Imagine being this gal

The SCOTUS apparently does not want to get involved with the election due to rioting from the lunatic left. They would rather pander to these thugs than uphold the law. A SCOTUS staff member even reported that he/she heard Roberts yelling at other Justices to this effect behind closed doors. Roberts is also corrupt and should be in jail, but that topic is for another thread.

State courts have not done anything because, as stated above, they either do not want to get involved with the election or are also corrupt. They rule based on their political affiliation and not based on the facts.

None of this matters in the end though. Everyone will be held accountable one day - whether in this life or the next. Every lie will be revealed in due time.
There's been plenty of evidence shown on news outlets of voter fraud. Even more votes in states than registered voters.

Interesting read on where these ballot machines were produced as well and thats not being covered.
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There's been plenty of evidence shown on news outlets of voter fraud. Even more votes in states than registered voters.

Interesting read on where these ballot machines were produced as well and thats not being covered.

Thankful for those who are pursuing this and the truth. Sidney Powell should be/have been appointed as Special Counsel to go after it.
Again, you are a moron if you do not believe voter fraud took place. How about take a minute from CNN and MSNBC, do some research on your own, perhaps try to do some analysis on your own if you are capable of doing such, and it will be clear there is plenty of fraud in this election. You are just unwilling to look and the MSM is unwilling to cover it because the fix has been in since the beginning.

BTW ... Would love to chat in person about this perhaps at a tailgate next year assuming things are back to normal. Would love for you to make that last comment to me in person. Wachovia not needed ... tailgate will work just fine.
Sorry ass husband and father was harsh. My apologies.

Idiot? That’s more your speed.
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again @ Superics28, you are an idiot. You run that mouth hid behind your keyboard, Yet your piss-ant brain is ridiculous. You want to pick a fight, this retired navy seal is your huckleberry. But i want to do it in person.
You want to fight bc your feelings are hurt? Wow. Chill out.
There's been plenty of evidence shown on news outlets of voter fraud. Even more votes in states than registered voters.

Interesting read on where these ballot machines were produced as well and thats not being covered.
Show me proof
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The SCOTUS apparently does not want to get involved with the election due to rioting from the lunatic left. They would rather pander to these thugs than uphold the law. A SCOTUS staff member even reported that he/she heard Roberts yelling at other Justices to this effect behind closed doors. Roberts is also corrupt and should be in jail, but that topic is for another thread.

State courts have not done anything because, as stated above, they either do not want to get involved with the election or are also corrupt. They rule based on their political affiliation and not based on the facts.

None of this matters in the end though. Everyone will be held accountable one day - whether in this life or the next. Every lie will be revealed in due time.
None of what you said has any validity to it or actual logic. I feel bad that you seem to believe this and hope you find peace one day.

Gotta get off NewsMax.
There's been plenty of evidence shown on news outlets of voter fraud. Even more votes in states than registered voters.

Interesting read on where these ballot machines were produced as well and thats not being covered.
Show the evidence. You got it? Show it. Otherwise, quit the false rhetoric.
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It was a historic year for the USA, but I'm not really sure what you're asking.
Not really asking.
Agreeing with what I took your sentiment to be. Forgive me if I was wrong, while I climb atop my short soapbox.

I believe that as crazy, weird and difficult 2020 has been, 2021 will be off the charts more different and difficult than anything anyone could have imagined 5, 10, 20, 50+ years ago.
Forever, really.

You said "We The People have just about had enough."
I'm not sure who 'We the People' are anymore.
I think I know, or at least I think I knew.

If correct in my assumption, I wonder what action(s), if any, that 'silent segment' (can it still be called the 'silent majority'?) will produce. And what effect that may have.

So many sheeple are giving up rights and cow-towing to pseudo leaders/goverments and abandoning all that the Bill of Rights and Constitution have long granted Americans; those things that made America what it was.
We started destroying our country from the inside out many years ago.
Is it too late to turn back?

It has become so easy to just look the other way if there is some promise that 'you'll be taken care of'. Really?, they ask. "OK do whatever you want, and we'll do whatever you say..........Just take care of us, OK?"

The overwhelming majority of sheeple have no idea what those two monumental documents I referenced above have to say, nor how it could and should impact them and our Nation. They got us started, guided us for a century or so, and are now prevailingly ignored.

When, IF, a stand is taken, the uncomfortable collision of ideology of the 2020 America will/might pale in the face of 2021 America.....when/if history is written of it.
Trump hates facts like the ones Fauci gives him, no? “Wear a mask” ....”stay six feet apart” “quarantine yourself if you have any contact with people that contract the virus”.

We have multiple threads each week now asking for prayers for themselves or their families now; most of which are like you. A trumper that doesn’t believe Fauci or the science that trump told you was fake news.

Take a look at @CUGladiator . He ignored Fauci and the science and hosted a super spreader event and is now asking for prayers.

Yet you choose to ignore the times Fauci said Trump did everything Fauci suggested and did, in fact, listen to him. Fauci has done more damage with his flip-flopping than anyone and he needs to just go away. He is not credible, at all.
Yet you choose to ignore the times Fauci said Trump did everything Fauci suggested and did, in fact, listen to him. Fauci has done more damage with his flip-flopping than anyone and he needs to just go away. He is not credible, at all.
Trump said it wasn’t a big deal and it would just go away.
You had to have some idea of where this thread would go.
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74+ million legit votes is much more believable than 81+ million aided by massive mail-in votes & 4 am ballot drops...
“Look, I just don’t believe that THAT many people are more intelligent than me”.
I’m assuming LeBron supports this conviction and sentence.

Has he tweeted about it yet?

There are a lot of people in this country (on the left) that would support this. Much of the media as well, for those who don't accept a particular viewpoint. This is exactly what our Socialist/Communist/Marxist Utopia that so many people want is going to look like. And this is what we are heading toward at this present time. So, for those who want government to tell you what to do and how to do it, get used to it!!!
None of what you said has any validity to it or actual logic. I feel bad that you seem to believe this and hope you find peace one day.

Gotta get off NewsMax.

There is plenty of evidence. Get your head out of your ass and do your own research.
I'm so sick of this back and forth childish ass politics
Grow the bleep up America
He was the worst potus ever. 81 million great Americans say so.
Really and probably on 50 million way Biden got 81 million REAL votes! Nobody believes that. Fraud all the way.

Its ok, we will all be ok paying higher taxes, have open borders with Mexico to let all the cartel in, allow boys to play girl sports, defund police, aborting babies, having colleges continue to push Marxist/Socialist agendas, sending jobs back to China, and continue the partnership with the mainstream media outlets for lib propaganda purposes. God help us if the dems win the Ga. senate race
  • Haha
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Really and probably on 50 million way Biden got 81 million REAL votes! Nobody believes that. Fraud all the way.

Its ok, we will all be ok paying higher taxes, have open borders with Mexico to let all the cartel in, allow boys to play girl sports, defund police, aborting babies, having colleges continue to push Marxist/Socialist agendas, sending jobs back to China, and continue the partnership with the mainstream media outlets for lib propaganda purposes. God help us if the dems win the Ga. senate race

The hilariously frightening part about your post is Dems will mock and ridicule you for what you posted and call you nuts. Then those things will happen and they will tell you to get over it and stop being a bigot or zealot

Were literally at a point in Western society where 50ish percent of the population will not only condone boys playing against girls in athletics, but attempt to destroy someone’s life if they try to raise concerns over it
Really and probably on 50 million way Biden got 81 million REAL votes! Nobody believes that. Fraud all the way.

Its ok, we will all be ok paying higher taxes, have open borders with Mexico to let all the cartel in, allow boys to play girl sports, defund police, aborting babies, having colleges continue to push Marxist/Socialist agendas, sending jobs back to China, and continue the partnership with the mainstream media outlets for lib propaganda purposes. God help us if the dems win the Ga. senate race
Lololololol what a moron
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Not really asking.
Agreeing with what I took your sentiment to be. Forgive me if I was wrong, while I climb atop my short soapbox.

I believe that as crazy, weird and difficult 2020 has been, 2021 will be off the charts more different and difficult than anything anyone could have imagined 5, 10, 20, 50+ years ago.
Forever, really.

You said "We The People have just about had enough."
I'm not sure who 'We the People' are anymore.
I think I know, or at least I think I knew.

If correct in my assumption, I wonder what action(s), if any, that 'silent segment' (can it still be called the 'silent majority'?) will produce. And what effect that may have.

So many sheeple are giving up rights and cow-towing to pseudo leaders/goverments and abandoning all that the Bill of Rights and Constitution have long granted Americans; those things that made America what it was.
We started destroying our country from the inside out many years ago.
Is it too late to turn back?

It has become so easy to just look the other way if there is some promise that 'you'll be taken care of'. Really?, they ask. "OK do whatever you want, and we'll do whatever you say..........Just take care of us, OK?"

The overwhelming majority of sheeple have no idea what those two monumental documents I referenced above have to say, nor how it could and should impact them and our Nation. They got us started, guided us for a century or so, and are now prevailingly ignored.

When, IF, a stand is taken, the uncomfortable collision of ideology of the 2020 America will/might pale in the face of 2021 America.....when/if history is written of it.
The last straw for me personally will be if/when KH and BO try to start a gun registry. They don't need to worry about me or my guns, I'm a good guy. The only people who should worry about my guns are bad guys, so they will have outed themselves.

I would say that I will fire the first shots of CW2 myself, but I can just about guarantee that someone else will beat me to it. I'll still do my part though, with much pleasure.
The last straw for me personally will be if/when KH and BO try to start a gun registry. They don't need to worry about me or my guns, I'm a good guy. The only people who should worry about my guns are bad guys, so they will have outed themselves.

I would say that I will fire the first shots of CW2 myself, but I can just about guarantee that someone else will beat me to it. I'll still do my part though, with much pleasure.
Post proof
The last straw for me personally will be if/when KH and BO try to start a gun registry. They don't need to worry about me or my guns, I'm a good guy. The only people who should worry about my guns are bad guys, so they will have outed themselves.

I would say that I will fire the first shots of CW2 myself, but I can just about guarantee that someone else will beat me to it. I'll still do my part though, with much pleasure.
That's sorta along the lines of what I took from your post that I originally commented on.
There is plenty of evidence. Get your head out of your ass and do your own research.
Nah you make the false claims, its your responsibility to show proof for them.

I dont believe factless claims from the losing president so its not my job to find support for those claims.
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The hilariously frightening part about your post is Dems will mock and ridicule you for what you posted and call you nuts. Then those things will happen and they will tell you to get over it and stop being a bigot or zealot

Were literally at a point in Western society where 50ish percent of the population will not only condone boys playing against girls in athletics, but attempt to destroy someone’s life if they try to raise concerns over it

Not exactly sports but......

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We voted in an even bigger dumbass. Have you been paying attention at all.

1. China is to Biden what Russia was supposedly to Trump.

Exactly how. What evidence has been prevented for this?

2. Sexual assault allegations...Biden...yep

Trump: 26 credible allegations of sexual assault and Trump on camera bragging that he "grabs them by the pussy"

Biden: 1 allegation that has been thoroughly debunked.

3. Full of BS...both are.
The only difference is Biden belongs to the party of free shit and he's the only one who can openly insult minorities and still get their vote. He's also the only one who can't consistently string together complete sentences while speaking to an audience.



As for stringing together complete sentences:

And let's not forget, that at least Biden can walk down a ramp and drink a glass of water.

4. Biden only pretends to care about your feelings while Trump is truthful about not giving a shit about what you think.

I've known Joe Biden since I was 10. You can make plenty of criticisms of the man, but suggesting he doesn't care about people is one that everyone knows is just false. And the fact that you praise the fact that Trump doesn't give a shit about Americans - well, that shows a lot.

5. Trump actually puts America's best interests first as opposed to Mao Tse Biden who approves of his party sending billions of dollars to foreign countries and offering you $600 after their stupid ass shut downs destroyed people's lives.

Meanwhile we have American kids and vets sleeping in the streets but those darn gender studies in Bumf**kedistan is so much more important. If you think voting Democrat will be America's saving grace, you are in a serious state of denial.
ALL politicians are scum but Democrats are the shit trails left behind by the scum as it slithers around feeding off the American people.

Trump puts America first like here?

Or here?

Or here?

Or here?