I just got back from the ANTIFA meeting

No, I’ve read some of your posts to other people and I don’t believe you’re a Communist.. you seem pretty fair minded. It was just a general question honestly. And no I don’t believe all Democrats are Socialists or Communists. I believe there is a wing of the party that is Socialist, and over the years they have gained more traction and influence in the Democratic Party. The wing that’s Marxist are your Antifa nuts and some other groups. Hell, they were attacking the Democratic Party building in Portland the other night , I think they’re getting bi polar.

And I wasn’t trying to look smart or any particular way.. But I’m not going to trust a liberal fact checker about Kruschev.. I remember as a kid seeing the videos where he slammed his fist on the desk and said they would overtake the US (or something of that sort), if he didn’t say the meme I posted , he said many other horrific anti US statements , so Im not gonna waste another second disputing whether he said this or that , because for sure he was a real POS.

Kruschev was a bad dude. But he never said this, regardless of whether you trust the website.

This is the core problem w conservatives. They don’t understand that the truth doesn’t care about your snowflake feelings. It’s still the truth.
Kruschev was a bad dude. But he never said this, regardless of whether you trust the website.

This is the core problem w conservatives. They don’t understand that the truth doesn’t care about your snowflake feelings. It’s still the truth.
Well I sure triggered king Dipshit .. lol..and it surprises me that you think Kruschev was a bad guy. Don’t say that out loud at your next Antifa meeting there bud.

And this is the core problem with liberals. Encreasingly they are stating what the Truth is. If you do not agree to their truth, they will call you a racist, bigot, this phobe and that phobe. They are already censoring conservatives views on social media. Because they’re not speaking Their Truth. This will ultimately lead to a Ministry of Truth. They’re already saying on your favorite liberal cable news channels that conservatives need to be re-programmed. Are you kidding me? In America? In all authoritarian governments this is how it starts. They stamp out free speech because by god, all dissent has to be stopped. The government tells you what The Truth is. And no, I don’t believe in this Q nonsense bullshit. That was some far out there idiocy. . but what I just stated is The Truth. I don’t expect you to agree with it though, because in your mind Your Truth is all that matters. Next will come religious persecution, because the Government is the god, and religion gets in the way, because real people of faith will not bow the knee. Long day, I’m hitting the sack so you’ll have to carry on without me.
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Well I sure triggered king Dipshit .. lol..and it surprises me that you think Kruschev was a bad guy. Don’t say that out loud at your next Antifa meeting there bud.

And this is the core problem with liberals. Encreasingly they are stating what the Truth is. If you do not agree to their truth, they will call you a racist, bigot, this phobe and that phobe. They are already censoring conservatives views on social media. Because they’re not speaking Their Truth. This will ultimately lead to a Ministry of Truth. They’re already saying on your favorite liberal cable news channels that conservatives need to be re-programmed. Are you kidding me? In America? In all authoritarian governments this is how it starts. They stamp out free speech because by god, all dissent has to be stopped. The government tells you what The Truth is. And no, I don’t believe in this Q nonsense bullshit. That was some far out there idiocy. . but what I just stated is The Truth. I don’t expect you to agree with it though, because in your mind Your Truth is all that matters. Next will come religious persecution, because the Government is the god, and religion gets in the way, because real people of faith will not bow the knee. Long day, I’m hitting the sack so you’ll have to carry on without me.

Who got triggered, now?
No, I’m not in a bunker! By Biden being name President & by the NWO Dems taking the Majority in The Senate, part of Revelation 13 was fulfilled! America is the 2nd Beast in Revelation 13, which is The Lamb with the two horns, representing Religious & Civil Liberty BUT the Lamb starts speaking like a Dragon! America will speak like a Dragon! Here some things they will do.... 1. Raise taxes... 2. Make it harder on Small businesses... 3. Will allow millions of immigrants into America... 4. Attempt to Disarm us... 5. You will hear a lot of chatter about Climate Change Crisis. Yes, there is a Climate Change Crisis but it was caused by the NWO’s Chemtrail Program! Look up in the sky, those are Chemtrails, NOT Contrails. Under the guise of environmental protection, they will roll out Agenda 21 & they will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit. Research AGENDA 21... it was signed into law by George Bush SR in 1992...... 6. Many who take the vaccine will suffer complications from it including allergies & possibly child bearing complications.... 2. Everyone will be required to receive a chip in their hand or forehead. Those who refuse will be prohibited from buying & selling (Revelation 13) Those who do will be the recipient of one or more of 16 Judgements from GOD & once the perish will spend Eternity in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 19)...... We will be forced to Worship the Beast/Antichrist! Those who refuse will be Terminated by Guillotine. (Revelation 13) Those who do will receive the same fate as those who received the Mark Of The Beast (Computer Chip)
Have you ever considered seeing a therapist?
You havent proven anything other than to yourself and your libtard buds.

Again, I'm hardly a liberal, you think anyone who doesn't think Donald Trump is the greatest president ever is a liberal.

Also, how about that Storm? Boy it was something. Q sure did nail it.
Again, I'm hardly a liberal, you think anyone who doesn't think Donald Trump is the greatest president ever is a liberal.

Also, how about that Storm? Boy it was something. Q sure did nail it.

Keep telling yourself that.
Keep telling yourself that.

Wait, do you believe that the Face Off thing happened and Trump is still in the Oval office?

You want to know how I know it's not true, other than the medical impossibilities of it?

It's been like 4 days and the president hasn't insulted anyone or said anything dumb.