Besides the fact that is a right leaning publication ( ), the study they reference wasn't designed to prove that infected people can reduce the spread by wearing a mask. We all know that they're only effective if all parties are wearing them, not just a sample group of non-infected people.
"But scientists say that’s the wrong takeaway — and even the authors of the study say the results shouldn’t be interpreted to mean masks shouldn’t be worn
"The study was conducted at a time when Danish authorities were not recommending masks to the general public,
so most people both groups would encounter were not likely to be masked. Both groups were told to follow national public health guidance, which included physical distancing, avoiding crowds and washing hands."
Q: Did a recent study in Denmark show that face masks are useless for COVID-19? A: No. The study found that face masks did not have a large protective effect for wearers — not that masks provide no protection at all or don’t offer benefits to others. FULL QUESTION Are masks proven to be useless...
I could also show you 50 studies that say they do reduce the spread if everyone wore a mask, but I'm not going to spend my day going back and forth about this. My point was simply that Trump supporters are willing to give up a testicle to make him right, whether they believe something to be true or not. If Trump was a huge advocate of mask wearing, we wouldn't be having this conversation, because Trump supporters would be all in.