
Can't wait to win so much.
In all sincerity Ice, I hope you're safe and I'm sorry you didn't get that pizza party you were craving so much.
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Iceheart be like


about the whole election thing.....

Glad you brought it up, Amy. I was worried about my friend Ice too. :)
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I bet Amy is fat. You are aren't you Amy?
Sorry loser, Amy's a hotty, like most conservative woman, marriage material.
I've seen her pic on this board.
Liberal women are the ones that can't get a man cause they're so ugly, so they become dykes and hate on pretty lady's. Go back and watch your Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. MAGA!!
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Iceheart used to love called The Don, Drump. Looks like he's not laughing anymore.

The Lib's will continue to lose a say so in government, as long as they continue their PC garbage and racist tendencies.
Sorry loser, Amy's a hotty, like most conservative woman, marriage material.
I've seen her pic on this board.
Liberal women are the ones that can't get a man cause they're so ugly, so they become dykes and hate on pretty lady's. Go back and watch your Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. MAGA!!

Thank you Earle! Hal needs to quit hatin on all us peeps that are MAGA.
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and think about the stupidity of the justice dept actually going after the city of denver for only hiring us citizens to carry handguns and have access to high caliber weapons.

cant wait to get rid of loretta lynch and all these liberals who scatter our govt with nonsense.
@iceheart08 ... In all seriousness, glad you are ok. I was a little worried. Guess you will post again when you are ready. Take care. :)
We regularly host 30-60 people at our house twice a week for business entertaining purposes. I swear the Scotsman has never run out of ice!

It's a little pricey ($3k ish) but well worth it.

Hmmmm. I'm building a house now. Might need to spec this in. Does it make Sonic ice?