My investments are WAY up, that's how. Oh and I don't watch network nightly news anymore since every and I do mean EVERY night they lead with a negative Trump story. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
Wow, you must be a real joy to hang out with.
We celebrate the gains today because some of us are old enough to remember the collapse of 2008-2009, which by the way, was partially due to liberal policies (Clinton) like the Community Reinvestment act that mandated lending to people who had no ability to pay their loans back.
And if you are upset at the "reckless spending" that is happening today, you must have really been miserable with the reckless spending of the Obama years. Tell us about that, would you?
I'm pretty sure this thread was not asking for opinions on Obama, was it? But since you want to go back and talk history.
When Ronald Reagan Made America Great Again back in the 80's he did it by increasing our National Debt by 218%. (Since then we never really went back to high taxes like we had seen historically) That was through policies of deregulation and low taxes. Now Trump is going down the same road. So, how do you think this will end?
Typical, answering a question with a question. Nice deflection
I'm pretty sure this thread was not asking for opinions on Obama, was it? But since you want to go back and talk history.
When Ronald Reagan Made America Great Again back in the 80's he did it by increasing our National Debt by 218%. (Since then we never really went back to high taxes like we had seen historically) That was through policies of deregulation and low taxes. Now Trump is going down the same road. So, how do you think this will end?
You aren’t wrong about some of this but is being a douchebag your forte?There is nothing more entertaining than a bunch low and mid level workers jerking off over their 401K gains.
My 401K lost 50% of its value in 2008. That crash was caused by the implementation of the same policies that Trump is instituting today (deregulation, low taxes and high deficits).
That is why I laugh at this thread with all of you guys bragging about these 401K gains. Those gains can just as easily be erased as fast as you got them. And, I am expecting when you are of retirement age our tax rates will be in the 70% range to pay for all of this reckless spending that is happening today.
As long as you are working for someone else then all of these "gains" and even your employment security are spurious at best. So, slap a high five with the guy in the cubicle next to you and get back to work.
Do you roth, bro?And, I am expecting when you are of retirement age our tax rates will be in the 70% range to pay for all of this reckless spending that is happening today.
I didn't vote for Trump and don't agree with many of his policies.
That said, the tax cuts probably won't hurt as much as current estimates portray due to higher wages now being given. Will other companies follow suit and create true wage increases? We'll see. Hard to deny we're off to a great start.
Some of the deregulation is too far. For instance, the CFPB regulations for payday lenders was a good thing. But the Dems (i.e., Warren) set them up for failure when they created a position that answered to literally no one. They reached, now it's being rolled back. Many of the CFPB's fines were atrocious against banks, so you won't see me shedding a tear.
You won't see Dems complaining about or dismissing the increases in salary because that flies in the face of increasing the minimum wage.
I doubt the deficit spending during the Obama years bothered you. Sure there's some double-talk coming from conservatives, but you're just as guilty.
I also doubt you're as well off as you try to make yourself sound.
The S&P is up about 30% from the election. If you had any growth stocks funds they may be up even more. My 401K is up about 35% since the election.Wow. Is this including contributions?
Do you roth, bro?
I think you are mistaking small tokens of wage increases for some mass movement by companies to reinvest their tax savings into wage increases. These small tokens are for PR value, and are usually for only a small portion of the company's employees. Lets regroup in 3 years when Trump is voted out and review how much wages have gone up.
Of course I had issues with some of Obama's spending. What does that have to do with this topic? If Obama was the worst president of all time, why are republicans using him as model? At least Obama focused on bringing in more revenue to pay for it. That is management 101.
Your opinion of my personal success is of no import.
Stating or even implying that Obama offset spending with revenue is like saying a bank robber gave back some of the $ he stole because the bag he was carrying the $ in had a hole in and a few of the bills fell out as he was running away.
Obama doubled our national debt and justified it by producing one of the worst 8 year economic growth periods in modern history. By almost any monetary statistical measure you want to use, he was one of the worst presidents ever. Add to that that he also created and left the country with as much division and ill will between various groups of citizens with his lap dogs in the media and the result is just about the most destructive non war time period in generations. This is only on the domestic side.
You could throw in the $Billions we gave to Iran to help speed their path to nuclear armament, allowing the explosion of isis, and castration of the military as well if you like. In one year since his departure, we have basically wiped out isis. To the point of it not even being mentioned on the news anymore.
You are wrong if you know what you're doing.When I had a 401k, I was always told that Roths were for lower earners, not people in higher tax brackets. That was the advice I got, could be wrong.
Stating or even implying that Obama offset spending with revenue is like saying a bank robber gave back some of the $ he stole because the bag he was carrying the $ in had a hole in and a few of the bills fell out as he was running away.
Obama doubled our national debt and justified it by producing one of the worst 8 year economic growth periods in modern history. By almost any monetary statistical measure you want to use, he was one of the worst presidents ever. Add to that that he also created and left the country with as much division and ill will between various groups of citizens with his lap dogs in the media and the result is just about the most destructive non war time period in generations. This is only on the domestic side.
You could throw in the $Billions we gave to Iran to help speed their path to nuclear armament, allowing the explosion of isis, and castration of the military as well if you like. In one year since his departure, we have basically wiped out isis. To the point of it not even being mentioned on the news anymore.
Economically speaking, doubling debt is an act of necessity, not by choice, just like Trump will at minimum double the debt. This has nothing to do with either party or political affiliation in general. ISIS was created by our foreign policy, wiping your own ass should always be possible, the only problem is, you always have to shit again, invent another acronym for “bad guys”.
so many inaccuracies in what you wrote that I dont even know where to start, so I won't bother. My only advice is this... pick up a newspaper, or magazine - I recommend the Economist - and try to get a non-biased source of information. Your current steady diet of Breitbart, Fox News and Facebook is not doing you any favors. Stay woke brother. I'm out.
I think you are mistaking small tokens of wage increases for some mass movement by companies to reinvest their tax savings into wage increases. These small tokens are for PR value, and are usually for only a small portion of the company's employees. Lets regroup in 3 years when Trump is voted out and review how much wages have gone up.
Of course I had issues with some of Obama's spending. What does that have to do with this topic? If Obama was the worst president of all time, why are republicans using him as model? At least Obama focused on bringing in more revenue to pay for it. That is management 101.
Your opinion of my personal success is of no import.
Someone as savvy as you make yourself out to be should know about backdooring a Roth and shouldn't have lost half your 401k in 2008. Your salary and 401k probably aren't that special when compared to your age and physical location.
Just so I am clear. You are saying that it is an economic necessity for each president to double the debt? Does it matter how many terms he is in office or do we have to double it over four years if he is just a one term president - according to economic theory, of course? Also, what is the name of the "bad guys" right now since isis has been decimated, and why are we not having to fight these "bad guys" like we did with isis?
Many companies are giving tens of thousands of employees wage increases, primarily in the lower brackets. They're not all "small portions" of their employees. Speaking of unbiased sources, try doing some of that yourself. Your sources probably all echo each other without actual breakdowns of what companies are actually giving.
I agree we won't know how good or bad this is for yrs. The truth is it probably won't be the boonies Republicans want, but it also won't send us into the next Great Depression like you're saying. The level of deregulation that has taken place within the financial sector has been fairly minimal compared to the breadth and complexity of Dodd Frank.
The sad part is you want it to fail so that you can put a Dem back in office. Let us know ow when you actually find one. The GOP is a mess without an identity, but so is the Democratic party. One year into Trump and you still have no idea who you are as a party.
I never said Obama was the worst president. But I doubt you'd be in a thread bitching about him spending. Basically calling you out for the hypocrisy you like to accuse conservatives of.
Someone as savvy as you make yourself out to be should know about backdooring a Roth and shouldn't have lost half your 401k in 2008. Your salary and 401k probably aren't that special when compared to your age and physical location.
Thought you said you were out? Its much more pleasant around here without you in the conversation.salary? we talkin about salary? good god man.
You are 100% correct. My salary is modest, I pay myself the minimum that I can according to my CPA (I wish he would let me lower it even more). My income comes from being a shareholder in my own business and investments in other businesses. (and I sure as shit aint talking about a 401K, don't even have one)
Thought you said you were out? Its much more pleasant around here without you in the conversation.