Got my check from George Soros and I'm ready for the communism to begin. Have we nationalized the means of production and banned being white yet? I can't wait!!!!!
I'm just waiting for the BONDAGE!! And the guillotines in the concentration camps. It's only been a day, but keep your eye out.
That's right, I forgot about the bondage. Hey @areeves , when is that shit happening?
Got my check from George Soros and I'm ready for the communism to begin. Have we nationalized the means of production and banned being white yet? I can't wait!!!!!
No, no, no man. The Russian communists are the GOOD GUYS. It's OK to like THEM. Especially if they don't wear shirts. It's the Chinese that are bad. So worse economy, AND if you eat the food you're hungry again after an hour or so...WELCOME COMRADE!
Just sit back & watch, Brother😎That's right, I forgot about the bondage. Hey @areeves , when is that shit happening?
Just sit back & watch, Brother😎
“Their tears” will be your tears!
“Their tears” will be your tears!
No, I’m not in a bunker! By Biden being name President & by the NWO Dems taking the Majority in The Senate, part of Revelation 13 was fulfilled! America is the 2nd Beast in Revelation 13, which is The Lamb with the two horns, representing Religious & Civil Liberty BUT the Lamb starts speaking like a Dragon! America will speak like a Dragon! Here some things they will do.... 1. Raise taxes... 2. Make it harder on Small businesses... 3. Will allow millions of immigrants into America... 4. Attempt to Disarm us... 5. You will hear a lot of chatter about Climate Change Crisis. Yes, there is a Climate Change Crisis but it was caused by the NWO’s Chemtrail Program! Look up in the sky, those are Chemtrails, NOT Contrails. Under the guise of environmental protection, they will roll out Agenda 21 & they will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Research AGENDA 21... it was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992...... 6. Many who take the vaccine will suffer complications from it including allergies & possibly child bearing complications.... 2. Everyone will be required to receive a chip in their hand or forehead. Those who refuse will be prohibited from buying & selling (Revelation 13) Those who do will be the recipient of one or more of 16 Judgements from GOD & once the perish will spend Eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 19)...... We will be forced to Worship the Beast/Antichrist! Those who refuse will be Terminated by Guillotine. (Revelation 13) Those who do will receive the same fate as those who received the Mark Of The Beast (Computer Chip)are you in a bunker right now? I am not trying to make fun of you. I am genuinely curious about when you see this happening.
Enjoy it while you can, you’re “fun” will be turned into Sorrow!It's true - happy tears from laughing so hard! 😂
The guillotine can wait - I'm having too much fun!
Enjoy it while you can, you’re “fun” will be turned into Sorrow!
Not gonna lie, so much schadenfreude going on here.
I can’t give you a date but I can give you an event that will preclude citizens being transported to the FEMA Camps! We’ll be hit by an EMP from a shuttle that was launched by our government on December 13th 2012! The EMP will come in conjunction with a handful of our cities hit with tactical nukes, including D.C. Marshall Law will be declared & authorities will take people to FEMA Camps under the guise they will be protected & provided for!When will I go to the FEMA camp?
I can’t give you a date but I can give you an event that will preclude citizens being transported to the FEMA Camps! We’ll be hit by an EMP from a shuttle that was launched by our government on December 13th 2012! The EMP will come in conjunction with a handful of our cities hit with tactical nukes, including D.C. Marshall Law will be declared & authorities will take people to FEMA Camps under the guise they will be protected & provided for!
Once @ the FEMA Camps, people will be told “the real reason” why they’re there! People will be given a choice to either be “re-educated & Worship the Beast/Antichrist or be Terminated (Revelation 13)
Two things you DON’T want to do... 1. Take the Mark of the Beast (Receiving Computer Chip in Hand or Forehead) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist! Both of these will bring the Judgement of GOD on You & once you Perish, you’ll end up in the Lake of Fire forever! (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)
One thing you need to do, if you haven’t already.... Receive JESUS as Your Lord & Savior! This is how One has their name written in the Lambs Book Of Life (Revelation 20:15) “whoever’s name was NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire!”
The shuttle holding the enriched plutonium was launched on December 13, 2012! Say what you will but I’m telling you the truth & you’ll experience it.The electromagnetic pulse was sent 9 years ago? You're fun!
The shuttle holding the enriched plutonium was launched on December 13, 2012! Say what you will but I’m telling you the truth & you’ll experience it.
It’s coming right in front of your facewe’ll be waiting craycray
It’s coming right in front of your face
Just sit back & watch things unfoldjust like the Storm, right?
Just sit back & watch things unfold
Just sit back & watch things unfold
I’m not, just before the EMP/Tactical Nuke attack, there will be a breach/hack & the NWO will steal our money out of our accounts & they’ll blame it on the usual suspects.... Russia, China, North Korea or Iran or a combination of the four! The EMP/Nuke attack will be the beginning of the 4th Seal, which will be the beginning of the end for Christians. The people who receive the Mark & Worship the Beast antichrist will be slaves to the NWO & will go through the Tribulation starting with the 6 Seal in Revelation 6.can you give any specifics on the timeline. I would like to sell all my shit and book that one way ticket around the world for me the extended family about a month before the event happens. When are you going to liquidate your positions?
No problem, it’s coming right up your assyou’ll have to forgive me if I don’t hold my breath
Got my check from George Soros and I'm ready for the communism to begin. Have we nationalized the means of production and banned being white yet? I can't wait!!!!!
Got a liberal ‘fact checker’ site saying a Communist tyrant didn’t say something evil..umm ok![]()
Did Nikita Khrushchev Say 'We'll Keep Feeding You Small Doses of Socialism'?
The Soviet leader allegedly boasted that Americans would suddenly waken to find they lived under
Didn't actually say this,but not surprising that you guys eat this shit up
Got a liberal ‘fact checker’ site saying a Communist tyrant didn’t say something evil..umm ok
Serious question.. does it pain most leftists that the Soviet Union crumbled before they actually did destroy the US? I mean many Communist groups in this country are still trying to accomplish it, and they’re doing a pretty good job..
I'm not even close to a Communist, and I'm not certain that you know what the difference is between a Communist,socialist, democratic socialist, or someone who just leans to the left socially.
What's sad is that you think your response makes you look smart, without even realizing that I provided a source saying that what you posted wasn't factually correct, and you relied with a "nuh uh"
Serious question.. does it pain most leftists that the Soviet Union crumbled before they actually did destroy the US? I mean many Communist groups in this country are still trying to accomplish it, and they’re doing a pretty good job..
Got a liberal ‘fact checker’ site saying a Communist tyrant didn’t say something evil..umm ok
No, I’ve read some of your posts to other people and I don’t believe you’re a Communist.. you seem pretty fair minded. It was just a general question honestly. And no I don’t believe all Democrats are Socialists or Communists. I believe there is a wing of the party that is Socialist, and over the years they have gained more traction and influence in the Democratic Party. The wing that’s Marxist are your Antifa nuts and some other groups. Hell, they were attacking the Democratic Party building in Portland the other night , I think they’re getting bi polar.I'm not even close to a Communist, and I'm not certain that you know what the difference is between a Communist,socialist, democratic socialist, or someone who just leans to the left socially.
What's sad is that you think your response makes you look smart, without even realizing that I provided a source saying that what you posted wasn't factually correct, and you relied with a "nuh uh"