Hey Iceheart....

Bosse de Nage

Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Jul 5, 2006
we'z da stablishment now.
Still don't know what that top picture is, but now I get it. This thread is all about love. Puppies. Kittens. That kind of thing.
Looks like a picture of Steve Bannon who was just named Trump's senior counsel and Chief White House Strategist. He took over as Trumps campaign manager with Kelly Anne Conway after the primaries.

That's who it looks like anyway. I could be wrong
What's pathetic is Hillary said today that the FBI reopening the case against her 11 days before the election is what caused her to lose the election. It may not have helped her but they just don't get what caused it.
Just curious how you feel about all those lobbyists and corporate influences who are going to be cabinet appointments. Nothing like draining the swamp, amiright? Verizon--goodbye net neutrality, Bear Stearns--hello wall street cronies, Oil/gas--goodbye clean drinking water in the US, etc. etc.

You should try writing that out in long form. You seem to think that everybody's just on your same wavelength.
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Just curious how you feel about all those lobbyists and corporate influences who are going to be cabinet appointments. Nothing like draining the swamp, amiright? Verizon--goodbye net neutrality, Bear Stearns--hello wall street cronies, Oil/gas--goodbye clean drinking water in the US, etc. etc.
A certain degree of normalization is necessary to provide cover for the massive oven building project on the border.
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Just curious how you feel about all those lobbyists and corporate influences who are going to be cabinet appointments. Nothing like draining the swamp, amiright? Verizon--goodbye net neutrality, Bear Stearns--hello wall street cronies, Oil/gas--goodbye clean drinking water in the US, etc. etc.
Hellllloooo hyperbole!
biggest problem is how to fix healthcare.

when healthcare cost more than the total amount a worker will earn over their lifetime.

that goes for 80-90% of the population.

what percent should of our own healthcare should we pay?

how can we get the total cradle to grave cost cut in half?

cut the cost of all medications in half, all procedures, eliminate liability insurance for docs by removing all liability on the doctor.

there has to way. apparently insurance companies are against establishing beachheads in other states due to cost.

ending insurance all together would plunge the cost of any procedure or any drug.

thats the best way to go, but would scare everyone, and all those fleecing money in the insurance industry would have to start a new career like many blue collar workers who lost their jobs over nafta.

so we can eliminate insurance industry. those people will survive and get new jobs in new industries just like the blue collars.
I've been watching a GD veritable who's who of Socialists and Muslims in and out key positions for 8 years while watching policy kill small business, healthcare, pie in the sky environmental ponzi schemes, anything Muslim, destroy foreign policy, designing new rocks to throw as weapons for our military, giving Iran BILLIONS and the ability to create Nukes (Muslim again), the DNC and their candidate creating riots at opponent's rallies as well as illegal voting and the sheer corruption in the WH and in the presidential circle.

To my knowledge, there were no protests (many contrived, bought and paid for by Soros and his evil gang) after 2008 and 2012. Tell you what...STFU. It's time to clean the horse shit out of the stables and it requires real work. Fvcking morons.
Ah Bannon, he's like the Littlefinger of this game of thrones. Buckle in boys its gonna get weird.
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biggest problem is how to fix healthcare.

when healthcare cost more than the total amount a worker will earn over their lifetime.

that goes for 80-90% of the population.

what percent should of our own healthcare should we pay?

how can we get the total cradle to grave cost cut in half?

cut the cost of all medications in half, all procedures, eliminate liability insurance for docs by removing all liability on the doctor.

there has to way. apparently insurance companies are against establishing beachheads in other states due to cost.

ending insurance all together would plunge the cost of any procedure or any drug.

thats the best way to go, but would scare everyone, and all those fleecing money in the insurance industry would have to start a new career like many blue collar workers who lost their jobs over nafta.

so we can eliminate insurance industry. those people will survive and get new jobs in new industries just like the blue collars.
Your utter lack of knowledge and desire to keep putting it on display is remarkable. You think drug prices have anything to do with insurance? WRONG. Drug prices are where they are because 1. we pay the R&D for the entire world, and 2. the free market. Here is just one little example. You know how you hear about drug reps buying lunch for doctors? Guess how that gets paid for?
I've been watching a GD veritable who's who of Socialists and Muslims in and out key positions for 8 years while watching policy kill small business, healthcare, pie in the sky environmental ponzi schemes, anything Muslim, destroy foreign policy, designing new rocks to throw as weapons for our military, giving Iran BILLIONS and the ability to create Nukes (Muslim again), the DNC and their candidate creating riots at opponent's rallies as well as illegal voting and the sheer corruption in the WH and in the presidential circle.

To my knowledge, there were no protests (many contrived, bought and paid for by Soros and his evil gang) after 2008 and 2012. Tell you what...STFU. It's time to clean the horse shit out of the stables and it requires real work. Fvcking morons.
Just curious how you feel about all those lobbyists and corporate influences who are going to be cabinet appointments. Nothing like draining the swamp, amiright? Verizon--goodbye net neutrality, Bear Stearns--hello wall street cronies, Oil/gas--goodbye clean drinking water in the US, etc. etc.

You lost me at Bear Stearns....why don't you use Standard Oil as your oil/gas example.
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This is the most useless collection of millennial feel-gooders I've ever seen. They're so fragile they need a video of people they've never met telling them that they're okay and loved. We're all doomed if this is the next generation of leaders. But then again, the competent, confident, and useful young people probably have jobs and are too busy to make stupid You Tube videos.
biggest problem is how to fix healthcare.

when healthcare cost more than the total amount a worker will earn over their lifetime.

that goes for 80-90% of the population.

what percent should of our own healthcare should we pay?
blows my mind because app and i see eye to eye on almost nothing but this is 100% spot on...

obamacare was a problem... but absent of obamacare healthcare costs were a problem (and a problem that was quickly getting worse) even before obamacare.
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When you can hire a white nationalist and an anti-Semite to be your chief strategist/propagandist in the White House you have to do it.
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When you can hire a white nationalist and an anti-Semite to be your chief strategist/propagandist in the White House you have to do it.

It will be a damn shame to undue the tremendous strides the current administration has effected in race relations over the last eight years. Our historic first black president brought us all together in peace and harmony, and now we are just going to throw it all away. Unbelievable!
Your utter lack of knowledge and desire to keep putting it on display is remarkable. You think drug prices have anything to do with insurance? WRONG. Drug prices are where they are because 1. we pay the R&D for the entire world, and 2. the free market. Here is just one little example. You know how you hear about drug reps buying lunch for doctors? Guess how that gets paid for?
drug reps buying lunch? Seriously, that's not happening like it use too. That's so 90's
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I remember ICE told me that she would beat Trump by 5pts and I said I didn't believe any poll the media had and that Trump would wax her. That he did.
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I remember ICE told me that she would beat Trump by 5pts and I said I didn't believe any poll the media had and that Trump would wax her. That he did.
he certainly did in key states, but lost the popular vote and since 1980 only two republican presidential candidates have received a lower percentage of the vote than Trump... Dole in 96 and Bush in 92... by the time the last votes are counted he may surpass Bush in 2000. (these numbers are based on total % of the voting age population, not total percentage of the votes cast, this shows differences in turnout/overall enthusiasm)

one thing is clear... people did not like hilary.. even the dems.
what doest it mean to be a "white nationalist"?

and what does it mean to be "anti-Semite"?

be curious to hear your definition to see if I am either of these in your eyes:)

1. The ideology that the white race is vastly superior to all other races. Those searching to obtain an all white nation because those of other races don't belong due to the belief that they are inferior.

2. Prejudice against people of Jewish descent.

And it's not my eyes that have decided those definitions. So it's not only my eyes that would view that way if you do associate with either of those.
It will be a damn shame to undue the tremendous strides the current administration has effected in race relations over the last eight years. Our historic first black president brought us all together in peace and harmony, and now we are just going to throw it all away. Unbelievable!

But but but all campaign long Trump and his minions and followers told all the races of color that it's better than it's ever been so quit whining and complaining and protesting.