Hillary Clinton Panicking - Wants To Jail You For “Misinformation”


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
This is so rich coming from that fat, evil, ugly, bitch.

They are worried that X has disrupted their monopoly on the narrative. She quite clearly states he thinks there should be a government approved narrative.

Curious what our resident libs like @tboonpickens think about regulating speech.

Let’s see how communist you are. Do you agree with the far evil troll Hillary?

It's really difficult to hold two things in your head at the same time.
1) Trumps assassination attempt(s) are atrocious and condemned by everyone
2) Trump is a danger to the world as president

Both can be true. It's amazing the world we live in. Alas, brain processing power seems to be in decline.
It's really difficult to hold two things in your head at the same time.
1) Trumps assassination attempt(s) are atrocious and condemned by everyone
2) Trump is a danger to the world as president

Both can be true. It's amazing the world we live in. Alas, brain processing power seems to be in decline.
But neither one of the points you make is in fact true:

1) Trumps assassination attempt(s) are atrocious and condemned by everyone. They are not "condemned by everyone". Everyone I have seen on TV on the left (multiple different channels) blame Trump for the attempts on his life, and also say the attempted assassins are his supporters. That is a level of stupidity that only a demonrat could come up with. They support him, yet they want to harm him. That makes perfect sense to someone like you. Like I said, only demonrats.

2) "Trump is a danger to the world as president" according to you. He was already POTUS for 4 years. The world was much more safe when he was in office. No Ukraine/Russia. No Israel vs. Hamas/Hezbolla. No October 7th. No American hostages being held in Gaza. No one even has to mention that Iran didn't have the money to support these groups when he was in office.

Also, none of you liberals give a damn about the people that are suffering monetarily because of the Biden/Harris administration.

All of their policies on everything suck, but you and your buddies, just keep drinking from the trough.

It's really difficult to hold two things in your head at the same time.
1) Trumps assassination attempt(s) are atrocious and condemned by everyone
2) Trump is a danger to the world as president

Both can be true. It's amazing the world we live in. Alas, brain processing power seems to be in decline.
you know what else is a danger to the world as president? Leaving the office vacated like it currently is.

Democrats have abandoned any attempt at governing. They are letting Joe and Kamala point the finger at each other to avoid responsibility.

Is that how to run a country? Really democrats?

We need a massive change in Washington. We have rot in Washington and it needs to be cleaned out.

Trump will know what he is doing this time and will have a better chance at draining the swamp. The enemies have identified themself and now we must clean house and rid this country of the democratic mindset.