Clearly we won't ever fix the divide at this rate but in all honesty, I have very little faith 4 years of Biden is going to resolve that either. As a nation, we will continue to run down the path that one side is better than the other when in reality, they both suck.

i didn’t read any “interpretations” of the call, but I did listen to the entire 62 minute call. You and I must have listened to two different calls. I heard an unhinged, clearly terrified failed president try to bully a SOS into “recalculating” the results of an election. He barely listened to the responses, he just tried to talk over him as he spouted off debunked conspiracy theory after debunked conspiracy theory. Just a desperate loser breaking the law as he tries desperately to overthrow our democracy. My favorite part was when they asked for trump lawyers to be deputized by GA so they could find evidence of fraud. Unreal.

I hope the state of GA pursues criminal charges against him, but they likely will not. This will all be over soon. I just hope that the damage that trump and republicans (voters included) have done to our democracy can be repaired. If nothing else, we need more codified laws and not just “norms” to control the behavior of a sitting president. The corrupt reality tv show host that you elected has certainly stress tested our democracy.
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