How are those Trump endorsements working out?

Quit violating people’s rights.

If you actually EVER want solutions to anything:
- Get to work, no predetermined outcomes
- Sweden who had no shutdowns(most Conservatives would applaud) has a 95% abortion support. How can such a “liberal” country have such a “conservative” behavior? They let the socio sciences prove itself out.
- Think Globally, Act Locally
- Be honest. You know FVCKIN HONESTY. It’s quite easy. You just don’t lie. @TigerGrowls you misrepresent and lie DAILY. So does @dpic73 . But Growls, you beat him in the lie department. Congrats??
- listen to the people. Quit passing laws that clearly hurt the majority of the population. And then when you actually follow through on your BS legislation, don’t FABRICATE the reasons your losing elections. LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
- Educate, not indoctrinate.
- eliminate ideology in decision making

My solution is easy. If you actually aligned yourself with a political party, call out bad people and bad ideas. Eliminate the CANCER. Because since you don’t, that cancer metastasizes.

Quit being massive pussies. I’m impressed with Dean Phillips telling Biden it’s time to retire. He’s what right about our Republic. You can be conservative and stand up for rights that are above your personal view.

You, as a Republican, should want the BEST Democratic candidate. Cause there’s a 50/50 shot you’ll lose. You should want the best candidate to run the country should your candidate lose.
You are not saying anything that true believers on the right and left purport to want. None of this is original. Everyone in general wants what they think is best for the nation. That's where the nitty gritty comes into play. How about dropping the insults.
Turnout was low across the board. Interesting that a lot of voters went Republican except for the governor race.


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You are not saying anything that true believers on the right and left purport to want. None of this is original. Everyone in general wants what they think is best for the nation. That's where the nitty gritty comes into play. How about dropping the insults.
I see you changed your avatar from the extremely homosexual trump in game of thrones cosplay to the extremely homosexual trump in Napolean cosplay.

And you expect us to drop the insults?
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I see you changed your avatar from the extremely homosexual trump in game of thrones cosplay to the extremely homosexual trump in Napolean cosplay.

And you expect us to drop the insults?
I wonder if he knows Napoleon is a reviled historical figure, and also Hitler's personal hero.
You are not saying anything that true believers on the right and left purport to want. None of this is original. Everyone in general wants what they think is best for the nation. That's where the nitty gritty comes into play. How about dropping the insults.
I’ll drop the insults when Pubs and Libs actually promote and support at least 3 ideas that opposes their party.

It is a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY that a person agrees with ANY ORGANIZATION 100%.
Ask a marriage.
Ask a college football team.
Ask Martin Luther.
Ask Martin Luther King.
Ask your 5yr old soccer team.

Anyone who talks the party line 100% is a mathematical impossibility and prevents political progress simply based on them being a “insert insult of your choice”.

Just because you choose to be a part of political organization doesn’t forever strip you from speaking up and doing the right thing. And yes, that makes you a liar or fraud. Your choice.
I’ll drop the insults when Pubs and Libs actually promote and support at least 3 ideas that opposes their party.

It is a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY that a person agrees with ANY ORGANIZATION 100%.
Ask a marriage.
Ask a college football team.
Ask Martin Luther.
Ask Martin Luther King.
Ask your 5yr old soccer team.

Anyone who talks the party line 100% is a mathematical impossibility and prevents political progress simply based on them being a “insert insult of your choice”.

Just because you choose to be a part of political organization doesn’t forever strip you from speaking up and doing the right thing. And yes, that makes you a liar or fraud. Your choice.
You are out of your mind if you are saying that I am in lock step with the GOP. That's what MAGA is all about. You are spouting pie in the sky stuff that will not happen unfortunately in some cases. I do though strongly believe in right and wrong and I will always advocate for what I think is right.
Which they will when the Biden campaign actually starts campaigning.

I'm no Joe Biden stan. I don't think he's been nearly the awful tyrant magas would have us believe. I also couldn't care less about him winning a 2nd term. This next election is SOLELY about saving this country from Donald Trump.
I agree here... Not a huge Biden fan either. He's always been a bit of a bumbling buffoon and old age makes him much worse. Biden hasn't done terribly, but he bumbles around enough to seem really bad.

I'd vote for several Republicans over Biden. Haley or the former Arkansas Governor would be the best IMHO. But it's not going to happen. I'm not going to vote for Trump. Never. And Republicans seem determined to put the most unpopular candidate that they can to run against an unpopular candidate.

Trump is the Republican version of Hillary in 2016. The Dems were a shoe in to win in 2016 until they put one of the most unpopular people in the country on the ticket. If the Republican put up any viable candidate, they'd win EASILY.
I see you changed your avatar from the extremely homosexual trump in game of thrones cosplay to the extremely homosexual trump in Napolean cosplay.

And you expect us to drop the insults?
Quit worrying about my avatar and start worrying about your bass ackward opinions on how the nation should be run. Big Bad Don is coming to set things right.
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Quit worrying about my avatar and start worrying about your bass ackward opinions on how the nation should be run. Big Bad Don is coming to set things right.
😂 Not so fast! Wait until the real campaigning starts and we see this video played on a loop on all media outlets.

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Holy shit. The GOPs 2 pieces of kryptonite captured in a 10 second clip.

Just wait the MAGA fans will deny he ever said that. It's fake news, deep state editing etc. Nevermind that it was live and recorded and viewed. Lie and never stop lying until people get so tired of fact checking that they just give up. It'sthe MAGA way.
Holy shit. The GOPs 2 pieces of kryptonite captured in a 10 second clip.

And dont forget election denialism, although I understand that it could just roll up under Trump. The one candidate in this week's election, the SOS guy from Kentucky, who rejected the stolen election narrative outperformed all other republicans.

trump is forcing everyone to go along with his stolen election farce. And it is hurting them to do so.
If you truly believe that a trump presidency with a gop house and senate would not pass a national abortion ban within one month of taking office, then you are lost my friend.

It has been the GOP goal for 40+ years.
This is crazy wild unfounded speculation at best.
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It was the policies, stupid. Money was not the issue...

"Youngkin's political action committee raised more than $22 million since March and launched an aggressive early voting campaign for Republicans."

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