Only one word for it, Trump is a massive pussy

It's sad how you libs are so indoctrinated. I wish there was some way to deprogram you but I'm afraid you are too far gone. Reality isn't your friend anymore.
Did you just ask me for a dick pick you sick ****?

This isn't the gay hook up sites you frequent on the down low.
I just want to know if your penis size matches your wallet size.

I'm guessing you exaggerate both. Typical Yankee.
I was just proving that it is very possible for high-income people to pay a lower rate than teachers. And no, business owners should not be taxed more. We are the ones who took risks and started to businesses to employ w2 earners. I ate a shit sandwich for years after starting my first business while my w2 high earning friends all took trips together that I could not afford to go on.

I have said before that I think the $400K threshold should be higher, and I think it will have to be for President Harris to get any new tax laws passed.

It's possible, but it's the exception. I think we all know - whether we want to state it or not - that the democrat messaging around "billionaires not paying their share" or now "paying less than teachers and firefighters" and then trying to tax hardworking families making $400K is complete and total bullshit. It's meant to target relatively low IQ, mostly bitter people who want someone else to carry their water.

I earn well over the proposed threshold and I struggle to see how an increased rate anywhere in my income range can be justified. There's no possible way anyone can look at my return and think I'm not paying more than my fair share. The focus should be more on closing loopholes and write-offs, which is what enables your friend to avoid paying a normal rate.