Illegal Immigrants Eating Our Pets? Cats, Ducks, Geese. Now Bald Eagles Too!!!

And when you are voting, remember that Kamala was so disliked by her own constituents that she was the first candidate to drop out in the 2020 primary. And she had the most money. Multiple left wing outlets were talking about replacing her on the 2024 ticket because she was highly unpopular and disliked. They considered her a drag on the ticket.

If the Democrats held a true open and contested primary, Kamala Harris probably would not have finished in the top 3.

Thems just the fax y'all
Middle aged and still trolling message boards. No wonder he had a meltdown when yoshi mentioned his family is probably embarrassed by him. Sounds like he was 100% correct.
You can just feel the desperation. Kamala never really had a surge in the polls. Y'all know that was fake right?
You know. I argue with @Willence all the time, and it's been pretty heated at times, but at least he will admit when he's been wrong. I respect that

These other guys are just a joke
You can just feel the desperation. Kamala never really had a surge in the polls. Y'all know that was fake right?
I'm not the one spamming messageboards every day with a bunch of RW nonsense that, more often than not, ends up being horse shit. You do you, though!
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Middle aged and still trolling message boards. No wonder he had a meltdown when yoshi mentioned his family is probably embarrassed by him. Sounds like he was 100% correct.
Honestly I can't believe there are people that still fall for some of this shit. What's worse that i multi-task and waste time on here or that some nimrods care enough to get trolled. Im not sure tbh. Both are pretty sad. lol.

That being said, Kamla is a god awful candidate. Even Democrats hate her.

The cackels will turn people away. Its so off putting. Can i get a betting line on if she cackles during the debate @yoshi121374 ? You know her handlers are coaching her not to cackle. If it comes out, you will know she has totally lost it and made a big mistake. Im thinking like 20-1 she does NOT cackle.
Honestly I can't believe there are people that still fall for some of this shit. What's worse that i multi-task and waste time on here or that some nimrods care enough to get trolled. Im not sure tbh. Both are pretty sad. lol.

That being said, Kamla is a god awful candidate. Even Democrats hate her.

The cackels will turn people away. Its so off putting. Can i get a betting line on if she cackles during the debate @yoshi121374 ? You know her handlers are coaching her not to cackle. If it comes out, you will know she has totally lost it and made a big mistake. Im thinking like 20-1 she does NOT cackle.
Literally this meme.
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You know. I argue with @Willence all the time, and it's been pretty heated at times, but at least he will admit when he's been wrong. I respect that

These other guys are just a joke
Reminds me of my first back and forth with Willence where he complained about the Dems on here being over the top when talking about Trump’s meaning on whatever his dog whistle or statement requiring a high level of nuance was that day, and then turned around and said “Kamala encouraged rioting”. I pointed that out and he never said a thing…
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Reminds me of my first back and forth with Willence where he complained about the Dems on here being over the top when talking about Trump’s meaning on whatever his dog whistle or statement requiring a high level of nuance was that day, and then turned around and said “Kamala encouraged rioting”. I pointed that out and he never said a thing…
She bailed the rioters out right?

She called DEFFUND THE POLICE right?

Yes, yes she did.
I’ve got receipts for when she supported it and when she didn’t support it. Which ones do you want first @UrHuckleberry ?
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Pretty much like all her stances. They change like a fart in the wind. Because she is not a leader. She is a pathetic unqualified candidate that is only where she is because of her skin color.
Obviously these racist liberals on here don't believe a black man.
Speaking of, Trump is on track to receive a much higher percentage of the black vote than in 2020.

Black folks realize that many of the dollars that traditionally go to their communities are now going to illegals.

They know if they want economic prosperity, which they do, then Trump is the answer.
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