How should I spend my refund check, roughly $8400 total?

Jet ski unless a lot of planning to go use it... if this is case something always going on( cut grass, possibility of thunderstorms, going out with other couples etc) and have that travel time to and from.
If this is the case you can enjoy the pool an hour here or there or even after cutting grass or until storms arrive
Not a wrong answer just think what you and wife (or)want
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Slip n slide + jet ski = win win.

Learn how to work, op

Some of my favorite threads on the WZ are people bragging that they never get money back and usually have to pay.
Nobody gives a fvck.
Tell Tammy to get off the couch and consider how good an above ground pool would look out the back of that single-wide.
My wife wants to put in a pool and deck. But a guy at work is selling his jet ski. 3 seater, Low miles and trailer. Which would you buy?
Don't do "Stuff", go visit Germany or France or Singapore, some place you haven't been before.
Don't do "Stuff", go visit Germany or France or Singapore, some place you haven't been before.

I second this @CU1TruTiger4Life . Go visit Singapore and be sure to take a can of orange spray paint with you so you can spray paint "Go tigers" everywhere, they encourage visitors to do that.