Quit violating people’s rights.
If you actually EVER want solutions to anything:
- Get to work, no predetermined outcomes
- Sweden who had no shutdowns(most Conservatives would applaud) has a 95% abortion support. How can such a “liberal” country have such a “conservative” behavior? They let the socio sciences prove itself out.
- Think Globally, Act Locally
- Be honest. You know FVCKIN HONESTY. It’s quite easy. You just don’t lie.
@TigerGrowls you misrepresent and lie DAILY. So does
@dpic73 . But Growls, you beat him in the lie department. Congrats??
- listen to the people. Quit passing laws that clearly hurt the majority of the population. And then when you actually follow through on your BS legislation, don’t FABRICATE the reasons your losing elections. LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
- Educate, not indoctrinate.
- eliminate ideology in decision making
My solution is easy. If you actually aligned yourself with a political party, call out bad people and bad ideas. Eliminate the CANCER. Because since you don’t, that cancer metastasizes.
Quit being massive pussies. I’m impressed with Dean Phillips telling Biden it’s time to retire. He’s what right about our Republic. You can be conservative and stand up for rights that are above your personal view.
You, as a Republican, should want the BEST Democratic candidate. Cause there’s a 50/50 shot you’ll lose. You should want the best candidate to run the country should your candidate lose.