Here's your voter fraud

I used to be convinced that @TigerGrowls was 100% serious, but I'm now willing to entertain the possibility that there is a non 0% chance that he is trolling. Which is almost equally disturbing considering the amount of time and effort he's put into these delusional posts the last 2 months, given that there's only maybe 10 people that are still actively engaging with him on this.
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I used to be convinced that @TigerGrowls was 100% serious, but I'm now willing to entertain the possibility that there is a non 0% chance that he is trolling. Which is almost equally disturbing considering the amount of time and effort he's put into these delusional posts the last 2 months, given that there's only maybe 10 people that are still actively engaging with him on this.

That's where I am as well. I just can't believe someone would be that wholly stupid and delusional. If it is a troll, I applaud his dedication.
I used to be convinced that @TigerGrowls was 100% serious, but I'm now willing to entertain the possibility that there is a non 0% chance that he is trolling. Which is almost equally disturbing considering the amount of time and effort he's put into these delusional posts the last 2 months, given that there's only maybe 10 people that are still actively engaging with him on this.

Agree. I've said numerous times that he's only trolling to own the resident libs here, and he gets consistent responses that accomplish that goal.

But here's my problem: he represents a staggeringly large number of Americans who actually believe this bullshit. Otherwise there would not be a market for this nonsense on websites and "news" networks like OAN and Newsmax. Therefore I find it interesting to see (and provide) the logical rebuttals to these insane conspiracy theories, even if they are posted as a troll attempt.
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I used to be convinced that @TigerGrowls was 100% serious, but I'm now willing to entertain the possibility that there is a non 0% chance that he is trolling. Which is almost equally disturbing considering the amount of time and effort he's put into these delusional posts the last 2 months, given that there's only maybe 10 people that are still actively engaging with him on this.
That's where I am as well. I just can't believe someone would be that wholly stupid and delusional. If it is a troll, I applaud his dedication.
Agree. I've said numerous times that he's only trolling to own the resident libs here, and he gets consistent responses that accomplish that goal.

But here's my problem: he represents a staggeringly large number of Americans who actually believe this bullshit. Otherwise there would not be a market for this nonsense on websites and "news" networks like OAN and Newsmax. Therefore I find it interesting to see (and provide) the logical rebuttals to these insane conspiracy theories, even if they are posted as a troll attempt.

There's like 7 of us who engage on this forum, ha. Dude isn't doing all this to troll us.

He's not sane.
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There's like 7 of us who engage on this forum, ha. Dude isn't doing all this to troll us.

He's not sane.

I agree he's not sane but do you ever wonder if he's getting paid for clicks 😂 ? I know it seems silly but at some point you'd think he'd get tired of trolling the same 7 people, who he knows will never see things his way.
I agree he's not sane but do you ever wonder if he's getting paid for clicks 😂 ? I know it seems silly but at some point you'd think he'd get tired of trolling the same 7 people, who he knows will never see things his way.

he fully believes everything he is saying. it used to be him along with @appalachiatiger and @orangelvis but those guys disappeared. At least @Elul77 has tried his best to fill the crazy void.
My favorite aspect of where we are as a nation right now is how a left leaning media outlet can portray this so vastly different from a right leaning media outlet. There are way too many assumptions that anyone and everyone republican are knee deep in conspiracy theories vs confused as to what to actually believe given how far apart media seems to be on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE. I can imagine people on the left suffer the same dilemma.

There were multiple people on the call, inclusive of attorneys from both plaintiff and defendant, WH chief of staff etc so if deemed illegal then I'm sure appropriate action will be taken against him and all of those people can and will be subpoenaed to testify.

That said, when you listen to the entire call it's mentioned that it's a "settlement" call which one would assume is regarding the litigation pending in GA court. There are multiple requests for information coming from Trump attorneys asking GA attorneys/state officials to release the investigation reports, there are questions regarding the fraud accusations and the real mention of course of action was around shredding ballots which is actually punishable by it seems like the call wasn't some off the cuff call where Trump threatened to take anyone to the Wachovia parking lot.

The idea that he is threatening him on a call with that many attorneys and the WHCOS participating seems a bit much but I guess it's subjective to how you interpret the call maybe when you listen to 4 minutes of a 60 minute call.

At this point, I'm ready for him to fade off into the sunset and reset. Clearly we won't ever fix the divide at this rate but in all honesty, I have very little faith 4 years of Biden is going to resolve that either. As a nation, we will continue to run down the path that one side is better than the other when in reality, they both suck.

The problem here is calling two respected media outlets who follow strict journalistic standards and HAVE THE TAPE (the WP and AJC, who both broke this story) with crazy, right-wing, pro-Trump media sites.

It's not left-wing and right-wing. It's non-partisan, and pro-Trump. IN THIS VERY CALL, Trump calls the "right-wing" sources that you cite "Trump media." Trump himself confirms that these sources are propaganda.

Also, this was not a "settlement" call - that is a lie created by the Trumpists after the fact:

And if you don't believe that, if it was a settlement call, then why, near the end of the tape, does one of Trump's lawyers ask Raffensberger's team if they will "sit down with us in a compromise and settlements proceeding"?

If it's a settlement discussion then you don't need to ask to have a settlement discussion!

Interpretation of this tape is really not subjective if you listen to the whole thing, as I have. It is very clear that Trump is illegally threatening the GA SOS - from his own party - to improperly change the election results and declare him the winner. It's plain as day, and every legitimate news source has reported it that way;.

THIS is the biggest problem with America right now. The right has created their own media ecosystem that is in an entirely false reality. Then they call any legitimate, non-partisan source "left-wing" and reject reality as "fake news."

You are hardly the worst perpetrator of this, Jake, but you ARE echoing their bullshit by calling legitimate, non-partisan sources "left-wing" and equating them with truly right-wing sources like Fox, OANN, and Newsmax.
I'm not protecting him at all. If deemed illegal, then there are enough witnesses on the call for legal recourse. I'm ready for it all to be over. All kidding aside.

The problem with "I'm ready for it to be over," is that if there is not a legitimate reckoning with all of the illegal shit that Trump has pulled, then we will be encouraging future Presidents (possibly from either party, though in the immediate future it would clearly be Republicans) to act illegally and subvert our democracy to maintain power.

We need a full legal investigation of Trump's tenure that follows the evidence and the law and prosecutes him for anything that career, non-political, DOJ prosecutors believe rise to that level.
Is my point wrong though? Go to CNN and then go to something like RedState or Breitbart........or even something like OAN. People will form their own opinions on the matter based on what they have in front of them. Not everyone is going to bother reading multiple segments to form an opinion.

This makes my point again. CNN is not the equivalent of RedState or Breitbart. One is a legitimate, non-partisan news source. The others are propaganda sites.

The truth is, there really isn't a proper RedState, Brietbart, OANN, or Newsmax equivalent on the left. There are sources that clearly ARE left-leaning (like Mother Jones or the Daily Beast), but event they adhere to some kinds of journalistic standards. They don't just make shit up RedState, Brietbart, OANN, or Newsmax.

Meanwhile, the MSM with it's supposed liberal bias, has actually demonstrated a consistent conservative bias (see Hillary's emails, or the NYT's incorrectly absolving Trump of Russia connections in 2016) because they are so terrified of being attacked for liberal bias that they do everything they can to generate a false "balance" that doesn't even exist.

The right has done an incredible job of working the refs and weaponizing this asymmetry. They know that they can like their asses off, make shit up, and cry bloody murder and Democrats won't do the same in return - and CNN and the NYT will report it as a he said/she said thing, rather than just reporting the facts.

My view is that Dems continue to be stupid in trying to play by the rules when Reps haven't done so for decades. The only way to restore actual balance is to show Republicans that if they want to play with fire, that they can be burned themselves. I believe that Dems should be pushing crazy disinformation about Rs, just like the Ds due to us. But we won't because we still cling to some semblance of morality.

Its Biden's biggest failing, IMO. That he thinks that somehow once Trump is gone the fever will break and that he can deal with McConnell and/or other Rs in good faith. Republicans haven't acted in good faith for decades. They aren't going to just start when Trump is finally out of office.
I agree he's not sane but do you ever wonder if he's getting paid for clicks 😂 ? I know it seems silly but at some point you'd think he'd get tired of trolling the same 7 people, who he knows will never see things his way.

Does anyone actually click on his links? He usually just, weirdly, cuts and pastes the entire articles here.
You can read/listen to the whole thing now:


Ryan Germany: The only investigation that we have into that they have not been shredding any
ballots, there was an issue in Cobb County where they were doing normal, you know, office
shredding, getting rid of old stuff, and we investigated that. But this is stuff from, you know, past
President Donald Trump: I don't know. It's very — it doesn't pass the smell test because we hear
they're shredding thousands and thousands of ballots. And now what they’re saying, oh, we’re just
cleaning up the office. You know, I don’t think that plays.
Brad Raffensperger: Mr. President, the problem you have with social media, they — people can say
President Donald Trump: No. Ah, no this isn't social media. This is Trump media. It's not social
media. It’s it’s really not. It’s not social media. I don’t care about social. I couldn’t care less. Social
media is big tech. Big tech is on your side. You know, I don’t even know why you have a side
because you should want to have an accurate election. And you’re a Republican.
Does anyone actually click on his links? He usually just, weirdly, cuts and pastes the entire articles here.

No, I just meant website clicks. Not totally sure if clicks only apply to links, but I would imagine clicking on a topic would or a post would count as well - though just speculating.
I'm just saying if he didn't post all his propaganda, the board would probably die.

LOL. Instead of addressing the content and intent of Trump's call, David Perdue is lashing out at the GA SOS for being so rude to record the call. You cant make this shit up.

“I guess I was raised differently,” Perdue, a Republican, said on Fox News. “To have a statewide elected official, regardless of party, tape without disclosing a conversation — private conversation — with the president of the United States, and then leaking it to the press is disgusting.”

It's truly disturbing to listen too. I had waffled back and forth between 2 possibilities. 1. Trump playing the "fraud" card to make money post election, and the stir up his base, while.understanding that he had lost. 2. Trump really being delusional and perhaps suffering from dementia. After listening to him on the call, I'm leaning towards option number 2. It's a little ironic that Trump is coming off as so unhinged and possibly losing his mental acuity, while Biden has sounded completely comfortable and very sharp in all of his public speeches since the election.
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LOL. Instead of addressing the content and intent of Trump's call, David Perdue is lashing out at the GA SOS for being so rude to record the call. You cant make this shit up.

“I guess I was raised differently,” Perdue, a Republican, said on Fox News. “To have a statewide elected official, regardless of party, tape without disclosing a conversation — private conversation — with the president of the United States, and then leaking it to the press is disgusting.”
LOL. After everything Trump has said about him the last 2 months, Raffensperger would be literally insane not to document every single piece of correspondence he has with Trump.
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It's truly disturbing to listen too. I had waffled back and forth between 2 possibilities. 1. Trump playing the "fraud" card to make money post election, and the stir up his base, while.understanding that he had lost. 2. Trump really being delusional and perhaps suffering from dementia. After listening to him on the call, I'm leaning towards option number 2. It's a little ironic that Trump is coming off as so unhinged and possibly losing his mental acuity, while Biden has sounded completely comfortable and very sharp in all of his public speeches since the election.

I think there is a third possibility. The only thing keeping prosecutors and his hundreds of billions of dollars of debt obligations at bay is the fact that he is president. He is desperately trying to remain president to avoid what he knows is coming.
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LOL. After everything Trump has said about him the last 2 months, Raffensperger would be literally insane not to document every single piece of correspondence he has with Trump.

yep. one of his advisors basically said "when Lyndsey Graham called and asked us to throw out legal votes we didnt have a recording, so this time we wanted to make sure we did."
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I think there is a third possibility. The only thing keeping prosecutors and his hundreds of billions of dollars of debt obligations at bay is the fact that he is president. He is desperately trying to remain president to avoid what he knows is coming.

Bingo! But he's also delusional and suffering from dementia...
It's truly disturbing to listen too. I had waffled back and forth between 2 possibilities. 1. Trump playing the "fraud" card to make money post election, and the stir up his base, while.understanding that he had lost. 2. Trump really being delusional and perhaps suffering from dementia. After listening to him on the call, I'm leaning towards option number 2. It's a little ironic that Trump is coming off as so unhinged and possibly losing his mental acuity, while Biden has sounded completely comfortable and very sharp in all of his public speeches since the election.

I mean, it's not that ironic for folks who have been paying attention the last four years.
Boom!! More of stuff like this on the way too!!

Unrelated topic/question but did I read today that Swalwell will remain on the intelligence committee? For once, I hope this is a "right wing" propaganda issue and not accurate.
Unrelated topic/question but did I read today that Swalwell will remain on the intelligence committee? For once, I hope this is a "right wing" propaganda issue and not accurate.

Seems like it but a precedent has been set after they allowed the President to stay in office after Ukraine and his weekend ph. call to the GA SOC :)
He has also joined a resolution to censure the orange fascist

Seems like it but a precedent has been set after they allowed the President to stay in office after Ukraine and his weekend ph. call to the GA SOC :)
He has also joined a resolution to censure the orange fascist

I like the effort to deflect attention away from the fact that he got duped by a foreign interest spy. While actively sitting on an intelligence committee. While allowing said spy to insert an operative in his daily operation and of course while hiding it for years.

Bold move cotton :)
I like the effort to deflect attention away from the fact that he got duped by a foreign interest spy. While actively sitting on an intelligence committee. While allowing said spy to insert an operative in his daily operation and of course while hiding it for years.

Bold move cotton :)

No deflection, just pointing out the irony of your "selective" outrage. If you didn't raise a stink the last four years about the mafia kingpin in the White House, you've already decided that criminality, corruption and bad behavior aren't deal breakers for you.
Let's see if your disdain pays off for you :)
No deflection, just pointing out the irony of your "selective" outrage. If you didn't raise a stink the last four years about the mafia kingpin in the White House, you've already decided that criminality, corruption and bad behavior aren't deal breakers for you.
Let's see if your disdain pays off for you :)

"From even the greatest horrors, irony is seldom absent"
H.P. Lovecraft
"From even the greatest horrors, irony is seldom absent"
H.P. Lovecraft

"Sometimes it enters directly into the composition of the events, while sometimes it relates only to their fortuitous position among persons and places."

Another one of my faves:

"I know words. I have the best words"
The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump
I like the effort to deflect attention away from the fact that he got duped by a foreign interest spy. While actively sitting on an intelligence committee. While allowing said spy to insert an operative in his daily operation and of course while hiding it for years.

Bold move cotton :)

Wait, wasn't your post a deflection from the topic being discussed?
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Wait, wasn't your post a deflection from the topic being discussed?

I did preemptively say it was an unrelated topic before my distinguished dem buddy dpic73 launched a counter initiative.

I was asking if it was confirmed outside of the hack job, right wing propaganda channels I use as my news sources.
I did preemptively say it was an unrelated topic before my distinguished dem buddy dpic73 launched a counter initiative.

I was asking if it was confirmed outside of the hack job, right wing propaganda channels I use as my news sources.


Serious answer; it certainly isn't a shining moment for him but to say he should be removed would be a stretch

"Swalwell cut all his ties to Fang after he was alerted by the FBI to the investigation, according to Axios, and there is no publicly available evidence Swalwell knew or suspected Fang was working for Beijing, nor is there evidence Fang broke any laws through her fundraising."

Sadly, the days of a weaponized federal government are over. We have become a people who don't want to see our side win...we want to see the other side suffer and mock them as we do so(thanks Trump). Why, because someone else has whispered in our ear about strawmen that maybe, maybe exist on twitter but not in real life. Gone are the days where we all wanted the same thing just a different path to get there. We don't know where we're going we just hate each other. Resevoirs of guilt and hate fuel our engines.