Hunter Biden

Isn’t it funny that Hunter is on trial with a Trump appointed judge by a Trump appointed prosecutor and not one dem politician is claiming it is rigged?
When you do the rigging, you don't exactly go around and tell everyone you are doing it. Ya bozo.
But hey, what we do know is that Hunters Laptop was 100% real.

We know there is evidence of over 250+ crimes from Hunter Biden.

We know that Joe Biden is indeed "The Big Guy". lol

We know the 51 intelligence agents flat out lied to influence the election. Their security clearances have not been removed.
Isn’t it funny that Hunter is on trial with a Trump appointed judge by a Trump appointed prosecutor and not one dem politician is claiming it is rigged?
If there is a decent choice in the Republican party who supports democracy, is fully transparent, open minded and is true to his oath of office, I would have a legitimate choice. Someone who wants to be like Putin is not a choice
If there is a decent choice in the Republican party who supports democracy, is fully transparent, open minded and is true to his oath of office, I would have a legitimate choice. Someone who wants to be like Putin is not a choice
Then don't vote for Biden. Locking up your opponents is a play straight from Putin's playbook.
But hey, what we do know is that Hunters Laptop was 100% real.

We know there is evidence of over 250+ crimes from Hunter Biden.

We know that Joe Biden is indeed "The Big Guy". lol

We know the 51 intelligence agents flat out lied to influence the election. Their security clearances have not been removed.
the cia commented on the best available evidence they had at the time. Hard to prove they lied. Very likely inappropiate for them to reach out to biden campaign about it, but biden campaign told them they would have to release such evident to media and press, not to the campaign, and then cut the conversation short. Good luck on the big guy crap. Some people are always chasing windmills and shadow boxing. But yes, the cia does not like trump. The fbi does not like trump. Capitol Hill Security does not like trump. prosecutor does not like trump. Judges do not like trump. Trial juries do not like trump. Trumps lawyers do not like trump. John Kelly does not like trump. Hell, trumps own wife doesnt like trump. Maybe trumps dog would like trump but trump doesnt like dogs. I dont like trump. You love trump. Get the picture? :)