Imagine being this gal

Face palm emoji if I knew how to do it. This is how Biden got elected from false crap like this.
Trump hates facts like the ones Fauci gives him, no? “Wear a mask” ....”stay six feet apart” “quarantine yourself if you have any contact with people that contract the virus”.

We have multiple threads each week now asking for prayers for themselves or their families now; most of which are like you. A trumper that doesn’t believe Fauci or the science that trump told you was fake news.

Take a look at @CUGladiator . He ignored Fauci and the science and hosted a super spreader event and is now asking for prayers.
Trump hates facts like the ones Fauci gives him, no? “Wear a mask” ....”stay six feet apart” “quarantine yourself if you have any contact with people that contract the virus”.

We have multiple threads each week now asking for prayers for themselves or their families now; most of which are like you. A trumper that doesn’t believe Fauci or the science that trump told you was fake news.

Take a look at @CUGladiator . He ignored Fauci and the science and hosted a super spreader event and is now asking for prayers.

Fauci also said masks weren’t necessary.
In the beginning since PPE was in short supply. Covid was also brand new and everyone was stilll learning.

So that is an excuse for saying they were not necessary....LMAO ….there was plenty of evidence masks helped back then
LOL at Biden getting 81 million "legal" votes. If you believe that, you are an even bigger dumb ass than I thought.
Your dear leader has yet to provide proof of this alleged voter fraud. You’re an imbecile for believing him. I feel sorry for your family to have such a sorry excuse for a father and husband.
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What’s scary is that Trump feels this way about Dr. Fauci. So glad we came together as a great democracy should, and voted that dumb ass out of office!
We voted in an even bigger dumbass. Have you been paying attention at all.

1. China is to Biden what Russia was supposedly to Trump.

2. Sexual assault allegations...Biden...yep

3. Full of BS...both are.
The only difference is Biden belongs to the party of free shit and he's the only one who can openly insult minorities and still get their vote. He's also the only one who can't consistently string together complete sentences while speaking to an audience.

4. Biden only pretends to care about your feelings while Trump is truthful about not giving a shit about what you think.

5. Trump actually puts America's best interests first as opposed to Mao Tse Biden who approves of his party sending billions of dollars to foreign countries and offering you $600 after their stupid ass shut downs destroyed people's lives.

Meanwhile we have American kids and vets sleeping in the streets but those darn gender studies in Bumf**kedistan is so much more important. If you think voting Democrat will be America's saving grace, you are in a serious state of denial.
ALL politicians are scum but Democrats are the shit trails left behind by the scum as it slithers around feeding off the American people.
Your dear leader has yet to provide proof of this alleged voter fraud. You’re an imbecile for believing him. I feel sorry for your family to have such a sorry excuse for a father and husband.

Again, you are a moron if you do not believe voter fraud took place. How about take a minute from CNN and MSNBC, do some research on your own, perhaps try to do some analysis on your own if you are capable of doing such, and it will be clear there is plenty of fraud in this election. You are just unwilling to look and the MSM is unwilling to cover it because the fix has been in since the beginning.

BTW ... Would love to chat in person about this perhaps at a tailgate next year assuming things are back to normal. Would love for you to make that last comment to me in person. Wachovia not needed ... tailgate will work just fine.
Again, you are a moron if you do not believe voter fraud took place. How about take a minute from CNN and MSNBC, do some research on your own, perhaps try to do some analysis on your own if you are capable of doing such, and it will be clear there is plenty of fraud in this election. You are just unwilling to look and the MSM is unwilling to cover it because the fix has been in since the beginning.

BTW ... Would love to chat in person about this perhaps at a tailgate next year assuming things are back to normal. Would love for you to make that last comment to me in person. Wachovia not needed ... tailgate will work just fine.
And this whole time I thought the courts actually decided on facts and evidence. Turns out its just CNN or MSNBC.

How about that.
And this whole time I thought the courts actually decided on facts and evidence. Turns out its just CNN or MSNBC.

How about that.

The SCOTUS apparently does not want to get involved with the election due to rioting from the lunatic left. They would rather pander to these thugs than uphold the law. A SCOTUS staff member even reported that he/she heard Roberts yelling at other Justices to this effect behind closed doors. Roberts is also corrupt and should be in jail, but that topic is for another thread.

State courts have not done anything because, as stated above, they either do not want to get involved with the election or are also corrupt. They rule based on their political affiliation and not based on the facts.

None of this matters in the end though. Everyone will be held accountable one day - whether in this life or the next. Every lie will be revealed in due time.
imagine working for a corrupt foreign government and disagreeing with the leader. imagine that's enough to get you fired.
Your dear leader has yet to provide proof of this alleged voter fraud. You’re an imbecile for believing him. I feel sorry for your family to have such a sorry excuse for a father and husband.
Once again get your head out of your ass. There is video proof and sworn affidavits attesting to voter fraud. The problem is all these sorry politicians are gonna cover their own asses and protect the "institution" at all costs because God forbid they lose their cash cow (Congresssional seats) and actually have to give up their power and go back to being regular people.

Have you noticed how quiet all the Republicans have become since the election and how most are scared to death to show support for Trump amid this 3rd world paper ballot election?

Nothing unites Republicans and Democrats like the fear of being exposed for the criminals they are and having an American patriot uprising on their hands.

They have to keep all us stupid poors in line and keep us obedient and trusting them with our beloved country which they are slowly but surely running into the ground. Theres are reason politicians do not want term limits. Once in power, they are hard to vote out.
I'm sure the left (and some of the right) will finally speak out against their masters