Hey oldtimers, explain to me how bad

Shut it down
In 1976, I was 20 and the 1st time I was able to vote for President.

Both my parents voted for the Peanut Farmer.

I voted for Ford.

Needless to say my parents didn't vote for Jimmy the 2nd time around.

I will say I would prefer Carter over what's in the WH now.

I have never voted for a Democrat in my life
Carter, despite having been in the Navy, did not support our military as he should have. He was weak in foreign policy, economy, etc. I think he basically was a good man, but weak, unable to make tough decisions, and surrounded by incompetence. the current President shows evidence of progressive mental deterioration, not all of the time, but more so. He is surrounded by people pulling his strings, basically a puppet.
There’s just no way Carter was this incompetent? He could at least put words together in sentence form, no?
I think everyone, democrats and republicans, would surely agree that Biden is the most incompetent president in history.

That’s not suggesting Biden is some bad guy trying to destroy America. It’s just a fact that he’s the most mentally incompetent president in history.
I think everyone, democrats and republicans, would surely agree that Biden is the most incompetent president in history.

That’s not suggesting Biden is some bad guy trying to destroy America. It’s just a fact that he’s the most mentally incompetent president in history.
I would like to believe you but no. Over 80 Million people voted for the bozo. They are to blame.
Jimmy Carter was a product of the country leaning too far away from Watergate and elected a complete outsider Democrat, who was a micromanager. He successfully micromanaged Georgia at that time. Georgia isn't the USA.

Another example of the swing in national political thinking swinging too far from the middle in reaction to the previous administration.

Jimmy Carter is a good man.

His brother, Billy, was a hoot!
Funny thing is Biden had to lie about his education and Carter never said a word but he was a Nuclear Physicist and a brilliant mind which doesn't always translate into a good politician but Hillary keeps telling us the Democratic party is the party of the educated, good job! Lol
Aoc, Omar, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, represent that educated party and are a bunch of dumbass grifters who other than slinging drinks in a bar like AOC have never had a real job in their life.
Jimmy Carter was a product of the country leaning too far away from Watergate and elected a complete outsider Democrat, who was a micromanager. He successfully micromanaged Georgia at that time. Georgia isn't the USA.

Another example of the swing in national political thinking swinging too far from the middle in reaction to the previous administration.

Jimmy Carter is a good man.

His brother, Billy, was a hoot!
Totally true.
truth is billy might have been the smarter of the two as he ran quite an operation and saw opportunity with his personality (beer)

Jimmy Carter was/is a very good man as my grandmother was a very good woman but neither a good president
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Funny thing is Biden had to lie about his education and Carter never said a word but he was a Nuclear Physicist and a brilliant mind which doesn't always translate into a good politician but Hillary keeps telling us the Democratic party is the party of the educated, good job! Lol
Aoc, Omar, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, represent that educated party and are a bunch of dumbass grifters who other than slinging drinks in a bar like AOC have never had a real job in their life.
The funny part is AOC has a degree in Economics from Boston University which is actually a pretty good school......not sure how she managed to graduate as if there is one thing she doesn't have a f*cking clue about it's economics.
Carter was surrounded by friends out of their league. He didn’t intentionally screw things up he was too trusting of his friends. Biden is being played by people wanting to destroy this country. It is intentional!
Carter IMO was a good man.. probably had good intentions, just had a bad Presidency. As you said, what’s being done by Biden (or whoever the real President is behind the scenes) is being done to destroy this country, and they are succeeding.
Donald Trump is the worst president in history and it isnt close.
You may not like trump but he is definitely better than this president and in my opinion he was probably best since Reagan. Carter is a good man but he was a door mat. A lot of people like Bill Clinton but he stole your social security. And he got the residue off of Reagan. The bottom line is they’re all for themselves and now they don’t even act like they’re for you. A lot of the policies are left over from Obama era. The scary thing is what are they doing you don’t know about and you can’t believe the media.
You may not like trump but he is definitely better than this president and in my opinion he was probably best since Reagan. Carter is a good man but he was a door mat. A lot of people like Bill Clinton but he stole your social security. And he got the residue off of Reagan. The bottom line is they’re all for themselves and now they don’t even act like they’re for you. A lot of the policies are left over from Obama era. The scary thing is what are they doing you don’t know about and you can’t believe the media.
Bill Clinton is the worst president in hindsight. Repealed Glass-steagal, passed NAFTA, gave China most favored nations status. All of those look like huge mistakes now.
A President Jimmy Carter was.

Compared to President Joe Biden President Jimmy Carter was a combination of the top five presidents of all time.

My wife and I every day over coffee in the morning discuss how people are so blind how they cannot see the utter incompetence of the present administration and their policies how it is destroying the fabric of America along with the lack of civility along with non stop hate streaming from the left.

Jimmy Carter was a vert decent man. He was just not a president. Biden is a complete left wing liberal hack that is destroying America.

I supported President Clinton over Republicans so i am not a died in the wool Republican but an independent.

This present day hate war was accelerated by Obama and is being used to gain power and not make Ameirica a better country.

As far as being decent goes Jimmy Carter was a far more decent president that Obama or Biden.

He was just not in the know and he had terrible support that undermined him. Obama and Biden on the other hand are just plain underhanded crooks. Obama did it with style and actually had some good policies.

Biden just wants to destroy America
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literally sent out trump checks. This was the highest % of americans to ever get free government money in history.

Whatever makes you feel better. Democrats have been keeping people out of the workforce for decades.
Whatever makes you feel better. Democrats have been keeping people out of the workforce for decades.
none of this makes me feel better. it's all horrible. i hate democrats and i hate conservatives. saying that you're better than them makes you better than shit. that's a long list.

the idea that conservatives won't/don't participate in taking money from the government is insane and hilarious.
Only if you like to sit at home and get a government check. Then I’d understand why you would think that.

there were many Presidents before Trump that were worse

modern day Obama and now Biden

hoping Biden is impeached which he will be but the real deal is he will be declared incompetent by a medical professional

all that medical training and 150 million people plus are already diagnosing it
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there were many Presidents before Trump that were worse

modern day Obama and now Biden

hoping Biden is impeached which he will be but the real deal is he will be declared incompetent by a medical professional

all that medical training and 150 million people plus are already diagnosing it
The problem is if Biden is impeached, we are left with this unqualified idiot

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there were many Presidents before Trump that were worse

modern day Obama and now Biden

hoping Biden is impeached which he will be but the real deal is he will be declared incompetent by a medical professional

all that medical training and 150 million people plus are already diagnosing it
It’s been a 40 year unbroken line of increasing mediocrity. Every President worse than their predecessor. Without a significant change the next guy/gal, as if the current and last couple haven’t been, will be quite a show.